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- <meta name="description" content="Turn the Beaglebone Black into a personal communications server"
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- <h1 class="title"></h1>
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- <p><img src="images/logo.png" alt="logo.png" />
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- <p>
- So you want to run your own internet services? Email, chat, VoIP, web sites, file synchronisation, wikis, blogs, social networks, media hosting, backups, VPN. Freedombone enables you to do all of that in a self-hosted way, where you keep control of your data and it resides in your own home.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can run Freedombone on an old laptop or a single board computer. See the <a href="./installmethods.html">list of installation methods</a>. You can also use it to <a href="./mesh.html">set up a mesh network</a> in your local area.
- </p>
- <p>
- Check out the <a href="./apps.html">list of available apps</a> and <a href="./faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a> section.
- </p>
- <p>
- Disk images which can be cloned straight to USB or microSD drives are <a href="./downloads/current">available here</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you find bugs, or want to add a new app to this system see the <a href="./devguide.html">Developers Guide</a> and <a href="./codeofconduct.html">Code of Conduct</a>. There is a Matrix chat room available at <b>#fbone:matrix.freedombone.net</b>.
- </p>
- <p>
- If you like this project and want to support continued development then <a href="./support.html">here's what to do</a>.
- </p>
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- <p>
- This site can also be accessed via a Tor browser at <a href="http://yjxlc3imv7obva4grjae6u3qw527koaytrgjgdp364hmthrst3jodiid.onion">http://yjxlc3imv7obva4grjae6u3qw527koaytrgjgdp364hmthrst3jodiid.onion</a>. This documentation is under the <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.txt">GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3</a>
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