beaglebone.txt 271KB

  1. #+TITLE: FreedomBone
  2. #+AUTHOR: Bob Mottram
  3. #+EMAIL:
  4. #+KEYWORDS: freedombox, debian, beaglebone, friendica, email, web server, home server, internet, censorship, surveillance, social network, irc, jabber
  5. #+DESCRIPTION: Turn the Beaglebone Black into a personal communications server
  6. #+OPTIONS: ^:nil
  7. #+STYLE: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css" />
  9. *How to turn the Beaglebone Black into a FreedomBox-like personal communications server*
  10. #+END_CENTER
  11. [[./images/freedombone_small.jpg]]
  13. Copyright (C) 2014 Bob Mottram
  14. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the [[][GNU Free Documentation License]], Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
  15. Source for this web site in [[][Emacs org-mode]] format is available [[/beaglebone.txt][here]]. Comments or patches may be submitted via [[][Github]].
  16. #+END_CENTER
  17. * Introduction
  19. /The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost. The battle for liberty always continues. It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom. No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope. No matter how free we are we are never safe. Nothing ever limits the government, except the people. Any generation which fails to defend freedom will lose it, and the next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back./
  20. -- John Perna
  21. #+END_VERSE
  22. ** What is FreedomBone?
  23. Today many of us rely upon "free" services in the cloud, such as Gmail, Facebook, Google+ and so on. It might appear that these services are indispensible infrastructure of the modern internet, but actually they're not strictly needed and the amount of value which they deliver to the average internet user is very marginal. It is possible to be a citizen of the internet and yet not use those things - to disintermediate the most well known companies and cut out their prurient or merely cringeworthy business models.
  24. FreedomBone is a personal home communications server based upon the BeagleBone Black hardware. It's small and cheap and will allow you to use email, have your own web site and do social networking in a federated way without needing to rely upon any intermediary companies other than your ISP.
  25. ** Do I need any prior knowledge?
  26. In these instructions only a minimal level of familiarity with Linux is assumed. It's assumed that you know the basics of the /nano/ and /emacs/ editors, but it would be simple to also use other editors if you prefer.
  27. ** Why should I do this?
  28. You should consider doing this if you are a freedom-oriented sort of person and you want to maintain sovereignty over your information. Laws in many places in the world consider you to have relinquished any property rights over data which you put onto a server not owned by youself (i.e. owned by a third party, such as Google or Facebook). The frequently cited and often absurd mantra is that there is "/no reasonable expectation of privacy/".
  29. If you don't like the idea of having all your communications intercepted and investigated by the Surveillance State then you should consider running a FreedomBone. If your profession involves maintaining confidentiality as an essential feature, such as legal or medical services, counselling, teaching or any sort of activism then you should consider running a FreedomBone. Especially if your activities include [[][systems administration]] or [[][software engineering for any communications-related systems]] then it is highly likely that you have already been targeted and "tasked" by the surveillance apparatus.
  30. As Eben Moglen noted in his now famous [[]["Freedom in The Cloud"]] talk the simple fact of you keeping your own internet logs (found in the /var/log directory) puts a certain amount of power in your hands and takes it away from parties who would otherwise sell that information without your knowledge or permission to advertisers or other shady outfits who may not have your best interests at heart.
  31. ** After it's installed will it need a lot of maintenance?
  32. So long as the hardware is ok the amount of maintenance needed should be very small. Unlike on Windows based systems you don't need to defragment drives or mess about with anti-virus programs. I ran a similar Sheevaplug system between 2010 and 2013 with only occasional software updates or reboots, and uptime was probably 99% or better.
  33. ** Is it secure?
  34. Nothing is totally secure or infallible. You could have the most secure technology and yet still use easy to guess passwords. In general any software described as "uncrackable", "guaranteed secure" or "NSA-proof" is likely to be bogus and should be treated with suspicion. No matter what the hype may claim, all software has bugs so it's really a question of whether your communications are more secure or less secure. Using something like Freedombone will be likely to increase your degree of communications security to a level which is above average.
  35. This system will not defend you from an attacker who is actively trying to block or corrupt your communications, but I assume that doesn't apply in the majority of cases. Another thing to be aware of is that running a FreedomBone could make you more vulnerable to traffic analysis, since the server is associated with your home address and isn't a giant aggregation of users somewhere in the cloud. You need to weigh this alongside the additional legal protection which owning the server and having it in your own home gives you.
  36. FreedomBone should be far more secure than using popular cloud-based services which have spying built into them as a core feature (although not one which is typically advertised), but it is not necessarily any kind of impenetrable information fortress.
  37. This project is not only about security. It's also about having independence and at least in the realm of information being able to have more control over your own life, without having gatekeepers, censors or companies in the middle. That's the way that the internet was designed to be in the first place.
  38. ** Will running a server all the time affect my electricity bill?
  39. Hardly at all. The BeagleBone Black consumes very little power - less than 5W. It would even be potentially possible to run it from a solar panel.
  40. ** Can I use a Raspberry Pi or Cubieboard instead?
  41. These instructions are not highly specific to the Beaglebone Black and so will likely also work on other single board computers (SBCs) such as the [[][Raspberry Pi]] or [[][Cubieboard]]. The original Raspberry Pi only had 256MB of RAM and so the performance of some services may be more limited. The Beaglebone Black was chosen mainly because of its low cost, relatively good CPU performance for the price (by the standards of 2013) and also low electricity consumption. The Cubieboard is also another good alternative, with the A20 version having similar specifications but twice as much RAM as the BeagleBone Black.
  42. ** Why should I trust the packages or source code downloaded from this site?
  43. If you're particularly security conscious then you shouldn't. Binary or source packages have only been included here for convenience and to avoid confusion. "/Go and find a Debian installation for the BeagleBone Black somewhere on the web/" is too vague an instruction for my liking, and I've attempted to keep things as concise and unambiguous as possible - particularly with an average or new Linux user in mind.
  44. However, for maximum security for those software systems which are not already packaged within the Debian repositories then seek out the original sources and verify the hashes independently.
  45. It's worth adopting an attitude of "/trust but verify/". Don't let fear of mass surveillance and [[]["dirty tricks"]] paralyse you into trusting nothing and consequently doing nothing. Doing nothing means that the surveillance apparatus has succeeded in keeping you under observation at all times.
  46. ** Do I need to have a static IP address?
  47. This is often a question which people ask about running a server from home. The answer is that you don't need a static IP address. In the vast majority of cases you will have a dynamic IP address issued by your ISP, which may change from time to time. How then does the DNS system know how to resolve your domain name correctly? To do this you need to use a dynamic IP address system, such as [[][freeDNS]]. The details of that are explained [[Getting onto the web][here]]. Other services are available, but they're not usually /free as in beer/. In this guide a static IP address of is only used within your /local network/ (i.e. not the big bad internet of public IP addresses), so that your internet router can be set up to send incoming traffic to the right computer.
  48. * Inventory
  50. /You can’t help someone just by making a wish to do so, you have to take action./
  51. -- Dalai Lama
  52. #+END_VERSE
  53. These instructions assume that you have the following ingredients.
  54. ** A BeagleBone Black (BBB)
  55. It should come with a suitable USB cable for the initial setup. To make things look nicer you may also want to get a case for it.
  56. ** An internet connection
  57. It is assumed that the most common situation is via a router installed at home. The router should have ethernet sockets on it and a web interface which allows you to forward ports (sometimes under the "firewall" settings), so that you can forward ssh and web traffic to the BBB.
  58. ** microSD card
  59. To use as the main storage for the BBB. 16 or 32GB is fine, and can be obtained quite cheaply. Try to use Sandisk (class 10 or better) where possible and avoid cheaper cards which often have poor performance.
  60. You may also need an SD card adaptor or USB card reader in order to flash the operating image to the microSD card. For instance, many laptops have an SD card slot but not a microSD slot.
  61. ** 5V/2A power supply
  62. With a plug suitable for powering the BBB. If you have some device with a USB socket nearby you may also be able to just use that for electrical power. However, powering from the USB cable alone might result in crashes when the system is under load, depending upon how many milliamps can be supplied by the USB hub/socket. If the system crashes due to running out of power then you will see that the LEDs on the BBB are continuously on, rather than flashing. One way to test whether the board has enough power is to try compiling a Linux kernel on it, but any CPU and disk intensive program will also suffice as a test.
  63. [[][]] gives the following advice on power supplies:
  65. /Power over USB is sufficient as long as the software and system running perform some management to keep it under the USB current limit threshold. For simplicity and maximum capability, powering over the 5V barrel connector is typically recommended./
  66. /The power adapter is required to provide 5V over a 5.5mm outer diameter and 2.1mm inner diameter barrel connector (a barrel connector length of 9.5mm is more than sufficient). The recommended supply current is at least 1.2A (or 6W), but at least 2A (or 10W) is recommended if you are going to connect up anything over the USB./
  67. #+END_VERSE
  68. The plug should be /centre positive/, meaning that the centre/tip is positive and the outer part is negative.
  69. ** An ethernet patch cable
  70. Just an ordinary cat5 or cat6 cable that you can get from most electrical/computer stores.
  71. * Installing Debian onto the microSD card
  72. ** Beaglebone Black
  73. The Debian Linux OS will be installed onto a small flash drive. It's a good idea to do this rather than using the internal flash, because it will allow you to easily create backups of the entire system if necessary using the dd command.
  74. Download the image.
  75. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  76. cd ~/
  77. wget
  78. #+END_SRC
  79. Verify it.
  80. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  81. sha256sum debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar.xz
  82. fc225cfb3c2dfad92cccafa97e92c3cd3db9d94f4771af8da364ef59609f43de
  83. #+END_SRC
  84. Uncompress it.
  85. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  86. tar xJf debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar.xz
  87. cd debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13
  88. #+END_SRC
  89. Create the disk image, where sdX is the name of the flash drive (probably it will be sdb or sdc). An easy way to find out the device name of the flash drive is to enter the command:
  90. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  91. ls /dev/sd*
  92. #+END_SRC
  93. then plug in the flash drive and type the same command again. You'll be able to see the difference. Once you know the device name then you can proceed to install the image onto the flash drive.
  94. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  95. sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools dosfstools git-core kpartx wget parted
  96. sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb beaglebone
  97. #+END_SRC
  98. Once that is completed we need to copy a boot file to enable the system to boot correctly. An example /uEnv.txt/ file can also be [[Boot (uEnv.txt)][seen here]].
  99. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  100. sudo cp /media/$USER/BOOT/bbb-uEnv.txt /media/$USER/BOOT/uEnv.txt
  101. sync
  102. #+END_SRC
  103. Now the microSD card can be safely removed via your file manager (usually right click and "safely remove" or "eject").
  104. ** Cubieboard
  105. The Debian Linux OS will be installed onto a small flash drive. It's a good idea to do this rather than using the internal flash, because it will allow you to easily create backups of the entire system if necessary using the dd command.
  106. Download the Cubieboard image from
  107. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  108. sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
  109. 7z x CUBIAN_IMAGE.7z
  110. #+END_SRC
  111. Create the disk image, where sdX is the name of the flash drive (probably it will be sdb or sdc). An easy way to find out the device name of the flash drive is to enter the command:
  112. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  113. ls /dev/sd*
  114. #+END_SRC
  115. then plug in the flash drive and type the same command again. You'll be able to see the difference. Once you know the device name then you can proceed to install the image onto the flash drive.
  116. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  117. sudo dd if=EXTRACTED_CUBIAN_IMAGE of=/dev/sdX bs=4096; sync
  118. #+END_SRC
  119. * Setup
  120. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  121. /Build the tools for a future you would want to live in/
  122. -- Kurt Opsahl
  123. #+END_VERSE
  124. ** Things to be aware of
  125. *** A note on ssh
  126. When using ssh to log into the BBB if you get warnings of the type "/the ECDSA host key for domain differs from the key for the IP address/" then run the command:
  127. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  128. ssh-keygen -R <IP address>
  129. #+END_SRC
  130. *** Passwords
  131. It's highly recommended that you use a password manager, such as KeepassX, and make all your passwords long random strings. It's also a good idea to use different passwords for different pieces of software, instead of one or two passwords for the whole system. That compartmentalises the security such that even if an attacker gains access to one system they can't necessarily get access to others.
  132. *** HTTPS
  133. Throughout these instructions self signed SSL certificates are used to implement access to web pages via HTTPS. The whole HTTPS security model upon which much of the internet currently rests seems broken in that it usually depends upon "trusted certificate authorities" who are not really trusted, except perhaps by the maintainers of certain web browser software. So all that HTTPS really guarantees is that you have an encrypted connection, but an encrypted connection /to who/ can be subject to doubt. As was seen in 2013 with the [[][information coming from Edward Snowden]], and also the [[][Lavabit email service]], it's possible for companies/organisations to be compromised or bribed and SSL private keys for all users can be demanded using gagging orders or secret laws without any individual user ever being able to know that their communications is no longer secure..
  134. Not knowing who you're really connecting to is especially true for self-signed certificates, so it is in principle possible that when logging into a site with a username and password a system such as [[][Quantum Insert]], or a compromised [[][DNS service]], could be used to direct the user to a fake copy of the login screen for the purposes of obtaining their login details. While this doesn't seem to be a major problem at the time of writing it's something to keep in mind. So if you can't log in or if you log in and what you see doesn't look like your site then it's possible that such a compromise could have taken place. Using a password manager with different login details for each site is one way to ensure that if one system is compromised then the attacker can't necessarily get access to all your other stuff.
  135. ** Initial
  136. Eject the microSD card from your computer and plug it into the BBB, then connect the USB cable between the two. You may need to wait for a couple of minutes for the BBB to boot from the card, then you can then open a terminal and login via ssh.
  137. Note that if you're using a Cubieboard then the ssh login is different (see and it may be easier to directly edit the following files with the microSD card plugged into your laptop.
  138. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  139. ssh debian@
  140. #+END_SRC
  141. The default password is /temppwd/
  142. Then log in as root:
  143. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  144. su
  145. #+END_SRC
  146. The default password is /root/
  147. The first thing to do is to change the passwords from their defaults.
  148. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  149. passwd
  150. #+END_SRC
  151. Then you will need to change the network interfaces. The main task here is to comment out the stuff related to usb0. That will enable you to plug the BBB into the back of a router and for it to be detectable on the network.
  152. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  153. nano /etc/network/interfaces
  154. #+END_SRC
  155. The resulting interfaces file should look like this:
  156. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  157. # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
  158. # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
  159. # The loopback network interface
  160. auto lo
  161. iface lo inet loopback
  162. # The primary network interface
  163. allow-hotplug eth0
  164. iface eth0 inet static
  165. address
  166. netmask
  167. gateway
  168. dns-nameservers
  169. # Example to keep MAC address between reboots
  170. #hwaddress ether DA:AD:CE:EF:CA:FE
  171. # WiFi Example
  172. #auto wlan0
  173. #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  174. # wpa-ssid "essid"
  175. # wpa-psk "password"
  176. # Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether)
  177. # ... or on host side, usbnet and random hwaddr
  178. # Note on some boards, usb0 is automaticly setup with an init script
  179. # in that case, to completely disable remove file [run_boot-scripts] from the boot partition
  180. #iface usb0 inet static
  181. # address
  182. # netmask
  183. # network
  184. # gateway
  185. #+END_SRC
  186. CTRL-o followed by ENTER to save, then CTRL-x to exit.
  187. In the above example "address" is a static IP address for the BBB, which will allow incoming network traffic to be directed from the router in a reliable manner. It should be outside of the DHCP range set up on the router.
  188. "gateway" should be the IP address of the router.
  189. Note that setting the DNS servers with dns-nameservers is important because some home routers do not allow you to change the DNS settings.
  190. Edit resolv.conf.
  191. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  192. nano /etc/resolv.conf
  193. #+END_SRC
  194. It should look something like the following:
  195. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  196. domain localdomain
  197. search localdomain
  198. nameserver
  199. nameserver
  200. #+END_SRC
  201. It's not a good idea to use the DNS servers provided by default by your ISP, since those are almost certainly subject to censorship and monitoring. Other possible IP addresses are:
  202. | DNS IP | Organisation | Location |
  203. |-----------------+--------------------------------+-------------|
  204. | | Digitalcourage | Germany |
  205. | | German Privacy Foundation e.V. | Germany |
  206. | | German Privacy Foundation e.V. | Germany |
  207. | | German Privacy Foundation e.V. | Germany |
  208. | | German Privacy Foundation e.V. | Germany |
  209. | | Chaos Computer Club Berlin | Germany |
  210. | | ClaraNet | Germany |
  211. | | ClaraNet | Germany |
  212. | | OpenNIC | Australia |
  213. | | OpenNIC | Australia |
  214. | | OpenNIC | Australia |
  215. | | OpenNIC | Brazil |
  216. | | OpenNIC | Germany |
  217. | | OpenNIC | Germany |
  218. | | OpenNIC | Germany |
  219. | | OpenNIC | New Zealand |
  220. | | OpenNIC | France |
  221. | | OpenNIC | Czechnya |
  222. | | OpenNIC | USA |
  223. | | OpenNIC | USA |
  224. | | OpenNIC | USA |
  225. | | OpenNIC | USA |
  226. | | PowerNS | Germany |
  227. | | PowerNS | Germany |
  228. | | ValiDOM | Germany |
  229. | | ValiDOM | Germany |
  230. | | Freie Unzensierte Nameserver | Germany |
  231. | | Freie Unzensierte Nameserver | Germany |
  232. | | Christoph Hochstätter | USA |
  233. | | Christoph Hochstätter | Germany |
  234. | | private | Germany |
  235. | | private | Germany |
  236. | | private | Germany |
  237. CTRL-o followed by ENTER to save, then CTRL-x to exit.
  238. Now disconnect the BBB from your computer and plug it into the router. You'll need an ethernet patch cable and you may also need a 5V/1A power supply for the BBB.
  239. If you go to the web administration screen for your internet router (often it's on or then after a few minutes you should see the BBB appear on the network. It's name will be "arm".
  240. If you're using a Cubieboard:
  241. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  242. nano /etc/apt/sources.list
  243. #+END_SRC
  244. Delete the existing sources and replace them with the sources [[Example software sources][listed here]], then save and exit. If you use the default Cubian software sources then dependency problems will occur later on.
  245. ** Add a user
  246. Ssh back in to the BBB and login as root. In this example the BBB's IP address is
  247. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  248. ssh-keygen -f "/home/myusername/.ssh/known_hosts" -R
  249. ssh debian@
  250. su
  251. #+END_SRC
  252. Then make a new user. It's a bad idea to add users to the sudo group, because that then means that an attacker potentially only needs to know one password in order to get administrator access to the system. With no sudoers an attacker needs to know, or be able to obtain, two separate passwords to be able to really compromise the system.
  253. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  254. adduser myusername
  255. #+END_SRC
  256. Exit from the ssh login by typing "exit" a couple of times, then ssh back in as the new user. Make sure you use a difficult to guess password/phrase, or ideally a randomly generated password used together with a password manager such as KeepassX.
  257. Remove the default debian user.
  258. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  259. userdel -r debian
  260. #+END_SRC
  261. ** Text editor
  262. For an editor which is less erratic than vi when used within a remote console such as Terminator.
  263. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  264. apt-get update
  265. apt-get install emacs24
  266. update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/emacs24
  267. #+END_SRC
  268. Some basic Emacs keys which will be useful to new users are:
  269. | Load a file | CTRL-x CTRL-f |
  270. | Save | CTRL-x CTRL-s |
  271. | Exit | CTRL-x CTRL-c |
  272. If you need an example Emacs configuration file to get you going then one can be [[Emacs setup][found here]].
  273. ** Remove proprietary repositories
  274. By default the Debian operating system includes references to a repository which can be used to install some proprietary software. Because the source code of proprietary software cannot be independently audited or patched it could contain malicious backdoors or malware, or more likely because it's unmaintainable it could just be old and out of date and so may contain security vulnerabilities which the Surveillance State can make use of via its [[][automated exploit delivery system]]. It's a good idea to remove those repositories as follows, so that the software from them can't be installed by accident:
  275. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  276. editor /etc/apt/sources.list
  277. #+END_SRC
  278. Then remove any references to *non-free*, save and exit. With that done you can be sure that all the software on your system is [[][FOSS]], and so can be checked, updated or customized as necessary.
  279. ** Enable backports
  280. To enable some newer packages add backports to the repositories.
  281. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  282. echo "deb jessie-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  283. apt-get update
  284. apt-get dist-upgrade
  285. apt-get install ca-certificates
  286. #+END_SRC
  287. ** Configure your location/language
  288. Not everybody lives in the US or Europe. You may want to change your location and language settings accordingly.
  289. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  290. dpkg-reconfigure locales
  291. apt-get install keyboard-configuration
  292. reboot
  293. #+END_SRC
  294. After reboot is complete ssh back in as the root user, then to verify the change.
  295. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  296. locale -a
  297. #+END_SRC
  298. Set your time zone with:
  299. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  300. tzselect
  301. #+END_SRC
  302. For example, for British time:
  303. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  304. export TZ='Europe/London'
  305. echo "export TZ='Europe/London'" >> ~/.bashrc
  306. echo "export TZ='Europe/London'" >> /home/myusername/.bashrc
  307. #+END_SRC
  308. ** Upgrade the kernel
  309. Using a more recent kernel should improve stability of the system and also allow it to make use of hardware random number generation, which improves the overall security. Please note that this kernel is specific to the BBB, so if you're using a Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard or other SBC then look elsewhere on the web for information about upgrading the kernel. Newer kernels are also available at ("bone" in the name indicates kernels with BBB specific patches).
  310. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  311. cd /opt/scripts/tools
  312. ./ --kernel v3.15.10-bone7
  313. reboot
  314. #+END_SRC
  315. After the system has rebooted you can ssh back unto it and log in as the root user. You can check that the kernel version has changed with the command:
  316. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  317. uname -mrs
  318. #+END_SRC
  319. Note: If you're upgrading to any other kernel version and the BBB fails to reboot, with lights continuously on, then remove power, take out the microSD, insert it into your laptop then do something like "*sudo emacs /media/$USER/rootfs/boot/uEnv.txt*" and change the kernel version to the previous one which you were using, then eject the microSD drive, re-insert it into the BBB and re-apply power.
  320. Now enable zram.
  321. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  322. editor /etc/modprobe.d/zram.conf
  323. #+END_SRC
  324. Add the following:
  325. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  326. options zram num_devices=1
  327. #+END_SRC
  328. Save and exit, then create an initialisation script.
  329. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  330. editor /etc/init.d/zram
  331. #+END_SRC
  332. Add the following:
  333. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  334. #!/bin/bash
  335. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  336. # Provides: zram
  337. # Required-Start:
  338. # Required-Stop:
  339. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  340. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  341. # Short-Description: Increased Performance In Linux With zRam (Virtual Swap Compressed in RAM)
  342. # Description: Adapted from systemd scripts at
  343. ### END INIT INFO
  344. start() {
  345. # get the number of CPUs
  346. num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
  347. # if something goes wrong, assume we have 1
  348. [ "$num_cpus" != 0 ] || num_cpus=1
  349. # set decremented number of CPUs
  350. decr_num_cpus=$((num_cpus - 1))
  351. # get the amount of memory in the machine
  352. mem_total_kb=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | grep -E --only-matching '[[:digit:]]+')
  353. mem_total=$((mem_total_kb * 1024))
  354. # load dependency modules
  355. modprobe zram num_devices=$num_cpus
  356. # initialize the devices
  357. for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do
  358. echo $((mem_total / num_cpus)) > /sys/block/zram$i/disksize
  359. done
  360. # Creating swap filesystems
  361. for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do
  362. mkswap /dev/zram$i
  363. done
  364. # Switch the swaps on
  365. for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do
  366. swapon -p 100 /dev/zram$i
  367. done
  368. }
  369. stop() {
  370. # get the number of CPUs
  371. num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
  372. # set decremented number of CPUs
  373. decr_num_cpus=$((num_cpus - 1))
  374. # Switching off swap
  375. for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do
  376. if [ "$(grep /dev/zram$i /proc/swaps)" != "" ]; then
  377. swapoff /dev/zram$i
  378. sleep 1
  379. fi
  380. done
  381. sleep 1
  382. rmmod zram
  383. }
  384. case "$1" in
  385. start)
  386. start
  387. ;;
  388. stop)
  389. stop
  390. ;;
  391. restart)
  392. stop
  393. sleep 3
  394. start
  395. ;;
  396. *)
  397. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  398. RETVAL=1
  399. esac
  400. exit $RETVAL
  401. #+END_SRC
  402. Save and exit.
  403. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  404. chmod +x /etc/init.d/zram
  405. update-rc.d zram defaults
  406. service zram start
  407. reboot
  408. #+END_SRC
  409. After the system has rebooted ssh back into it and become the root user, then to check that the changes were successful:
  410. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  411. dmesg | grep zram
  412. #+END_SRC
  413. Should show something like:
  414. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  415. [ 507.322337] zram: Created 1 device(s) ...
  416. [ 507.651151] Adding 505468k swap on /dev/zram0. Priority:100 extents:1 across:505468k SS
  417. #+END_SRC
  418. ** Random number generation
  419. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  420. /Near as I can tell, the answer on what has been requested is everything: deliberate weakenings of encryption algorithms, deliberate weakenings of random number generations, copies of master keys, encryption of the session key with an NSA-specific key … everything./
  421. -- Bruce Schneier, on the 2013 leaked NSA documents
  422. #+END_VERSE
  423. The security of encryption depends upon the randomness of the random source used on your system. If it isn't very random then it may be far more vulnerable to cryptanalysis, and it's known that in the past some dubious agencies have encouraged the use of flawed random number generators to assist with their prurient activities. Randomness - typically referred to as /entropy/ - is often gathered from factors such as the timing of key presses or mouse movements, but since the BBB won't have such devices plugged into it this reduces the amount of entropy available.
  424. *** On the Beaglebone Black
  425. Computers can't really generate truly random numbers by themselves, since they're deterministic and so operate in a highly predictable manner. Fortunately, the BBB has an onboard hardware random number generator, which is a physical process which behaves randomly and which can then be read into the computer and stored for later use in encryption algorithms.
  426. Information on exactly how the hardware random number generator on the Beaglebone AM335x CPU works [[][seems hard to come by]], but we can later use some software to verify that it does indeed produce random numbers and hasn't been deliberately weakened.
  427. If you are using a Beaglebone and have updated the kernel then install:
  428. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  429. apt-get install rng-tools
  430. editor /etc/default/rng-tools
  431. #+END_SRC
  432. Uncomment *HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng*, save and exit then restart the daemon.
  433. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  434. service rng-tools restart
  435. #+END_SRC
  436. Your BBB will now use hardware to generate random numbers.
  437. *** On other Single Board Computers
  438. If you are not using a Beaglebone (a Cubieboard for example), or if you didn't update the kernel, then you can still improve the random number generation by installing:
  439. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  440. apt-get install haveged
  441. #+END_SRC
  442. *** Verifying random number quality
  443. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  444. /Living in a surveillance state is exactly like being guilty until proven guilty./
  445. -- Mohammad Tarakiyee
  446. #+END_VERSE
  447. You can check how much randomness (entropy) is available with:
  448. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  449. cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
  450. #+END_SRC
  451. Ideally it should be in the range 1000-4096. If it is persistently below 500 then there may be a problem with your system which could make it less secure.
  452. To verify that random number generation is good on the BBB run:
  453. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  454. cat /dev/hwrng | rngtest -c 1000
  455. #+END_SRC
  456. You should see something like this, with zero or a small number of failures:
  457. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  458. rngtest: starting FIPS tests...
  459. rngtest: bits received from input: 20000032
  460. rngtest: FIPS 140-2 successes: 1000
  461. rngtest: FIPS 140-2 failures: 0
  462. rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Monobit: 0
  463. rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Poker: 0
  464. rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Runs: 0
  465. rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Long run: 0
  466. rngtest: FIPS 140-2(2001-10-10) Continuous run: 0
  467. rngtest: input channel speed: (min=3.104; avg=26.015; max=18.626)Gibits/s
  468. rngtest: FIPS tests speed: (min=160.281; avg=165.696; max=168.792)Mibits/s
  469. rngtest: Program run time: 115987 microseconds
  470. #+END_SRC
  471. *** Cryptotronix Hashlet
  472. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  473. /One must acknowledge with cryptography no amount of violence will ever solve a math problem./
  474. -- Jacob Appelbaum
  475. #+END_VERSE
  476. An optional extra is the [[][Cryptotronix Hashlet]] which also has hardware random number generation capability via the [[./Atmel-8740-CryptoAuth-ATSHA204-Datasheet.pdf][Atmel ATSHA204]] chip.
  477. Install the hashlet [[./images/hashlet_installed.jpg][like this]] on the BBB, then install some dependencies.
  478. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  479. apt-get install git automake libtool bison flex build-essential libgcrypt11-dev texinfo
  480. #+END_SRC
  481. Download the source code.
  482. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  483. mkdir ~/build
  484. cd ~/build
  485. git clone
  486. #+END_SRC
  487. Now install the driver.
  488. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  489. cd hashlet
  490. chmod o+rw /dev/i2c*
  491. ./
  492. make check
  493. make install
  494. #+END_SRC
  495. To check the initial state of the device:
  496. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  497. hashlet --bus=/dev/i2c-2 state
  498. #+END_SRC
  499. It should return the message "/Factory/". This is intended to provide an indication that the hardware hasn't been tampered with by [[][TAO]] or other shady outfits in transit. If /i2c-2/ fails then try /i2c-1/ or /i2c-0/.
  500. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  501. hashlet --bus=/dev/i2c-2 personalize
  502. #+END_SRC
  503. Nothing should be returned by this command, but a file called ~/.hashlet will be generated which is the private key of the device. This personalization process is a one-time operation which physically alters the hardware, so it would not be trivial to reset the device back to "Factory" again. To make sure it's only accessible by the root user:
  504. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  505. chmod 400 ~/.hashlet
  506. #+END_SRC
  507. Now create a daemon which will create a random number generator device */dev/hashletrng*.
  508. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  509. editor /usr/bin/hashletd
  510. #+END_SRC
  511. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  512. #!/bin/sh
  513. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  514. I2CBUS=2
  515. BYTES=32
  516. DEVICE=/dev/hashletrng
  517. # create a device
  518. if [ ! -e ${DEVICE} ]; then
  519. chmod o+rw /dev/i2c*
  520. mknod ${DEVICE} p
  521. fi
  522. while :
  523. do
  524. /usr/local/bin/hashlet --bus=/dev/i2c-${I2CBUS} random ${BYTES} > ${DEVICE}
  525. done
  526. #+END_SRC
  527. Save and exit. Now create an init script to run it.
  528. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  529. editor /etc/init.d/hashlet
  530. #+END_SRC
  531. Add the following:
  532. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  533. #!/bin/bash
  534. # /etc/init.d/hashlet
  535. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  536. # Provides: hashlet
  537. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  538. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  539. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  540. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  541. # Short-Description: hashlet
  542. # Description: Creates a random number generator device
  543. ### END INIT INFO
  544. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  545. #Settings
  546. SERVICE='hashlet'
  547. LOGFILE='/dev/null'
  548. COMMAND="/usr/bin/hashletd"
  549. USERNAME='root'
  550. NICELEVEL=19
  551. HISTORY=1024
  553. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  554. hashlet_start() {
  555. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  556. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  557. }
  558. hashlet_stop() {
  559. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  560. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  561. }
  562. #Start-Stop here
  563. case "$1" in
  564. start)
  565. hashlet_start
  566. ;;
  567. stop)
  568. hashlet_stop
  569. ;;
  570. restart)
  571. hashlet_stop
  572. sleep 10s
  573. hashlet_start
  574. ;;
  575. *)
  576. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  577. exit 1
  578. ;;
  579. esac
  580. exit 0
  581. #+END_SRC
  582. Save and exit, then start the daemon.
  583. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  584. chmod +x /usr/bin/hashletd
  585. chmod +x /etc/init.d/hashlet
  586. update-rc.d hashlet defaults
  587. service hashlet start
  588. #+END_SRC
  589. Then to obtain some random bytes:
  590. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  591. cat /dev/hashletrng
  592. #+END_SRC
  593. The rate of entropy generation by the Hashlet seems very slow compared to */dev/hwrng*, and this is most likely because of the I2C interface. So it's probably a good idea to keep hwrng as the main random source and only use the Hashlet's random number generator for any ancillary stuff.
  594. ** Alter ssh configuration
  595. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  596. /The privacy rights of US persons in international communications are significantly diminished, if not completely eliminated, when those communications have been transmitted to or obtained from non-US persons located outside the United States./
  597. -- US Department Of Justice
  598. #+END_VERSE
  599. Altering the ssh configuration will make it a little more secure than the standard Debian settings.
  600. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  601. editor /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  602. #+END_SRC
  603. Check the following values:
  604. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  605. PermitRootLogin no
  606. X11Forwarding no
  607. ServerKeyBits 4096
  608. Protocol 2
  609. PermitEmptyPasswords no
  610. StrictModes yes
  611. TCPKeepAlive no
  612. #+END_SRC
  613. Comment out:
  614. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  615. #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
  616. #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
  617. #+END_SRC
  618. Append the following:
  619. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  620. ClientAliveInterval 60
  621. ClientAliveCountMax 3
  622. Ciphers aes256-ctr,aes128-ctr
  623. MACs hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160
  624. KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  625. #+END_SRC
  626. Save and exit. Now clear out any pre-existing host keys and reconfigure the ssh server.
  627. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  628. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
  629. dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
  630. service ssh restart
  631. #+END_SRC
  632. To test the new settings log out by typing "exit" a couple of times, then log back in again with:
  633. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  634. ssh -vvv myusername@
  635. #+END_SRC
  636. and check that some number of bits are set within a 4096 bit sized key:
  637. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  638. debug2: bits set: */4096
  639. #+END_SRC
  640. ** Install CPU limiter
  641. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  642. /On every side, and at every hour of the day, we came up against the relentless limitations of pioneer life./
  643. -- Anna Howard Shaw
  644. #+END_VERSE
  645. Some process may consume a lot of CPU power and cause the system to become unresponsive or to crash. To avoid that it's possible to limit the maximum percentage of the CPU which processes can use. We can whitelist some editors and tools that are commonly used and which have an initial CPU spike (such as Emacs loading its configuration files), with everything else being subject to a CPU limit if usage goes above a threshold percentage for more than one second.
  646. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  647. apt-get install cpulimit gawk
  648. #+END_SRC
  649. Create a script which can be run as a daemon.
  650. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  651. editor /usr/bin/
  652. #+END_SRC
  653. Add the following:
  654. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  655. #!/bin/bash
  656. # ==============================================================
  657. # CPU limit daemon - set PID's max. percentage CPU consumptions
  658. # ==============================================================
  659. # Variables
  660. CPU_LIMIT=50 # Maximum percentage CPU consumption by each PID
  661. DAEMON_INTERVAL=1 # Daemon check interval in seconds
  662. BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST= # Limit only processes defined in this variable. If variable is empty (default) all violating processes are limited.
  663. WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST="cron|top|emacs|vi|vim|nano" # Limit all processes except processes defined in this variable. If variable is empty (default) all violating processes are limited.
  664. # Check if one of the variables BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST or WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST is defined.
  665. if [[ -n "$BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST" && -n "$WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST" ]] ; then # If both variables are defined then error is produced.
  666. echo "At least one or both of the variables BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST or WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST must be empty."
  667. exit 1
  668. elif [[ -n "$BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST" ]] ; then # If this variable is non-empty then set NEW_PIDS_COMMAND variable to bellow command
  669. NEW_PIDS_COMMAND="top -b -n1 -c | grep -E '$BLACK_PROCESSES_LIST' | gawk '\$9>CPU_LIMIT {print \$1}' CPU_LIMIT=$CPU_LIMIT"
  670. elif [[ -n "$WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST" ]] ; then # If this variable is non-empty then set NEW_PIDS_COMMAND variable to bellow command
  671. NEW_PIDS_COMMAND="top -b -n1 -c | gawk 'NR>6' | grep -E -v '$WHITE_PROCESSES_LIST' | gawk '\$9>CPU_LIMIT {print \$1}' CPU_LIMIT=$CPU_LIMIT"
  672. else
  673. NEW_PIDS_COMMAND="top -b -n1 -c | gawk 'NR>6 && \$9>CPU_LIMIT {print \$1}' CPU_LIMIT=$CPU_LIMIT"
  674. fi
  675. # Search and limit violating PIDs
  676. while sleep $DAEMON_INTERVAL
  677. do
  678. NEW_PIDS=$(eval "$NEW_PIDS_COMMAND") # Violating PIDs
  679. LIMITED_PIDS=$(ps -eo args | gawk '$1=="cpulimit" {print $3}') # Already limited PIDs
  680. QUEUE_PIDS=$(comm -23 <(echo "$NEW_PIDS" | sort -u) <(echo "$LIMITED_PIDS" | sort -u) | grep -v '^$') # PIDs in queue
  681. # These can be uncommented for debugging purposes
  683. # echo "CPU_LIMI: " $CPU_LIMIT
  684. # echo "NEW_PIDS: " $NEW_PIDS
  685. # echo "LIMITED_PIDS: " $LIMITED_PIDS
  686. # echo "QUEUE_PIDS: " $QUEUE_PIDS
  687. for i in $QUEUE_PIDS
  688. do
  689. cpulimit -p $i -l $CPU_LIMIT -z & # Limit new violating processes
  690. done
  691. done
  692. #+END_SRC
  693. Save and exit.
  694. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  695. chmod +x /usr/bin/
  696. editor /etc/init.d/cpulimit
  697. #+END_SRC
  698. Add the following:
  699. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  700. #!/bin/sh
  701. # /etc/init.d/cpulimit
  702. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  703. # Provides: cpulimit
  704. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  705. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  706. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  707. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  708. # Short-Description: Limits CPU use by processes
  709. # Description: Limits CPU use by processes
  710. ### END INIT INFO
  711. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  712. set -e
  713. case "$1" in
  714. start)
  715. if [ $(ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print $1}' | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
  716. nohup /usr/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
  717. ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print}' | wc -l | gawk '{ if ($1 == 1) print " * cpulimit daemon started successfully"; else print " * cpulimit daemon can not be started" }'
  718. else
  719. echo " * cpulimit daemon can't be started, because it is already running"
  720. fi
  721. ;;
  722. stop)
  723. CPULIMIT_DAEMON=$(ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print $1}' | wc -l)
  724. CPULIMIT_INSTANCE=$(ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$2=="cpulimit" {print $1}' | wc -l)
  726. if [ $CPULIMIT_ALL -gt 0 ]; then
  727. if [ $CPULIMIT_DAEMON -gt 0 ]; then
  728. ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print $1}' | xargs kill -9 # kill cpulimit daemon
  729. fi
  730. if [ $CPULIMIT_INSTANCE -gt 0 ]; then
  731. ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$2=="cpulimit" {print $1}' | xargs kill -9 # release cpulimited process to normal priority
  732. fi
  733. ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print}' | wc -l | gawk '{ if ($1 == 1) print " * cpulimit daemon can not be stopped"; else print " * cpulimit daemon stopped successfully" }'
  734. else
  735. echo " * cpulimit daemon can't be stopped, because it is not running"
  736. fi
  737. ;;
  738. restart)
  739. $0 stop
  740. sleep 3
  741. $0 start
  742. ;;
  743. status)
  744. ps -eo pid,args | gawk '$3=="/usr/bin/" {print}' | wc -l | gawk '{ if ($1 == 1) print " * cpulimit daemon is running"; else print " * cpulimit daemon is not running" }'
  745. ;;
  746. esac
  747. exit 0
  748. #+END_SRC
  749. Save and exit.
  750. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  751. chmod +x /etc/init.d/cpulimit
  752. update-rc.d cpulimit defaults
  753. service cpulimit start
  754. #+END_SRC
  755. ** Getting onto the web
  756. Create a subdomain on [[][freeDNS]]. You may need to click on "/subdomains/" a couple of times. FreeDNS is preferred because it is one of the few domain name providers which supports genuinely free (as in beer) accounts. So if your budget is tiny or non-existent you can still participate as a first class citizen of the internet. If you do have money to spend there is also a premium option.
  757. Select "/dynamic DNS/" then click "/quick cron example/"
  758. An example would look like:
  759. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  760. 4,14,24,34,44,54 * * * * root sleep 29 ; /usr/bin/timeout 200 wget -O - https://free\ >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
  761. #+END_SRC
  762. It's important to make sure that you change the *http* to *https*, since this will help to prevent a potential attacker from hijacking your site and redirecting it to a fake version for the purposes of obtaining your login details.
  763. Edit */etc/crontab* and append that to the top of the file, underneath the heading line which looks like this:
  764. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  765. # m h dom mon dow user command
  766. #+END_SRC
  767. In general the most frequently run crontab entries should be at the top. Then save and exit.
  768. Via your router's firewall settings you should now open port 22 (secure shell). This will allow you to ssh into your BBB from any location - not just your own local network.
  769. The freeDNS subdomain which you just created will hereafter just be refered to as "/your domain name/".
  770. If you have multiple freedns subdomains then you may want to rationalise that a little within */etc/crontab*. Rather than listing them all individually create a script:
  771. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  772. editor /usr/bin/dynamicdns
  773. #+END_SRC
  774. Add however many freedns subdomains you have.
  775. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  776. #!/bin/bash
  777. # subdomain name 1
  778. wget -O -<subdomain code 1>== >> /dev/null 2>&1
  779. # subdomain name 2
  780. wget -O -<subdomain code 2>== >> /dev/null 2>&1
  781. ...
  782. #+END_SRC
  783. Save and exit, then make the script runnable and only readable by the root user.
  784. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  785. chmod 600 /usr/bin/dynamicdns
  786. chmod +x /usr/bin/dynamicdns
  787. #+END_SRC
  788. Then within */etc/crontab*
  789. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  790. editor /etc/crontab
  791. #+END_SRC
  792. You can replace the multiple freedns entries with a single line:
  793. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  794. */5 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 240 /usr/bin/dynamicdns
  795. #+END_SRC
  796. Then save and exit and restart the cron daemon.
  797. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  798. service cron restart
  799. #+END_SRC
  800. If you want to know what a typical /crontab/ file might look like then see the [[Example crontab file]]
  801. ** Set the host name
  802. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  803. editor /etc/hostname
  804. #+END_SRC
  805. Save and exit.
  806. Also issue the command, replacing / with your domain name.
  807. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  808. hostname
  809. #+END_SRC
  810. You may also need to assign the same hostname separately via your router's web interface.
  811. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  812. editor /etc/hosts
  813. #+END_SRC
  814. Append the following, replacing / with your domain name.
  815. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  817. #+END_SRC
  818. If you then run the command:
  819. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  820. hostname -f
  821. #+END_SRC
  822. it should return your domain name.
  823. ** Install time synchronisation
  824. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  825. /You may delay, but time will not./
  826. -- Benjamin Franklin
  827. #+END_VERSE
  828. It's convenient to have the clock on your server automatically synchronised with other servers on the internet so that you don't need to set the clock manually. The usual way of doing this is via [[][NTP]], but that method uses unencrypted signals which could potentially be interfered with in order to mess up your system. /tlsdate/ provides a slightly more secure way of setting the date and time over a SSL/TLS connection to a known good time source.
  829. First install some prerequisites.
  830. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  831. apt-get install build-essential automake git pkg-config autoconf libtool libssl-dev
  832. apt-get remove ntpdate
  833. #+END_SRC
  834. Now download and install tlsdate.
  835. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  836. mkdir ~/build
  837. cd ~/build
  838. git clone
  839. cd ~/build/tlsdate
  840. ./
  841. ./configure
  842. make
  843. make install
  844. #+END_SRC
  845. If you get errors during the /configure/ stage then you may need to reboot so that some of the installed dependencies take effect.
  846. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  847. editor /usr/bin/updatedate
  848. #+END_SRC
  849. Add the following, changing / to your email address:
  850. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  851. #!/bin/bash
  854. LOGFILE=/var/log/tlsdate.log
  855. TIMEOUT=5
  857. # File which contains the previous date as a number
  858. BEFORE_DATE_FILE=/var/log/tlsdateprevious.txt
  859. # File which contains the previous date as a string
  860. BEFORE_FULLDATE_FILE=/var/log/tlsdate.txt
  861. DATE_BEFORE=$(date)
  862. BEFORE=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" '+%s')
  864. # If the date was previously set
  865. if [[ -f "$BEFORE_DATE_FILE" ]]; then
  868. # is the date going backwards?
  869. if (( BEFORE_FILE > BEFORE )); then
  870. echo -n "Date went backwards between tlsdate updates. " \
  871. >> $LOGFILE
  872. echo -n "$BEFORE_FILE > $BEFORE, " >> $LOGFILE
  874. # Send a warning email
  875. echo $(tail $LOGFILE -n 2) | mail -s "tlsdate anomaly" $EMAIL
  876. # Try another time source
  878. # try running without any parameters
  879. tlsdate >> $LOGFILE
  881. fi
  882. fi
  883. # Set the date
  884. /usr/bin/timeout $TIMEOUT tlsdate -l -t -H $TIMESOURCE -p 443 >> $LOGFILE
  885. DATE_AFTER=$(date)
  886. AFTER=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" '+%s')
  887. # After setting the date did it go backwards?
  888. if (( AFTER < BEFORE )); then
  889. echo "Incorrect date: $DATE_BEFORE -> $DATE_AFTER" >> $LOGFILE
  890. # Send a warning email
  891. echo $(tail $LOGFILE -n 2) | mail -s "tlsdate anomaly" $EMAIL
  892. # Try resetting the date from another time source
  893. /usr/bin/timeout $TIMEOUT tlsdate -l -t -H $TIMESOURCE2 -p 443 >> $LOGFILE
  894. DATE_AFTER=$(date)
  895. AFTER=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" '+%s')
  896. else
  897. echo -n $TIMESOURCE >> $LOGFILE
  898. if [[ -f "$BEFORE_DATE_FILE" ]]; then
  899. echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE
  900. echo -n $BEFORE_FILE >> $LOGFILE
  901. fi
  902. echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE
  903. echo -n $BEFORE >> $LOGFILE
  904. echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE
  905. echo -n $AFTER >> $LOGFILE
  906. echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE
  907. echo $DATE_AFTER >> $LOGFILE
  908. fi
  909. # Log the last date
  910. if [ BACKWARDS_BETWEEN == 0 ]; then
  911. echo "$AFTER" > $BEFORE_DATE_FILE
  913. exit 0
  914. else
  915. exit 1
  916. fi
  917. #+END_SRC
  918. Save and exit.
  919. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  920. chmod +x /usr/bin/updatedate
  921. editor /etc/crontab
  922. #+END_SRC
  923. Add the following near the top of the list of tasks.
  924. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  925. */15 * * * * root /usr/bin/updatedate
  926. #+END_SRC
  927. Save and exit.
  928. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  929. service cron restart
  930. #+END_SRC
  931. This obtains the date and time from every 15 minutes. Obviously if you wish to use a different source for the date and time then the cron entry can be edited accordingly.
  932. To ensure that the system always gets the correct time on initial bootup create an init script.
  933. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  934. editor /etc/init.d/tlsdate
  935. #+END_SRC
  936. Add the following:
  937. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  938. #!/bin/bash
  939. # /etc/init.d/tlsdate
  940. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  941. # Provides: tlsdate
  942. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  943. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  944. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  945. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  946. # Short-Description: Initially calls tlsdate with the timewarp option
  947. # Description: Initially calls tlsdate with the timewarp option
  948. ### END INIT INFO
  949. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  950. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  951. LOGFILE="/var/log/tlsdate.log"
  952. TLSDATECOMMAND="tlsdate --timewarp -l -H -p 443 >> $LOGFILE"
  953. #Start-Stop here
  954. case "$1" in
  955. start)
  956. echo "tlsdate started"
  958. ;;
  959. stop)
  960. echo "tlsdate stopped"
  961. ;;
  962. restart)
  963. echo "tlsdate restarted"
  965. ;;
  966. *)
  967. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  968. exit 1
  969. ;;
  970. esac
  971. exit 0
  972. #+END_SRC
  973. Save and exit, then start the daemon.
  974. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  975. chmod +x /etc/init.d/tlsdate
  976. update-rc.d tlsdate defaults
  977. service tlsdate start
  978. #+END_SRC
  979. ** Install fail2ban
  980. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  981. apt-get install fail2ban
  982. #+END_SRC
  983. ** Set up a firewall
  984. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  985. /The NSA also attacks network devices directly: routers, switches, firewalls, etc. Most of these devices have surveillance capabilities already built in; the trick is to surreptitiously turn them on. This is an especially fruitful avenue of attack; routers are updated less frequently, tend not to have security software installed on them, and are generally ignored as a vulnerability./
  986. -- Bruce Schneier
  987. #+END_VERSE
  988. A basic firewall limits the maximum rate at which connections can be made and closes any unused ports, and this helps to defend against various kinds of DDOS attack. Your internet router may contain a firewall, but chances are that it also contains proprietary software which can be remotely changed/updated by the ISP. Unless you're running free software, such as [[][OpenWrt]], on your internet router then it's reasonable to assume that the device is hostile and could be conducting surveillance, trying to do [[]["man in the middle"]] attacks or be pushing "implants" onto the computers and mobile devices on your local network. That means that your server needs its own firewall.
  989. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  990. apt-get install portsentry
  991. editor /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
  992. #+END_SRC
  993. Uncomment the entry for *iptables support for Linux*
  994. Set the following properties:
  995. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  996. TCP_PORTS="1,7,9,11,15,79,109,110,111,119,138,139,512,513,514,515,540,635,1080,1524,2000,2001,3000,4000,4001,5742,6000,6001,6667,12345,12346,20034,27665,30303,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,40421,40425,49724,54320"
  997. UDP_PORTS="1,7,9,66,67,68,69,111,137,138,161,162,474,513,517,518,635,640,641,666,700,2049,3000,31335,27444,34555,32770,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,54321"
  998. ADVANCED_EXCLUDE_TCP="113,139,70,80,443,587,143,6697,993,5060,5061,25,465,22,4040,5222,5223,5269,5280,5281,8444"
  999. ADVANCED_EXCLUDE_UDP="520,138,137,67,70,80,443,143,6697,993, 5060,5061,25,465,22,4040,5222,5223,5269,5280,5281,8444"
  1000. SCAN_TRIGGER="2"
  1001. BLOCK_UDP="2"
  1002. BLOCK_TCP="2"
  1003. #+END_SRC
  1004. Save and exit.
  1005. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1006. service portsentry restart
  1007. editor /tmp/
  1008. #+END_SRC
  1009. Enter the following:
  1010. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1011. #!/bin/bash
  1012. # First of all delete any existing rules.
  1013. # This means you're back to a known state:
  1014. iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
  1015. ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT
  1016. iptables -F
  1017. ip6tables -F
  1018. iptables -X
  1019. ip6tables -X
  1020. # Drop any IPv6 traffic
  1021. ip6tables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP
  1022. ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp -j DROP
  1023. ip6tables -A INPUT -p udp -j DROP
  1024. # Drop access to unused ports
  1025. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 1 -j DROP
  1026. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 7 -j DROP
  1027. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 109:111 -j DROP
  1028. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 995 -j DROP
  1029. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 139 -j DROP
  1030. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 6000:6001 -j DROP
  1031. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 9 -j DROP
  1032. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 79 -j DROP
  1033. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 515 -j DROP
  1034. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4001 -j DROP
  1035. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 1524 -j DROP
  1036. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 1080 -j DROP
  1037. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 512:514 -j DROP
  1038. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 31337 -j DROP
  1039. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 2000:2001 -j DROP
  1040. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 12345 -j DROP
  1041. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 32771:32774 -j DROP
  1042. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4000 -j DROP
  1043. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 119 -j DROP
  1044. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 137 -j DROP
  1045. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4242 -j DROP
  1046. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 9050 -j DROP
  1047. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 3000 -j DROP
  1048. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j DROP
  1049. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 8432 -j DROP
  1050. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 8433 -j DROP
  1051. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 1 -j DROP
  1052. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 7 -j DROP
  1053. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 109:111 -j DROP
  1054. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 995 -j DROP
  1055. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 139 -j DROP
  1056. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 6000:6001 -j DROP
  1057. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 9 -j DROP
  1058. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 79 -j DROP
  1059. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 515 -j DROP
  1060. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 4001 -j DROP
  1061. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 1524 -j DROP
  1062. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 1080 -j DROP
  1063. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 512:514 -j DROP
  1064. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 31337 -j DROP
  1065. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 2000:2001 -j DROP
  1066. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 12345 -j DROP
  1067. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 32771:32774 -j DROP
  1068. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 6665:6669 -j DROP
  1069. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 4000 -j DROP
  1070. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 119 -j DROP
  1071. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 137 -j DROP
  1072. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 8432 -j DROP
  1073. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 8433 -j DROP
  1074. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 3306 -j DROP
  1075. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 4242 -j DROP
  1076. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 9050 -j DROP
  1077. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 3000 -j DROP
  1078. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 8442 -j DROP
  1079. # Make sure NEW incoming tcp connections are SYN packets
  1080. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j DROP
  1081. # Drop packets with incoming fragments
  1082. iptables -A INPUT -f -j DROP
  1083. # Incoming malformed XMAS packets drop them
  1084. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j DROP
  1085. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,PSH,URG -j DROP
  1086. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -j DROP
  1087. # Incoming malformed NULL packets:
  1088. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP
  1089. # Drop UDP to used ports
  1090. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --match multiport --dports 70,80,443,143,6697,993,5060,5061,25 -j DROP
  1091. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --match multiport --dports 465,587,22,5222,5223,5269,5280,5281,8444 -j DROP
  1092. # Limit ssh logins
  1093. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1094. # Limit web connections
  1095. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1096. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1097. # Limit number of XMPP connections
  1098. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports 5222:5223,5269,5280:5281 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1099. # Limit IRC connections
  1100. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6665:6669 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1101. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6697 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1102. # Limit gopher connections
  1103. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 70 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1104. # Limit IMAP connections
  1105. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1106. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 993 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1107. # Limit Subsonic connections
  1108. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4040 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1109. iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4040 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1110. # Limit SIP connections
  1111. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5060:5061 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1112. # Limit SMTP/SMTPS connections
  1113. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1114. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 465 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1115. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 587 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1116. # Limit Bitmessage connections
  1117. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8444 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1118. # Limit the number of incoming tcp connections
  1119. # Interface 0 incoming syn-flood protection
  1120. iptables -N syn_flood
  1121. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j syn_flood
  1122. iptables -A syn_flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 3 -j RETURN
  1123. iptables -A syn_flood -j DROP
  1124. # Limiting the incoming icmp ping request:
  1125. #iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
  1126. #iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j LOG --log-prefix PING-DROP:
  1127. iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP
  1128. #iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
  1129. # Block malware servers (See Der Spiegel Snowden files)
  1130. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1131. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1132. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1133. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1134. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1135. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1136. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1137. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1138. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1139. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1140. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1141. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1142. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1143. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1144. iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
  1145. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1146. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1147. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1148. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1149. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1150. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1151. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1152. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1153. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1154. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1155. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1156. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1157. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1158. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1159. iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j DROP
  1160. # Save the settings
  1161. iptables-save > /etc/firewall.conf
  1162. ip6tables-save > /etc/firewall6.conf
  1163. printf '#!/bin/sh\n' > /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
  1164. printf 'iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf\n' >> /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
  1165. printf 'ip6tables-restore < /etc/firewall6.conf\n' >> /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
  1166. chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
  1167. #+END_SRC
  1168. Save and exit.
  1169. Note that this will disable IP version 6. At the time of writing it is expected that the average internet user is running on IP version 4.
  1170. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1171. chmod +x /tmp/
  1172. . /tmp/
  1173. rm /tmp/
  1174. #+END_SRC
  1175. Also disable ping. This may be inconvenient to some extent, but it seems common for malicious systems, including but not limited to the [[][JTRIG "EFFECTS" team]], to try to disable the machine by flooding it with pings. These days there seems to be not much difference between "cybercrime" and nefarious state-sponsored internet activities.
  1176. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1177. editor /etc/sysctl.conf
  1178. #+END_SRC
  1179. Uncomment or change the following:
  1180. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1181. net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
  1182. net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
  1183. net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
  1184. net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
  1185. net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
  1186. net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
  1187. net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=1
  1188. net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1
  1189. net.ipv4.ip_forward=0
  1190. net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0
  1191. #+END_SRC
  1192. And append the following:
  1193. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1194. # ignore pings
  1195. net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1
  1196. net.ipv6.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1
  1197. # disable ipv6
  1198. net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
  1199. net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
  1200. net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 1
  1201. # keepalive
  1202. net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
  1203. net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75
  1204. net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200
  1205. #+END_SRC
  1206. Save and exit. It may be a good idea to reboot at this point and then log back into the BBB using ssh. You can do a safe reboot of the system by typing:
  1207. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1208. reboot
  1209. #+END_SRC
  1210. After reboot and logging back in to the root account via /ssh/ you can verify that the firewall rules were restored correctly with:
  1211. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1212. iptables -L
  1213. #+END_SRC
  1214. and
  1215. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1216. ip6tables -L
  1217. #+END_SRC
  1218. ** Make SSL/TLS certificates
  1219. For email, web server and other services we will be using SSL/TLS certificates, so create a script which makes this easy to do with a single command.
  1220. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1221. editor /usr/bin/makecert
  1222. #+END_SRC
  1223. Enter the following. You can change the country code and location if you wish, but that's not essential.
  1224. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1225. #!/bin/bash
  1226. HOSTNAME=$1
  1228. AREA="Free Speech Zone"
  1229. LOCATION="Freedomville"
  1230. ORGANISATION="Freedombone"
  1231. UNIT="Freedombone Unit"
  1232. if ! which openssl > /dev/null ;then
  1233. echo "$0: openssl is not installed, exiting" 1>&2
  1234. exit 1
  1235. fi
  1236. openssl req \
  1237. -x509 -nodes -days 3650 \
  1238. -sha256 \
  1240. -newkey rsa:2048 \
  1241. -keyout /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key \
  1242. -out /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt
  1243. openssl dhparam -check -text -dsaparam 2048 -out /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.dhparam
  1244. chmod 400 /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key
  1245. chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt
  1246. chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.dhparam
  1247. /etc/init.d/nginx reload
  1248. # add the public certificate to a separate directory
  1249. # so that we can redistribute it easily
  1250. if [ ! -d /etc/ssl/mycerts ]; then
  1251. mkdir /etc/ssl/mycerts
  1252. fi
  1253. cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt /etc/ssl/mycerts
  1254. # Create a bundle of your certificates
  1255. cat /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt > /etc/ssl/freedombone-bundle.crt
  1256. tar -czvf /etc/ssl/freedombone-certs.tar.gz /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt
  1257. #+END_SRC
  1258. Save and exit.
  1259. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1260. chmod +x /usr/bin/makecert
  1261. #+END_SRC
  1262. ** Install Email
  1263. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  1264. /The government argued that, since the "inspection" of the data was to be carried out by a machine, they were exempt from the normal search-and-seizure protections of the Fourth Amendment...The prosecution also argued that my users had no expectation of privacy, even though the service I provided - encryption - is designed for users' privacy/
  1265. -- Ladar Levison
  1266. #+END_VERSE
  1267. Email is not very secure, but its usefulness and ubiquity mean that it's likely to continue as a primary communications method for many years to come. You can encrypt the contents of email using PGP/GPG, but very few people do that and even for those that do the metadata (the From/To/CC/BCC) is always transmitted in the clear as a fundamental aspect of the protocol, allowing an attacker to easily construct detailed models of people's social network and life patterns even without knowing the content.
  1268. Exim4 seems much easier to install and configure than Postfix.
  1269. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1270. service postfix stop
  1271. apt-get remove postfix
  1272. aptitude install exim4 sasl2-bin swaks libnet-ssleay-perl procmail
  1273. #+END_SRC
  1274. You will be prompted to remove postfix. Say yes and yes again.
  1275. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1276. dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
  1277. #+END_SRC
  1278. Settings as follows:
  1279. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1280. internet site
  1281. System mail name:
  1282. IP addresses to listen on: blank
  1283. Destinations: (and any other domains that you own)
  1284. Domains to relay mail: blank
  1285. Smarthost Relay: (the range of addresses on your LAN)
  1286. Dial on demand = no
  1287. Maildir format in home directory
  1288. Split configuration = no
  1289. Root and postmaster: root email
  1290. #+END_SRC
  1291. To test the installation:
  1292. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1293. telnet 25
  1294. ehlo xxx
  1295. quit
  1296. #+END_SRC
  1297. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1298. editor /etc/default/saslauthd
  1299. #+END_SRC
  1300. set START=yes then save and exit.
  1301. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1302. /etc/init.d/saslauthd start
  1303. makecert exim
  1304. mv /etc/ssl/private/exim.key /etc/exim4
  1305. mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.crt /etc/exim4
  1306. mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.dhparam /etc/exim4
  1307. chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
  1308. chmod 640 /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
  1309. editor /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
  1310. #+END_SRC
  1311. Uncomment the section which begins with *login_saslauthd_server*
  1312. Search for the line *.ifdef MAIN_HARDCODE_PRIMARY_HOSTNAME* and above it insert the lines:
  1313. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1315. MAIN_TLS_ENABLE = true
  1316. #+END_SRC
  1317. Save and exit.
  1318. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1319. editor /etc/default/exim4
  1320. change SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS to:
  1321. SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS='-oX 465:25:587 -oP /var/run/exim4/'
  1322. #+END_SRC
  1323. save and exit
  1324. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1325. editor /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
  1326. #+END_SRC
  1327. Under the section *main/03_exim4-config_tlsoptions* add the following:
  1328. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1329. tls_on_connect_ports=465
  1330. #+END_SRC
  1331. save and exit
  1332. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1333. adduser myusername sasl
  1334. addgroup Debian-exim sasl
  1335. /etc/init.d/exim4 restart
  1336. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir
  1337. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent
  1338. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/tmp
  1339. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/cur
  1340. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/new
  1341. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam
  1342. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/cur
  1343. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/new
  1344. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/tmp
  1345. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham
  1346. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/cur
  1347. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/new
  1348. mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/tmp
  1349. ln -s /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam /etc/skel/Maildir/spam
  1350. ln -s /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham /etc/skel/Maildir/ham
  1351. #+END_SRC
  1352. If you're starting from scratch and don't already have a /Maildir/ directory in your home directory, then create one as follows:
  1353. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1354. export MYUSERNAME=myusername
  1355. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir
  1356. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/cur
  1357. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/tmp
  1358. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/new
  1359. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/Sent
  1360. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/Sent/cur
  1361. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/Sent/tmp
  1362. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/Sent/new
  1363. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam
  1364. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/cur
  1365. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/new
  1366. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/tmp
  1367. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham
  1368. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/cur
  1369. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/new
  1370. mkdir -m 700 /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/tmp
  1371. ln -s /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/spam
  1372. ln -s /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/ham
  1373. chown -R $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME /home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir
  1374. #+END_SRC
  1375. ** Spam filtering
  1376. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1377. aptitude install spamassassin exim4-daemon-heavy
  1378. #+END_SRC
  1379. If you encounter any problems with dependencies then select 'n' and then 'y' to whatever the suggestion for removals is. Repeat the aptitude install process until you don't get any more dependency errors.
  1380. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1381. editor /etc/default/spamassassin
  1382. #+END_SRC
  1383. Set *ENABLED=1* then save and exit.
  1384. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1385. editor /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
  1386. #+END_SRC
  1387. Uncomment or change according to your configuration
  1388. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1389. # For spam scanning, there is a similar option that defines the interface to
  1390. # SpamAssassin. You do not need to set this if you are using the default, which
  1391. # is shown in this commented example. As for virus scanning, you must also
  1392. # modify the acl_check_data access control list to enable spam scanning.
  1393. spamd_address = 783
  1394. #+END_SRC
  1395. Add spam header in the /acl_check_data/ section:
  1396. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1397. ### acl/40_exim4-config_check_data
  1398. #################################
  1399. # This ACL is used after the contents of a message have been received. This
  1400. # is the ACL in which you can test a message's headers or body, and in
  1401. # particular, this is where you can invoke external virus or spam scanners.
  1402. acl_check_data:
  1403. ...
  1404. ...
  1405. ...
  1406. # See the exim docs and the exim wiki for more suitable examples.
  1407. #
  1408. # warn
  1409. # spam = Debian-exim:true
  1410. # add_header = X-Spam_score: $spam_score\n\
  1411. # X-Spam_score_int: $spam_score_int\n\
  1412. # X-Spam_bar: $spam_bar\n\
  1413. # X-Spam_report: $spam_report
  1414. # put headers in all messages (no matter if spam or not)
  1415. warn spam = nobody:true
  1416. add_header = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)
  1417. add_header = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report
  1418. # add second subject line with *SPAM* marker when message
  1419. # is over threshold
  1420. warn spam = nobody
  1421. add_header = Subject: ***SPAM (score:$spam_score)*** $h_Subject:
  1422. #+END_SRC
  1423. Save and exit, then restart
  1424. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1425. exit
  1426. editor ~/.procmailrc
  1427. #+END_SRC
  1428. The text should look like the following.
  1429. #+BEGIN_SRC: sh
  1430. MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir
  1432. LOGFILE=$HOME/log/procmail.log
  1433. LOGABSTRACT=all
  1434. # get spamassassin to check emails
  1435. :0fw: .spamassassin.lock
  1436. * < 256000
  1437. | spamc
  1438. # strong spam are discarded
  1439. :0
  1440. * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*
  1441. /dev/null
  1442. # weak spam are kept just in case - clear this out every now and then
  1443. :0
  1444. * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*
  1445. .0-spam/
  1446. # otherwise, marginal spam goes here for revision
  1447. :0
  1448. * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*
  1449. .spam/
  1450. #+END_SRC
  1451. Save and exit.
  1452. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1453. su
  1454. editor /usr/bin/filterspam
  1455. #+END_SRC
  1456. Add the following contents:
  1457. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1458. #!/bin/bash
  1459. USERNAME=$1
  1460. MAILDIR=/home/$USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam
  1461. if [ ! -d "$MAILDIR" ]; then
  1462. exit
  1463. fi
  1464. for f in `ls $MAILDIR/cur`
  1465. do
  1466. spamc -L spam < "$MAILDIR/cur/$f" > /dev/null
  1467. rm "$MAILDIR/cur/$f"
  1468. done
  1469. for f in `ls $MAILDIR/new`
  1470. do
  1471. spamc -L spam < "$MAILDIR/new/$f" > /dev/null
  1472. rm "$MAILDIR/new/$f"
  1473. done
  1474. #+END_SRC
  1475. Save and exit.
  1476. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1477. editor /usr/bin/filterham
  1478. #+END_SRC
  1479. Add the following contents:
  1480. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1481. #!/bin/bash
  1482. USERNAME=$1
  1483. MAILDIR=/home/$USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham
  1484. if [ ! -d "$MAILDIR" ]; then
  1485. exit
  1486. fi
  1487. for f in `ls $MAILDIR/cur`
  1488. do
  1489. spamc -L ham < "$MAILDIR/cur/$f" > /dev/null
  1490. rm "$MAILDIR/cur/$f"
  1491. done
  1492. for f in `ls $MAILDIR/new`
  1493. do
  1494. spamc -L ham < "$MAILDIR/new/$f" > /dev/null
  1495. rm "$MAILDIR/new/$f"
  1496. done
  1497. #+END_SRC
  1498. Save and exit.
  1499. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1500. editor /etc/crontab
  1501. #+END_SRC
  1502. Append the following, replacing *myusername* with your username.
  1503. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1504. */3 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/filterspam myusername
  1505. */3 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/filterham myusername
  1506. #+END_SRC
  1507. Save and exit.
  1508. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1509. chmod 655 /usr/bin/filterspam /usr/bin/filterham
  1510. service spamassassin restart
  1511. service exim4 restart
  1512. service cron restart
  1513. #+END_SRC
  1514. ** Install Dovecot
  1515. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  1516. /I dreamt last night that I was living in a surveillance state. I woke up and… I’m still in a surveillance state./
  1517. -- Conrad Kramer
  1518. #+END_VERSE
  1519. Install the required packages.
  1520. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1521. aptitude -y install dovecot-common dovecot-imapd
  1522. #+END_SRC
  1523. Edit the configuration file.
  1524. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1525. editor /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
  1526. #+END_SRC
  1527. Line 26: change:
  1528. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1529. listen = *
  1530. #+END_SRC
  1531. Save and exit.
  1532. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1533. editor /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf
  1534. #+END_SRC
  1535. Line 9: uncomment and change (allow plain text auth)
  1536. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1537. disable_plaintext_auth = no
  1538. #+END_SRC
  1539. Line 99: add:
  1540. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1541. auth_mechanisms = plain login
  1542. #+END_SRC
  1543. Save and exit.
  1544. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1545. editor /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf
  1546. #+END_SRC
  1547. Line 30: uncomment and add:
  1548. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1549. mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
  1550. #+END_SRC
  1551. Save and exit.
  1552. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1553. editor /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf
  1554. #+END_SRC
  1555. Append the following:
  1556. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1558. #+END_SRC
  1559. Save and exit, then start the dovecot service.
  1560. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1561. service dovecot restart
  1562. #+END_SRC
  1563. ** Create a GPG key
  1564. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  1565. /If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy./
  1566. -- Philip Zimmermann
  1567. #+END_VERSE
  1568. *** Initial installation
  1569. Assuming that you are logged in as root, first ensure that GPG is installed and then exit to your user account.
  1570. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1571. apt-get install gnupg
  1572. exit
  1573. #+END_SRC
  1574. Now we will add some settings:
  1575. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1576. mkdir ~/.gnupg
  1577. editor ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
  1578. #+END_SRC
  1579. The configuration should look like the following. Of particular importance are the default preferences at the end.
  1580. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1581. # Options for GnuPG
  1582. # Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
  1583. # 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  1584. #
  1585. # This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
  1586. # unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
  1587. # modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
  1588. #
  1589. # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  1590. # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the
  1592. #
  1593. # Unless you specify which option file to use (with the command line
  1594. # option "--options filename"), GnuPG uses the file ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
  1595. # by default.
  1596. #
  1597. # An options file can contain any long options which are available in
  1598. # GnuPG. If the first non white space character of a line is a '#',
  1599. # this line is ignored. Empty lines are also ignored.
  1600. #
  1601. # See the man page for a list of options.
  1602. # Uncomment the following option to get rid of the copyright notice
  1603. #no-greeting
  1604. # If you have more than 1 secret key in your keyring, you may want to
  1605. # uncomment the following option and set your preferred keyid.
  1606. #default-key 621CC013
  1607. # If you do not pass a recipient to gpg, it will ask for one. Using
  1608. # this option you can encrypt to a default key. Key validation will
  1609. # not be done in this case. The second form uses the default key as
  1610. # default recipient.
  1611. #default-recipient some-user-id
  1612. #default-recipient-self
  1613. # Use --encrypt-to to add the specified key as a recipient to all
  1614. # messages. This is useful, for example, when sending mail through a
  1615. # mail client that does not automatically encrypt mail to your key.
  1616. # In the example, this option allows you to read your local copy of
  1617. # encrypted mail that you've sent to others.
  1618. #encrypt-to some-key-id
  1619. # By default GnuPG creates version 4 signatures for data files as
  1620. # specified by OpenPGP. Some earlier (PGP 6, PGP 7) versions of PGP
  1621. # require the older version 3 signatures. Setting this option forces
  1622. # GnuPG to create version 3 signatures.
  1623. #force-v3-sigs
  1624. # Because some mailers change lines starting with "From " to ">From "
  1625. # it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating
  1626. # cleartext signatures; all other PGP versions do it this way too.
  1627. #no-escape-from-lines
  1628. # If you do not use the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) charset, you should tell
  1629. # GnuPG which is the native character set. Please check the man page
  1630. # for supported character sets. This character set is only used for
  1631. # metadata and not for the actual message which does not undergo any
  1632. # translation. Note that future version of GnuPG will change to UTF-8
  1633. # as default character set. In most cases this option is not required
  1634. # as GnuPG is able to figure out the correct charset at runtime.
  1635. #charset utf-8
  1636. # Group names may be defined like this:
  1637. # group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti
  1638. #
  1639. # Any time "mynames" is a recipient (-r or --recipient), it will be
  1640. # expanded to the names "paige", "joe", and "patti", and the key ID
  1641. # "0x12345678". Note there is only one level of expansion - you
  1642. # cannot make an group that points to another group. Note also that
  1643. # if there are spaces in the recipient name, this will appear as two
  1644. # recipients. In these cases it is better to use the key ID.
  1645. #group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti
  1646. # Lock the file only once for the lifetime of a process. If you do
  1647. # not define this, the lock will be obtained and released every time
  1648. # it is needed, which is usually preferable.
  1649. #lock-once
  1650. # GnuPG can send and receive keys to and from a keyserver. These
  1651. # servers can be HKP, email, or LDAP (if GnuPG is built with LDAP
  1652. # support).
  1653. #
  1654. # Example HKP keyserver:
  1655. # hkp://
  1656. # hkp://
  1657. #
  1658. # Example email keyserver:
  1659. #
  1660. #
  1661. # Example LDAP keyservers:
  1662. # ldap://
  1663. #
  1664. # Regular URL syntax applies, and you can set an alternate port
  1665. # through the usual method:
  1666. # hkp://
  1667. #
  1668. # Most users just set the name and type of their preferred keyserver.
  1669. # Note that most servers (with the notable exception of
  1670. # ldap:// synchronize changes with each other. Note
  1671. # also that a single server name may actually point to multiple
  1672. # servers via DNS round-robin. hkp:// is an example of
  1673. # such a "server", which spreads the load over a number of physical
  1674. # servers. To see the IP address of the server actually used, you may use
  1675. # the "--keyserver-options debug".
  1676. keyserver hkp://
  1677. #keyserver
  1678. #keyserver ldap://
  1679. # Common options for keyserver functions:
  1680. #
  1681. # include-disabled : when searching, include keys marked as "disabled"
  1682. # on the keyserver (not all keyservers support this).
  1683. #
  1684. # no-include-revoked : when searching, do not include keys marked as
  1685. # "revoked" on the keyserver.
  1686. #
  1687. # verbose : show more information as the keys are fetched.
  1688. # Can be used more than once to increase the amount
  1689. # of information shown.
  1690. #
  1691. # use-temp-files : use temporary files instead of a pipe to talk to the
  1692. # keyserver. Some platforms (Win32 for one) always
  1693. # have this on.
  1694. #
  1695. # keep-temp-files : do not delete temporary files after using them
  1696. # (really only useful for debugging)
  1697. #
  1698. # http-proxy="proxy" : set the proxy to use for HTTP and HKP keyservers.
  1699. # This overrides the "http_proxy" environment variable,
  1700. # if any.
  1701. #
  1702. # auto-key-retrieve : automatically fetch keys as needed from the keyserver
  1703. # when verifying signatures or when importing keys that
  1704. # have been revoked by a revocation key that is not
  1705. # present on the keyring.
  1706. #
  1707. # no-include-attributes : do not include attribute IDs (aka "photo IDs")
  1708. # when sending keys to the keyserver.
  1709. keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve
  1710. # Display photo user IDs in key listings
  1711. # list-options show-photos
  1712. # Display photo user IDs when a signature from a key with a photo is
  1713. # verified
  1714. # verify-options show-photos
  1715. # Use this program to display photo user IDs
  1716. #
  1717. # %i is expanded to a temporary file that contains the photo.
  1718. # %I is the same as %i, but the file isn't deleted afterwards by GnuPG.
  1719. # %k is expanded to the key ID of the key.
  1720. # %K is expanded to the long OpenPGP key ID of the key.
  1721. # %t is expanded to the extension of the image (e.g. "jpg").
  1722. # %T is expanded to the MIME type of the image (e.g. "image/jpeg").
  1723. # %f is expanded to the fingerprint of the key.
  1724. # %% is %, of course.
  1725. #
  1726. # If %i or %I are not present, then the photo is supplied to the
  1727. # viewer on standard input. If your platform supports it, standard
  1728. # input is the best way to do this as it avoids the time and effort in
  1729. # generating and then cleaning up a secure temp file.
  1730. #
  1731. # If no photo-viewer is provided, GnuPG will look for xloadimage, eog,
  1732. # or display (ImageMagick). On Mac OS X and Windows, the default is
  1733. # to use your regular JPEG image viewer.
  1734. #
  1735. # Some other viewers:
  1736. # photo-viewer "qiv %i"
  1737. # photo-viewer "ee %i"
  1738. #
  1739. # This one saves a copy of the photo ID in your home directory:
  1740. # photo-viewer "cat > ~/photoid-for-key-%k.%t"
  1741. #
  1742. # Use your MIME handler to view photos:
  1743. # photo-viewer "metamail -q -d -b -c %T -s 'KeyID 0x%k' -f GnuPG"
  1744. # Passphrase agent
  1745. #
  1746. # We support the old experimental passphrase agent protocol as well as
  1747. # the new Assuan based one (currently available in the "newpg" package
  1748. # at To make use of the agent,
  1749. # you have to run an agent as daemon and use the option
  1750. #
  1751. # use-agent
  1752. #
  1753. # which tries to use the agent but will fallback to the regular mode
  1754. # if there is a problem connecting to the agent. The normal way to
  1755. # locate the agent is by looking at the environment variable
  1756. # GPG_AGENT_INFO which should have been set during gpg-agent startup.
  1757. # In certain situations the use of this variable is not possible, thus
  1758. # the option
  1759. #
  1760. # --gpg-agent-info=<path>:<pid>:1
  1761. #
  1762. # may be used to override it.
  1763. # Automatic key location
  1764. #
  1765. # GnuPG can automatically locate and retrieve keys as needed using the
  1766. # auto-key-locate option. This happens when encrypting to an email
  1767. # address (in the "" form), and there are no
  1768. # keys on the local keyring. This option takes the
  1769. # following arguments, in the order they are to be tried:
  1770. #
  1771. # cert = locate a key using DNS CERT, as specified in RFC-4398.
  1772. # GnuPG can handle both the PGP (key) and IPGP (URL + fingerprint)
  1773. # CERT methods.
  1774. #
  1775. # pka = locate a key using DNS PKA.
  1776. #
  1777. # ldap = locate a key using the PGP Universal method of checking
  1778. # "ldap://keys.(thedomain)". For example, encrypting to
  1779. # will check ldap://
  1780. #
  1781. # keyserver = locate a key using whatever keyserver is defined using
  1782. # the keyserver option.
  1783. #
  1784. # You may also list arbitrary keyservers here by URL.
  1785. #
  1786. # Try CERT, then PKA, then LDAP, then hkp://
  1787. #auto-key-locate cert pka ldap hkp://
  1788. # default preferences
  1789. personal-digest-preferences SHA256
  1790. cert-digest-algo SHA256
  1791. default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
  1792. #+END_SRC
  1793. Save and exit.
  1794. *** If you have an existing key
  1795. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1796. gpg --import ~/public_key.txt
  1797. gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import ~/private_key.txt
  1798. shred -zu ~/private_key.txt
  1799. #+END_SRC
  1800. Now check the digest preferences, replacing /keyID/ with your GPG key ID. This applies especially if you have a key which was generated some time ago.
  1801. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1802. export MYGPGKEYID=keyID
  1803. gpg --edit-key $MYGPGKEYID
  1804. setpref SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
  1805. save
  1806. gpg --send-keys $MYGPGKEYID
  1807. #+END_SRC
  1808. *** To create a new key
  1809. Generate a key with the following command:
  1810. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1811. gpg --gen-key
  1812. #+END_SRC
  1813. You can find your GPG key ID by entering:
  1814. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1815. gpg --list-keys
  1816. #+END_SRC
  1817. The key ID is the second part of the string of numbers and letters. So for example in:
  1818. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1819. pub 4096R/EA982E38 2012-05-20
  1820. #+END_SRC
  1821. the key ID is EA982E38. Now send your public key to a server so that others can find it.
  1822. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1823. gpg --send-keys $MYGPGKEYID
  1824. #+END_SRC
  1825. *** root settings
  1826. If you later create an encrypted mailing list then the root user will also need to have good GPG settings so that it can generate key pairs for the list. The easiest way to ensure this is to do the following, replacing /myusername/ with your username:
  1827. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1828. su
  1829. cp -r /home/myusername/.gnupg ~/
  1830. chown -R root:root ~/.gnupg
  1831. #+END_SRC
  1832. ** Protect processes
  1833. Because the BBB has limited RAM some processes may occasionally be automatically killed if physical memory availability is getting too low. The way in which processes are chosen to be sacrificed is not particularly intelligent, and so can result in vital systems being stopped. To try to prevent that from ever happening the following script can be used, which should ensure that at a minimum ssh, email and mysql keep running.
  1834. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1835. editor /usr/bin/protectprocesses
  1836. #+END_SRC
  1837. Add the following:
  1838. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1839. #!/bin/bash
  1840. declare -a protect=('/usr/sbin/sshd' '/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr' '/bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe' '/usr/sbin/exim4')
  1841. for p in "${protect[@]}"
  1842. do
  1843. OOM_PROC_ID=$(ps aux | grep '$p' | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
  1844. if [ ! -z "$OOM_PROC_ID" ]; then
  1845. echo -1000 >/proc/$OOM_PROC_ID/oom_score_adj
  1846. echo -17 >/proc/$OOM_PROC_ID/oom_adj
  1847. fi
  1848. done
  1849. #+END_SRC
  1850. Save and exit, then edit the cron jobs:
  1851. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1852. editor /etc/crontab
  1853. #+END_SRC
  1854. And add the line:
  1855. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1856. */1 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 30 /usr/bin/protectprocesses
  1857. #+END_SRC
  1858. Then save and exit and restart cron.
  1859. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1860. chmod +x /usr/bin/protectprocesses
  1861. service cron restart
  1862. #+END_SRC
  1863. Here cron is used so that if we stop one of the relevant processes and then restart it then its oom priority will be reassigned again
  1864. .
  1865. ** Setting up a web site
  1866. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  1867. /It's important to have the geek community as a whole think about its responsibility and what it can do. We need various alternative voices pushing back on conventional government sometimes./
  1868. -- Tim Berners-Lee
  1869. #+END_VERSE
  1870. First remove any existing web server installation and then install nginx together with some scripts for easily enabling and disabling the web sites which we will create.
  1871. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1872. apt-get remove --purge apache2
  1873. apt-get install nginx php5-fpm git
  1874. cd ~/build
  1875. git clone
  1876. cd ~/build/nginx_ensite
  1877. cp nginx_* /usr/sbin
  1878. #+END_SRC
  1879. In the examples below replace / with your own domain name.
  1880. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1881. export
  1882. mkdir /var/www/$HOSTNAME
  1883. mkdir /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  1884. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  1885. #+END_SRC
  1886. The configuration for the site should look something like the following. Replace / with the site domain name.
  1887. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1888. server {
  1889. listen 80;
  1890. server_name;
  1891. root /var/www/;
  1892. error_log /var/www/;
  1893. index index.html index.htm index.php;
  1894. # Uncomment this if you need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  1895. #rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
  1896. location / {
  1897. try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
  1898. }
  1899. location ~ \.php$ {
  1900. fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
  1901. fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
  1902. fastcgi_index index.php;
  1903. include fastcgi_params;
  1904. }
  1905. }
  1906. server {
  1907. listen 443 ssl;
  1908. root /var/www/;
  1909. server_name;
  1910. error_log /var/www/;
  1911. index index.html index.htm index.php;
  1912. charset utf-8;
  1913. client_max_body_size 20m;
  1914. client_body_buffer_size 128k;
  1915. ssl on;
  1916. ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
  1917. ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/;
  1918. ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/;
  1919. ssl_session_timeout 5m;
  1920. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  1921. ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m;
  1922. ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # not possible to do exclusive
  1924. add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
  1925. add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
  1926. add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;
  1927. # if you want to be able to access the site via HTTP
  1928. # then replace the above with the following:
  1929. # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=0;";
  1930. # rewrite to front controller as default rule
  1931. location / {
  1932. rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?q=$uri&$args last;
  1933. }
  1934. # make sure webfinger and other well known services aren't blocked
  1935. # by denying dot files and rewrite request to the front controller
  1936. location ^~ /.well-known/ {
  1937. allow all;
  1938. rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?q=$uri&$args last;
  1939. }
  1940. # statically serve these file types when possible
  1941. # otherwise fall back to front controller
  1942. # allow browser to cache them
  1943. # added .htm for advanced source code editor library
  1944. location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|js|htm|html|ttf|woff|svg)$ {
  1945. expires 30d;
  1946. try_files $uri /index.php?q=$uri&$args;
  1947. }
  1948. # block these file types
  1949. location ~* \.(tpl|md|tgz|log|out)$ {
  1950. deny all;
  1951. }
  1952. # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
  1953. # or a unix socket
  1954. location ~* \.php$ {
  1955. # Zero-day exploit defense.
  1956. #,88845,page=3
  1957. # Won't work properly (404 error) if the file is not stored on this
  1958. # server, which is entirely possible with php-fpm/php-fcgi.
  1959. # Comment the 'try_files' line out if you set up php-fpm/php-fcgi on
  1960. # another machine. And then cross your fingers that you won't get hacked.
  1961. try_files $uri =404;
  1962. # NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini
  1963. fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
  1964. # With php5-cgi alone:
  1965. # fastcgi_pass;
  1966. # With php5-fpm:
  1967. fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
  1968. include fastcgi_params;
  1969. fastcgi_index index.php;
  1970. fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
  1971. }
  1972. # deny access to all dot files
  1973. location ~ /\. {
  1974. deny all;
  1975. }
  1976. #deny access to store
  1977. location ~ /store {
  1978. deny all;
  1979. }
  1980. }
  1981. #+END_SRC
  1982. Save and exit. Then change the domain name.
  1983. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1984. sed "s/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME > /tmp/website
  1985. cp -f /tmp/website /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  1986. #+END_SRC
  1987. Then to enable the site:
  1988. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1989. nginx_dissite default
  1990. nginx_ensite $HOSTNAME
  1991. makecert $HOSTNAME
  1992. #+END_SRC
  1993. If all has gone well then there should be no warnings or errors after you run the service restart command. After that you should enable ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) on your internet router/firewall, such that they are redirected to the BBB.
  1994. Also limit the amount of memory which any php scripts can use.
  1995. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  1996. editor /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
  1997. #+END_SRC
  1998. Set the following:
  1999. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2000. memory_limit = 32M
  2001. #+END_SRC
  2002. Also set:
  2003. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2004. cgi.fix_pathinfo=0
  2005. #+END_SRC
  2006. Save and exit. Also edit */etc/php5/cli/php.ini* and set /memory_limit/ to the same value. This should prevent any rogue scripts from crashing the system.
  2007. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2008. editor /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
  2009. #+END_SRC
  2010. Set the following:
  2011. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2012. pm.max_children = 20
  2013. #+END_SRC
  2014. Save and exit.
  2015. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2016. service php5-fpm restart
  2017. service nginx restart
  2018. #+END_SRC
  2019. ** Accessing your Email
  2020. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2021. /The emails showed that Google...was among several other military/defense contractors vying for a piece of DAC’s $10.9-million surveillance contracting action./
  2022. -- Article on the "Google-Military-Surveillance Complex" by Yasha Levine
  2023. #+END_VERSE
  2024. *** Mutt email client
  2025. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2026. apt-get install mutt-patched lynx abook
  2027. exit
  2028. mkdir ~/.mutt
  2029. echo "text/html; lynx -dump -width=78 -nolist %s | sed ‘s/^ //’; copiousoutput; needsterminal; nametemplate=%s.html" > ~/.mutt/mailcap
  2030. su
  2031. editor /etc/Muttrc
  2032. #+END_SRC
  2033. Append the following:
  2034. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2035. set mbox_type=Maildir
  2036. set folder="~/Maildir"
  2037. set mask="!^\\.[^.]"
  2038. set mbox="~/Maildir"
  2039. set record="+Sent"
  2040. set postponed="+Drafts"
  2041. set trash="+Trash"
  2042. set spoolfile="~/Maildir"
  2043. auto_view text/x-vcard text/html text/enriched
  2044. set editor="emacs"
  2045. set header_cache="+.cache"
  2046. macro index S "<tag-prefix><save-message>=.learn-spam<enter>" "move to learn-spam"
  2047. macro pager S "<save-message>=.learn-spam<enter>" "move to learn-spam"
  2048. macro index H "<tag-prefix><copy-message>=.learn-ham<enter>" "copy to learn-ham"
  2049. macro pager H "<copy-message>=.learn-ham<enter>" "copy to learn-ham"
  2050. # set up the sidebar
  2051. set sidebar_width=12
  2052. set sidebar_visible=yes
  2053. set sidebar_delim='|'
  2054. set sidebar_sort=yes
  2055. set rfc2047_parameters
  2056. # Show inbox and sent items
  2057. mailboxes = =Sent
  2058. # Alter these colours as needed for maximum bling
  2059. color sidebar_new yellow default
  2060. color normal white default
  2061. color hdrdefault brightcyan default
  2062. color signature green default
  2063. color attachment brightyellow default
  2064. color quoted green default
  2065. color quoted1 white default
  2066. color tilde blue default
  2067. # ctrl-n, ctrl-p to select next, prev folder
  2068. # ctrl-o to open selected folder
  2069. bind index \Cp sidebar-prev
  2070. bind index \Cn sidebar-next
  2071. bind index \Co sidebar-open
  2072. bind pager \Cp sidebar-prev
  2073. bind pager \Cn sidebar-next
  2074. bind pager \Co sidebar-open
  2075. # ctrl-b toggles sidebar visibility
  2076. macro index,pager \Cb '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><redraw-screen>' "toggle sidebar"
  2077. # esc-m Mark new messages as read
  2078. macro index <esc>m "T~N<enter>;WNT~O<enter>;WO\CT~T<enter>" "mark all messages read"
  2079. # Collapsing threads
  2080. macro index [ "<collapse-thread>" "collapse/uncollapse thread"
  2081. macro index ] "<collapse-all>" "collapse/uncollapse all threads"
  2082. # threads containing new messages
  2083. uncolor index "~(~N)"
  2084. color index brightblue default "~(~N)"
  2085. # new messages themselves
  2086. uncolor index "~N"
  2087. color index brightyellow default "~N"
  2088. # GPG/PGP integration
  2089. # this set the number of seconds to keep in memory the passphrase used to encrypt/sign
  2090. set pgp_timeout=60
  2091. # automatically sign and encrypt with PGP/MIME
  2092. set pgp_autosign # autosign all outgoing mails
  2093. set pgp_replyencrypt # autocrypt replies to crypted
  2094. set pgp_replysign # autosign replies to signed
  2095. set pgp_auto_decode=yes # decode attachments
  2096. unset smime_is_default
  2097. set alias_file=~/.mutt-alias
  2098. source ~/.mutt-alias
  2099. set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
  2100. macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "add the sender address to abook"
  2101. #+END_SRC
  2102. Save and exit.
  2103. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2104. editor /etc/mail/spamassassin/
  2105. #+END_SRC
  2106. Uncomment *use_bayes*, *bayes_auto_learn*
  2107. Save and exit, then run:
  2108. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2109. service spamassassin restart
  2110. exit
  2111. cp /etc/Muttrc ~/.muttrc
  2112. touch ~/.mutt-alias
  2113. #+END_SRC
  2114. Finally you can then type *mutt* to get access to your email. Hence as a fallback, or if you prefer as the primary way of accessing email, you can ssh into the BBB and use the mutt command line email client. Ssh clients are available for all operating systems, and also you should be reasonably protected from passive surveillance between wherever you are and the BBB (although not between the BBB and the wider internet), which can be useful if you are for example using an Android tablet from a cafe or railway station.
  2115. To use the address book system open an email and then to add the sender to the address list press the A key. It will ask you for an alias which may be used the next time you want to send a mail. Alternatively you may just edit the *~/.mutt-alias* file directly to add email addresses.
  2116. Some useful keys to know are:
  2117. | ESC / | Search for text within message contents |
  2118. | "/" | Search for text within headers |
  2119. | * | Move to the last message |
  2120. | TAB | Move to the next unread message |
  2121. | d | Delete a message |
  2122. | u | Undelete a mail which is pending deletion |
  2123. | $ | Delete all messages selected and check for new messages |
  2124. | a | Add to the address book |
  2125. | m | Send a new mail |
  2126. | ESC-m | Mark all messages as having been read |
  2127. | S | Mark a message as spam |
  2128. | H | Mark a message as ham |
  2129. | CTRL-b | Toggle side bar on/off |
  2130. | CTRL-n | Next mailbox (on side bar) |
  2131. | CTRL-p | Previous mailbox (on side bar) |
  2132. | CTRL-o | Open mailbox (on side bar) |
  2133. | ] | Expand or collapse all threads |
  2134. | [ | Expand of collapse the current thread |
  2135. | CTRL-k | Import a PGP/GPG public key |
  2136. One of the most common things which you might wish to do is to send an email. To do this first press /m/ to create a new message. Enter the address to send to and the subject, then after a few seconds the Emacs editor will appear with a blank document. Type your email then press /CTRL-x CTRL-s/ to save it and /CTRL-x CTRL-c/ to exit. You will then see a summary of the email to be sent out. Press /y/ to send it and then enter your GPG key passphrase (the one you gave when creating a PGP/GPG key). The purpose of that is to add a signature which is a strong proof that the email was written by you and not by someone else.
  2137. *** K9 Android client
  2138. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2139. /The surveillance state is robust. It is robust politically, legally, and technically./
  2140. -- Bruce Schneier
  2141. #+END_VERSE
  2142. **** Incoming server settings
  2143. * Select settings/account settings
  2144. * Select Fetching mail/incoming server
  2145. * Enter your username and password
  2146. * IMAP server should be your domain name
  2147. * Security: SSL/TLS (always)
  2148. * Authentication: Plain
  2149. * Port: 993
  2150. **** Outgoing (SMTP) server settings
  2151. * Select settings/account settings
  2152. * Select Sending mail/outgoing server
  2153. * Set SMTP server to your domain name
  2154. * Set Security to SSL/TLS (always)
  2155. * Set port to 465
  2156. * Set authentication to PLAIN
  2157. * Enter your username and password
  2158. * Accept the SSL certificate
  2159. **** Folders
  2160. To view any new folders which you may have created using the /mailinglistrule/ script from your inbox press the *K9 icon* at the top left to access folders, then press the *menu button* and select *refresh folder list*.
  2161. If your folder still doesn't show up then press the *menu button*, select *show folders* and select *all folders*.
  2162. *** Webmail
  2163. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2164. /Most of the information extracted is "content", such as recordings of phone calls or the substance of email messages./
  2165. -- From a 2013 Guardian article on GCHQ/NSA bulk internet data interception.
  2166. #+END_VERSE
  2167. For maximum speed and efficiency the recommended email client is Mutt, accessed via ssh, but non-technical people who aren't using an Android app are unlikely to want to use email in that manner. So it's a good idea to also have a webmail system installed, both for accessibility and as a fallback should ssh not be available due to port blocking.
  2168. If you're not already logged in as root:
  2169. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2170. su
  2171. #+END_SRC
  2172. Install dependencies.
  2173. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2174. apt-get install mysql-server
  2175. #+END_SRC
  2176. Create a mysql database, specifying a password which should be a long random string generated with a password manager such as KeepassX.
  2177. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2178. mysql -u root -p
  2179. create database roundcubemail;
  2180. CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'roundcubepassword';
  2181. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
  2182. quit
  2183. #+END_SRC
  2184. Download roundcube.
  2185. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2186. mkdir ~/build
  2187. cd ~/build
  2188. wget
  2189. #+END_SRC
  2190. Verify it.
  2191. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2192. sha256sum roundcubemail.tar.gz
  2193. 1c1560a7a56e6884b45c49f52961dbbb3f6bacbc7e7c755440750a1ab027171c
  2194. #+END_SRC
  2195. Extract the files.
  2196. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2197. tar -xzvf roundcubemail.tar.gz
  2198. export
  2199. cp -r roundcubemail-* /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail
  2200. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/temp
  2201. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/logs
  2202. rm /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/.htaccess
  2203. #+END_SRC
  2204. Edit your web site configuration.
  2205. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2206. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  2207. #+END_SRC
  2208. Within the 80 VirtualHost section add the following:
  2209. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2210. location /mail/ {
  2211. deny all;
  2212. }
  2213. #+END_SRC
  2214. Within the 443 VirtualHost section add the following:
  2215. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2216. location /mail/ {
  2217. autoindex on;
  2218. allow all;
  2219. }
  2220. #+END_SRC
  2221. Save and exit, then restart the web server.
  2222. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2223. service nginx restart
  2224. #+END_SRC
  2225. Now with a browser visit Scroll down and click "next". Give your webmail site a product name.
  2226. Change *spellcheck_engine* to *ATD*.
  2227. Under database settings change the database type to SQlite and leave all other fields blank.
  2228. Unser IMAP set *default_host* to ssl://, *default_port* to 993 and *username_domain* to your domain name.
  2229. Set *smtp_port* to 465.
  2230. Check "Use the current IMAP username and password for SMTP authentication"
  2231. Change the *database password* to the password you gave when creating the MySql database above.
  2232. Click *create config*
  2233. Click download to download the file.
  2234. The config file which you downloaded should contain the following:
  2235. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2236. $config['default_host'] = 'localhost';
  2237. $config['smtp_port'] = 465;
  2238. $config['username_domain'] = '';
  2239. #+END_SRC
  2240. In a terminal on your local machine (not logged into the BBB):
  2241. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2242. cd ~/Downloads
  2243. scp
  2244. #+END_SRC
  2245. Then in a terminal ssh'd into the BBB:
  2246. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2247. mv /home/myusername/ /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/config
  2248. chmod 755 /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/config/
  2249. #+END_SRC
  2250. Click *continue*.
  2251. Click *initialize database*.
  2252. Under *Test SMTP config* you can use a [[]] address to check that mail can be sent.
  2253. Now we can delete the installer.
  2254. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2255. rm -rf /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/mail/installer
  2256. #+END_SRC
  2257. Now with a browser navigate to and log in.
  2258. You'll notice that you may not be able to see any mailing list folders which you may have created earlier using the /mailinglistrule/ script. To make folders visible click on the cog-like settings icon at the bottom left of the screen then select *manage folders*. You will then be able to select which folders you wish to become visible. Make sure that the *Sent*, *spam* and *ham* folders are selected.
  2259. Click on the *Mail* icon to go back to your main mail screen then click on the *Settings* icon at the top right of the screen and select *special folders*. Set *Junk* to *spam* then click the save button. Also select *identities* and make sure that your email address is correct.
  2260. *** Thunderbird
  2261. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2262. /Towards the end of 2012, we heard from the National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC), a division of GCHQ and a liaison with the Home Office, [that] they wanted the keys to decrypt the customer data./
  2263. -- Brian Spector, on the shutting down of the PrivateSky encrypted email service
  2264. #+END_VERSE
  2265. Another common way in which you may want to access email is via Thunderbird. This may be especially useful if you're trying to convert former Windows users who may previously have been using some version of Outlook.
  2266. The following instructions should be carried out on the client machines (laptop, etc), not on the BBB itself.
  2267. **** Initial setup
  2268. Install *Thunderbird* and *Enigmail*. How you do this just depends upon your distro and software manager or "app store".
  2269. Open Thinderbird
  2270. Select "*Skip this and use existing email*"
  2271. Enter your name, email address ( and the password for your user (the one from [[Add a user]]).
  2272. You'll get a message saying "/Thunderbird failed to find the settings/"
  2273. The settings should be as follows, substituting / for your domain name and /myusername/ for the username given previously in [[Add a user]].
  2274. * Incoming: IMAP,, 993, SSL/TLS, Normal Password
  2275. * Outgoing: SMTP,, 465, SSL/TLS, Normal Password
  2276. * Username: myusername
  2277. Click *Done*.
  2278. Click *Get Certificate* and make sure "*permanently store this exception*" is selected", then click *Store Security Exception*.
  2279. From OpenPGP setup select "*Yes, I would like the wizard to get me started*". If the wizard doesn't start automatically then "setup wizard" can be selected from OpenPGP on the menu bar.
  2280. Select "*Yes, I want to sign all of my email*"
  2281. Select "*No, I will create per-recipient rules*"
  2282. Select "*yes*" to change default settings.
  2283. **** If you have existing GPG key
  2284. Export your GPG public and private keys.
  2285. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2286. gpg --output ~/public_key.txt --armor --export KEY_ID
  2287. gpg --output ~/private_key.txt --armor --export-secret-key KEY_ID
  2288. #+END_SRC
  2289. Select "*I have existing public and private keys*".
  2290. Select your public and private GPG exported key files.
  2291. Select the account which you want to use and click *Next*, *Next* and *Finish*.
  2292. Remove your exported key files.
  2293. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2294. shred -zu ~/public_key.txt
  2295. shred -zu ~/private_key.txt
  2296. #+END_SRC
  2297. **** If you don't have any existing GPG or PGP key
  2298. Select "*I want to create a new key pair*"
  2299. Enter a passphrase and click *Next* a couple of times.
  2300. Click *Generate Certificate* to generate a revocation certificate.
  2301. Enter the passphrase which you gave previously.
  2302. Click *Finish*
  2303. From the menu select *OpenPGP* and then *Key Management*. Make sure that *Display all keys* is selected and then select your key. Select *Keyserver* on the menu and then *Upload Public Keys*. This will upload your public key to a key server so that others can find it.
  2304. Select *File* from the menu then *Export keys to file*. Click on *Export Secret keys* and select a location to save them to. It's a good idea to save them to a USB stick which can then be removed from the computer and carried around on a keyring together with your physical keys. If you need to set up GPG or Thunderbird/Enigmail on others then this file will be used to import your keys.
  2305. **** Using for the first time
  2306. Click on the Thunderbird menu, which looks like three horizontal bars on the right hand side.
  2307. Hover over *preferences* and then *Account settings*.
  2308. Select *OpenPGP Security* and make sure that *use PGP/MIME by default* is ticked. This will enable you to sign/encrypt attachments, HTML bodies and UTF-8 without any problems.
  2309. Select *Synchronization & Storage*.
  2310. Make sure that *Keep messages for this account on this computer* is unticked, then click *Ok*.
  2311. Click on *Inbox*. Depending upon how much email you have it may take a while to import the subject lines.
  2312. Note that when sending an email for the first time you will also need to accept the SSL certificate.
  2313. Get into the habit of using email encryption and encourage others to do so. Remember that you may not think that your emails are very interesting but the Surveillance State is highly interested in them and will be actively trying to data mine your private life looking for "suspicious" patterns, regardless of whether you are guilty of any crime or not.
  2314. **** Making folders visible
  2315. By default you won't be able to see any folders which you may have created earlier using the /mailinglistrule/ script. To make folders visible select:
  2316. *Menu*, hover over *Preferences*, select *Account Settings*, select *Server Settings* then click on the *Advanced* button.
  2317. Make sure that "*show only subscribed folders*" is not checked. Then click the *ok* buttons. Folders will be re-scanned, which may take some time depending upon how much email you have, but your folders will then appear.
  2318. *** Kmail
  2319. Kmail doesn't work very well and so isn't recommended. In particular the inbox doesn't appear to be accessible via IMAP.
  2320. When the account assistant screen appears enter your email address and user login.
  2321. Account type: Generic IMAP Email Server
  2322. Check /Download all messages for offline use/
  2323. Enter a password for KDE Wallet
  2324. When a certificate error appears click /Continue/ then accept /Forever/
  2325. After "could not authenticate" click /Account settings/
  2326. Select /General/ tab
  2327. Change your account name, username and password
  2328. Select the /Advanced/ tab
  2329. Click on /Serverside Subscription/ and ensure that the relevant folders are checked
  2330. Click /Finish/
  2331. Click /Check Mail/
  2332. ** Create Email folders and rules
  2333. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2334. /Yes, the NSA set fire to the Internet but it’s the business models of Google, Facebook, etc, that provide the firewood. Trusting the companies supplying the firewood to be your fire fighters is naïve at best./
  2335. -- Aral Balkan
  2336. #+END_VERSE
  2337. *** Rules for mailing lists
  2338. A common situation with email is that you may be subscribed to various mailing lists and want incoming email from those to be automatically grouped into a separate folder for each list.
  2339. We can make a script to make adding mailing list rules easy:
  2340. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2341. editor /usr/bin/mailinglistrule
  2342. #+END_SRC
  2343. Add the following:
  2344. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2345. #!/bin/bash
  2346. MYUSERNAME=$1
  2347. MAILINGLIST=$2
  2348. SUBJECTTAG=$3
  2349. MUTTRC=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.muttrc
  2350. PM=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.procmailrc
  2352. if [ ! -d "$LISTDIR" ]; then
  2353. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR
  2354. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/tmp
  2355. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/new
  2356. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/cur
  2357. fi
  2359. echo "" >> $PM
  2360. echo ":0" >> $PM
  2361. echo " * ^Subject:.*()\[$SUBJECTTAG\]" >> $PM
  2362. echo "$LISTDIR/new" >> $PM
  2364. if [ ! -f "$MUTTRC" ]; then
  2365. cp /etc/Muttrc $MUTTRC
  2367. fi
  2369. if [ ! -d $PROCMAILLOG ]; then
  2370. mkdir $PROCMAILLOG
  2372. fi
  2373. #+END_SRC
  2374. Save and exit, then make the script executable.
  2375. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2376. chmod +x /usr/bin/mailinglistrule
  2377. #+END_SRC
  2378. Now we can add a new mailing list rule with the following, where /myusername/ is your username, /mailinglistname/ is the name of the mailing list (with no spaces) and /subjecttag/ is the tag which usually appears within square brackets in the subject line of emails from the list.
  2379. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2380. mailinglistrule [myusername] [mailinglistname] [subjecttag]
  2381. #+END_SRC
  2382. Repeat this command for as many mailing lists as you need. Then edit your local Mutt configuration.
  2383. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2384. editor /home/myusername/.muttrc
  2385. #+END_SRC
  2386. Search for the *mailboxes* variable and add entries for the mailing lists you just created. For example:
  2387. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2388. mailboxes = =Sent =mailinglistname
  2389. #+END_SRC
  2390. Then save and exit.
  2391. *** Rules for specific email addresses
  2392. You can also make a script which will allow you to move mail from specific email addresses to a folder.
  2393. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2394. editor /usr/bin/emailrule
  2395. #+END_SRC
  2396. Add the following:
  2397. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2398. #!/bin/bash
  2399. MYUSERNAME=$1
  2401. MAILINGLIST=$3
  2402. MUTTRC=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.muttrc
  2403. PM=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.procmailrc
  2405. if [ ! -d "$LISTDIR" ]; then
  2406. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR
  2407. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/tmp
  2408. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/new
  2409. mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/cur
  2410. fi
  2412. echo "" >> $PM
  2413. echo ":0" >> $PM
  2414. echo " * ^From: $EMAILADDRESS" >> $PM
  2415. echo "$LISTDIR/new" >> $PM
  2417. if [ ! -f "$MUTTRC" ]; then
  2418. cp /etc/Muttrc $MUTTRC
  2420. fi
  2422. if [ ! -d $PROCMAILLOG ]; then
  2423. mkdir $PROCMAILLOG
  2425. fi
  2426. #+END_SRC
  2427. Save and exit, then make the script executable.
  2428. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2429. chmod +x /usr/bin/emailrule
  2430. #+END_SRC
  2431. Then to add a particular email address to a folder run the command:
  2432. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2433. emailrule [myusername] [emailaddress] [foldername]
  2434. #+END_SRC
  2435. If you want any mail from the given email address to be deleted then set the /foldername/ to /Trash/.
  2436. To ensure that the folder appears within Mutt.
  2437. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2438. editor /home/myusername/.muttrc
  2439. #+END_SRC
  2440. Search for the *mailboxes* variable and add entries for the mailing lists you just created. For example:
  2441. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2442. mailboxes = =Sent =foldername
  2443. #+END_SRC
  2444. Then save and exit.
  2445. ** Install a Blog
  2446. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2447. /When society gives censors wide and vague powers they never confine themselves to deserving targets. They are not snipers, but machine-gunners. Allow them to fire at will, and they will hit anything that moves./
  2448. -- Nick Cohen
  2449. #+END_VERSE
  2450. Wordpress is the most popular blogging platform, but in practice I found it to be high maintenance with frequent security updates and breakages. More practical for a home server is Flatpress. Flatpress doesn't use a MySql database, just text files, and so is easy to relocate or reinstall.
  2451. See the [[Setting up a web site]] section of this document for details of how to configure the web server for your blog's domain.
  2452. Download flatpress.
  2453. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2454. mkdir ~/build
  2455. cd ~/build
  2456. wget
  2457. #+END_SRC
  2458. Verify the download:
  2459. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2460. sha256sum flatpress.tar.gz
  2461. 6312a49aab5aabd6371518dcaf081f489dff04d001bc34b4fe3f2a81170bbd4e flatpress.tar.gz
  2462. #+END_SRC
  2463. Extract and install it.
  2464. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2465. tar -xzvf flatpress.tar.gz
  2466. cd flatpress-*
  2467. cp -r * /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  2468. chmod -R 755 /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/fp-content
  2469. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/fp-content
  2470. cd ..
  2471. rm -rf flatpress-*
  2472. rm -f flatpress.tar.gz
  2473. #+END_SRC
  2474. Now visit your blog and follow the setup instructions, which are quite minimal. Various themes and addons are available from the Flatpress web site,
  2475. ** Install an IRC server
  2476. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2477. /Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties./
  2478. -- John Milton
  2479. #+END_VERSE
  2480. *** Base install
  2481. IRC is not an especially secure system. For instance, even with the best encryption it's easily possible to imagine IRC-specific cribs which could be used by cryptanalytic systems. However, we'll try to implement it in a manner which will at least give the surveillance aparatus something to ponder over.
  2482. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2483. adduser ircserver
  2484. cd ~/build
  2485. wget
  2486. #+END_SRC
  2487. Verify the download.
  2488. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2489. sha256sum ircd-hybrid-8.1.20.tgz
  2490. 5570be89fa76b2712d7f08d6c828d613d201daed8c1064be7245fe10bdffa228
  2491. #+END_SRC
  2492. Download Anope.
  2493. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2494. wget
  2495. #+END_SRC
  2496. And verify it.
  2497. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2498. sha256sum anope-2.0.1-source.tar.gz
  2499. 539f603adc4f982e3a5ffd175ecb007aadc619a692409b3e9e1f7f15fb1288e6
  2500. #+END_SRC
  2501. Then compile and install them.
  2502. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2503. apt-get install libssl-dev cmake
  2504. tar -xvf ircd-hybrid-8.1.20.tgz
  2505. tar -xvf anope-2.0.1-source.tar.gz
  2506. cd ~/build/ircd-hybrid-8.1.20
  2507. ./configure -prefix="/home/ircserver/ircd"
  2508. make
  2509. make install
  2510. cd ~/build/anope-2.0.1-source
  2511. ./Config
  2512. #+END_SRC
  2513. Answer the questions as follows:
  2514. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2515. In what directory do you want the binaries to be installed?
  2516. /home/ircserver/services
  2517. Create it?
  2518. y
  2519. Where do you want the data files to be installed?
  2520. /home/ircserver/services
  2521. Which group should all Services data files be owned by?
  2522. ircserver
  2523. What should the default umask for data files be (in octal)?
  2524. 007
  2525. Would you like to build a debug version of Anope?
  2526. n
  2527. Would you like to utilize
  2528. n
  2529. Do you want to build using precompiled headers?
  2530. n
  2531. If you need no extra include directories.
  2532. NONE
  2533. Are there any extra arguments you wish to pass to CMake?
  2534. NONE
  2535. #+END_SRC
  2536. Then build and install Anope.
  2537. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2538. cd build
  2539. make
  2540. make install
  2541. cd /home/ircserver/ircd/etc
  2542. cp reference.conf ircd.conf
  2543. #+END_SRC
  2544. Create some ssl certificates:
  2545. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2546. mkdir /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl
  2547. makecert ircd
  2548. mv /etc/ssl/private/ircd.key /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/
  2549. mv /etc/ssl/certs/ircd.crt /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/ircd.pem
  2550. mv /etc/ssl/certs/ircd.dhparam /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/dhparam.pem
  2551. chmod 640 /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/*
  2552. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/ircd
  2553. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/services
  2554. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl
  2555. #+END_SRC
  2556. Now edit the configuration:
  2557. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2558. editor /home/ircserver/ircd/etc/ircd.conf
  2559. #+END_SRC
  2560. Comment out:
  2561. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2562. // havent_read_conf = 1;
  2563. // flags = need_ident;
  2564. #+END_SRC
  2565. Uncomment and change the following lines:
  2566. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2567. rsa_private_key_file = "/home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/ircd.key";
  2568. ssl_certificate_file = "/home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/ircd.pem";
  2569. ssl_dh_param_file = "/home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/dhparam.pem";
  2570. #+END_SRC
  2571. Above the ssl parameters set *network_name* to your domain name.
  2572. Uncomment:
  2573. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2574. ssl_server_method = tldv1, sslv3;
  2575. #+END_SRC
  2576. Within the *operator* section (line 424):
  2577. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2578. name = "myusername";
  2579. user = "*@192.168.1.*";
  2580. password = "mypassword";
  2581. encrypted = no;
  2582. #+END_SRC
  2583. Within the *connect* section (line 555):
  2584. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2585. name = "";
  2586. host = "";
  2587. vhost = "";
  2588. send_password = "mysendacceptpassword";
  2589. accept_password = "mysendacceptpassword";
  2590. #+END_SRC
  2591. And within the *service* section:
  2592. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2593. name = "";
  2594. #+END_SRC
  2595. Within the serverinfo section change *name*, *network_name* and *network_desc* to a name and description for your IRC server. To avoid confusion you could make the name and network name the same as your domain name.
  2596. Change *max_clients* to 20, or a number which is sufficient for the number of simultaneous users you expect.
  2597. Save and exit.
  2598. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2599. cd /home/ircserver/services/conf
  2600. cp example.conf services.conf
  2601. editor services.conf
  2602. #+END_SRC
  2603. Set the following, replacing /operatorpassword/ with a password which will be used to manage your IRC channels, / with your domain name and /myusername/ with your username:
  2604. Within the *module* section set *name* to "hybrid".
  2605. Within the *uplink* section set *password* to the /sendacceptpassword/.
  2606. Uncomment *#oper* and *name* underneath it, and change the name to your username.
  2607. Save and exit, then create a daemon.
  2608. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2609. editor /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid
  2610. #+END_SRC
  2611. Add the following:
  2612. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2613. #!/bin/bash
  2614. # /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid
  2615. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  2616. # Provides: ircd-hybrid
  2617. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  2618. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  2619. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  2620. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  2621. # Short-Description: starts irc server
  2622. # Description: starts irc server
  2623. ### END INIT INFO
  2624. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  2625. #Settings
  2626. SERVICE='ircd-hybrid'
  2627. COMMAND='ircd'
  2628. USER='ircserver'
  2629. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
  2630. HISTORY=1024
  2631. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  2632. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/home/ircserver/ircd/sbin:/home/ircserver/ircd/bin'
  2633. irc_start() {
  2634. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  2635. cd /home/$USER/ircd
  2636. su --command "bin/$COMMAND" $USER
  2637. su --command "/home/$USER/services/bin/services" $USER
  2638. }
  2639. irc_stop() {
  2640. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  2641. killall -15 $COMMAND
  2642. killall -15 $USER
  2643. }
  2644. #Start-Stop here
  2645. case "$1" in
  2646. start)
  2647. irc_start
  2648. ;;
  2649. stop)
  2650. irc_stop
  2651. ;;
  2652. restart)
  2653. irc_stop
  2654. sleep 10s
  2655. irc_start
  2656. ;;
  2657. *)
  2658. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  2659. exit 1
  2660. ;;
  2661. esac
  2662. exit 0
  2663. #+END_SRC
  2664. Save and exit, then start the daemon.
  2665. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2666. chmod +x /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid
  2667. update-rc.d ircd-hybrid defaults
  2668. service ircd-hybrid start
  2669. #+END_SRC
  2670. *** Channel management
  2671. To to install channel management tools.
  2672. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2673. mkdir ~/build
  2674. cd ~/build
  2675. wget
  2676. #+END_SRC
  2677. Verify it.
  2678. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2679. sha256sum hybserv_1.9.4-1_armhf.deb
  2680. 41bf4eb6e24c87610a80bc14db1103a57484835510eea7e4ba9709c523318615 hybserv_1.9.4-1_armhf.deb
  2681. #+END_SRC
  2682. Install it.
  2683. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2684. dpkg -i hybserv_1.9.4-1_armhf.deb
  2685. #+END_SRC
  2686. Make a md5 version of the password for the IRC server operator.
  2687. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2688. /usr/bin/mkpasswd <myoperatorpassword>
  2689. #+END_SRC
  2690. Edit the ircd-hybrid configuration.
  2691. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2692. editor /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf
  2693. #+END_SRC
  2694. Enter the md5 password which you previously created within the /operator/ section. Also change /user/ to:
  2695. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2696. user = "*@*";
  2697. #+END_SRC
  2698. Then save and exit.
  2699. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2700. editor /etc/hybserv/hybserv.conf
  2701. #+END_SRC
  2702. Change #MD5 PASSWORD HERE# to the md5 operator password created earlier, to your domain name and mysendacceptpassword to the send/accept password specified within /ircd.conf/.
  2703. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2704. A:mynickname <myemailaddress>
  2705. services
  2706. O:*@*:#MD5 PASSWORD HERE#:root:segj (comment out other Q: lines)
  2707. S:mysendacceptpassword: (remove the other two services)
  2708. #+END_SRC
  2709. Also remove the line *#NOT-EDITED#*, then save and exit.
  2710. Now we need to restart the ircd and hybrid server to make things work:
  2711. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2712. service ircd-hybrid restart
  2713. service hybserv start
  2714. #+END_SRC
  2715. *** Usage with Irssi
  2716. On another computer (not the BBB).
  2717. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2718. sudo apt-get install irssi irssi-plugin-otr irssi-plugin-xmpp
  2719. irssi
  2720. #+END_SRC
  2721. Connect to the IRC and identify yourself as an operator. Here /mynetwork/ should be the same as *network_name* specified earlier within /ircd.conf/. The network name is something equivalent to "freenode".
  2722. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2723. /network add -nick mynick mynetwork
  2724. /channel add -auto #mychannel mynetwork channelpassword
  2725. /server add -auto -network mynetwork -ssl 6697 mysendacceptpassword
  2726. /connect
  2727. /join #mychannel
  2728. /msg -servername chanserv REGISTER #mychannel channelpassword
  2729. /msg -servername chanserv set #mychannel mlock +k channelpassword
  2730. /set paste_join_multiline OFF
  2731. #+END_SRC
  2732. If you edit the irssi config file:
  2733. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2734. editor ~/.irssi/config
  2735. #+END_SRC
  2736. It should look something like this:
  2737. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2738. {
  2739. address = "";
  2740. chatnet = "mynetwork";
  2741. port = "6697";
  2742. password = "mysendacceptpassword";
  2743. use_ssl = "yes";
  2744. ssl_verify = "no";
  2745. autoconnect = "yes";
  2746. },
  2747. #+END_SRC
  2748. If you're not using a self-signed certificate (self-signed is the default) then you can set *ssl_verify* to "yes".
  2749. By default irssi will use UTC time. An example of setting to some other time zone is as follows:
  2750. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2751. echo "load perl" >> ~/.irssi/startup
  2752. echo "script exec $ENV{'TZ'}='Europe/London';" >> ~/.irssi/startup
  2753. #+END_SRC
  2754. Also enable /Off The Record/ (OTR) messaging.
  2755. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2756. echo "load otr" >> ~/.irssi/startup
  2757. #+END_SRC
  2758. By default Irssi does not look especially attractive. To improve it's looks:
  2759. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2760. cd ~/.irssi
  2761. wget
  2762. mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts
  2763. mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
  2764. cd ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
  2765. wget
  2766. wget
  2767. #+END_SRC
  2768. Verify the files:
  2769. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2770. sha256sum ~/.irssi/xchat.theme
  2771. 7a84130ad55aabd0b043a03b013628438e6c7f82a58e15267633bc7eb443e60b
  2772. sha256sum ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/
  2773. 8293e867a22d42ce5a28cd755237509b6f3587fd2b21d7d20af4a832081610ca
  2774. sha256sum ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/
  2775. e4dd8f6d384bf4f2d0ab5ccf06df06e4a69d2647b08d37c8fc6cfd9326688395
  2776. #+END_SRC
  2777. Then run Irssi and enter the commands:
  2778. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2779. /set theme xchat
  2780. /statusbar window remove act
  2781. /set awl
  2782. /set awl_block -14
  2783. /set awl_display_key $Q%K|$N%n $H$C$S
  2784. /set awl_display_key_active $Q%K|$N%n $H%U$C%n$S
  2785. /set awl_display_nokey [$N]$H$C$S
  2786. /run autorun/
  2787. /set awl_viewer off
  2788. /save
  2789. #+END_SRC
  2790. *** Using irssi with Off The Record messaging (OTR)
  2791. Once you're running irssi then you can enable OTR with:
  2792. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2793. /statusbar window add otr
  2794. /otr genkey mynick@network (for example
  2795. #+END_SRC
  2796. Then to see your OTR fingerprint:
  2797. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2798. /otr info
  2799. #+END_SRC
  2800. And to trust or distrust someone else's fingerprint.
  2801. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2802. /otr trust [fingerprint]
  2803. /otr distrust [fingerprint]
  2804. #+END_SRC
  2805. *** Usage with XChat
  2806. Within the network list click, *Add* and enter your domain name then click *Edit*.
  2807. Select the entry within the servers box, then enter ** and press *Enter*.
  2808. Uncheck *use global user information*.
  2809. Enter first and second nicknames and check *auto connect to this network on startup*.
  2810. Check *use SSL* and *accept invalid SSL certificate*.
  2811. Enter some favourite channels and within *server password* enter /mysendacceptpassword/ which you defined earlier when setting up the server.
  2812. Click *close* and then *connect*.
  2813. *** Install Irssi as a daemon
  2814. It may be useful to run a persistent Irssi session on the BBB. This will enable you to log in and see any entries which occurred previously so that you don't find yourself in an argument without knowledge of what was said in the last few minutes or hours. This feature only works for a single user on the BBB - typically the administrator.
  2815. First install some prerequisites.
  2816. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2817. apt-get install irssi irssi-plugin-otr irssi-plugin-xmpp screen
  2818. #+END_SRC
  2819. Create an initialisation script.
  2820. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2821. editor /etc/init.d/irssid
  2822. #+END_SRC
  2823. Add the following:
  2824. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2825. #!/bin/bash
  2826. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  2827. # Provides: irssid
  2828. # Required-Start: $network
  2829. # Required-Stop: $network
  2830. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  2831. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  2832. # Short-Description: Start irssi daemon within screen session at boot time
  2833. # Description: This init script will start an irssi session under screen using the settings provided in /etc/irssid.conf
  2834. ### END INIT INFO
  2835. # Include the LSB library functions
  2836. . /lib/lsb/init-functions
  2837. # Setup static variables
  2838. configFile='/etc/irssid.conf'
  2839. daemonExec='/usr/bin/screen'
  2840. daemonArgs='-D -m'
  2841. daemonName="$(basename "$daemonExec")"
  2842. pidFile='/var/run/'
  2843. #
  2844. # Checks if the environment is capable of running the script (such as
  2845. # availability of programs etc).
  2846. #
  2847. # Return: 0 if the environmnt is properly setup for execution of init script, 1
  2848. # if not all conditions have been met.
  2849. #
  2850. function checkEnvironment() {
  2851. # Verify that the necessary binaries are available for execution.
  2852. local binaries=(irssi screen)
  2853. for bin in "${binaries[@]}"; do
  2854. if ! which "$bin" > /dev/null; then
  2855. log_failure_msg "Binary '$bin' is not available. Please install \
  2856. package containing it."
  2857. exit 5
  2858. fi
  2859. done
  2860. }
  2861. #
  2862. # Checks if the configuration files are available and properly setup.
  2863. #
  2864. # Return: 0 if irssid if properly configured, 1 otherwise.
  2865. #
  2866. function checkConfig() {
  2867. # Make sure the configuration file has been created
  2868. if ! [[ -f $configFile ]]; then
  2869. log_failure_msg "Please populate the configuration file '$configFile' \
  2870. before running."
  2871. exit 6
  2872. fi
  2873. # Make sure the required options have been set
  2874. local reqOptions=(user group session)
  2875. for option in "${reqOptions[@]}"; do
  2876. if ! grep -q -e "^[[:blank:]]*$option=" "$configFile"; then
  2877. log_failure_msg "Mandatory option '$option' was not specified in \
  2878. '$configFile'"
  2879. exit 6
  2880. fi
  2881. done
  2882. }
  2883. #
  2884. # Loads the configuration file and performs any additional configuration steps.
  2885. #
  2886. function configure() {
  2887. . "$configFile"
  2888. daemonArgs="$daemonArgs -S $session irssi"
  2889. [[ -n $args ]] && daemonArgs="$daemonArgs $args"
  2890. daemonCommand="$daemonExec $daemonArgs"
  2891. }
  2892. #
  2893. # Starts the daemon.
  2894. #
  2895. # Return: LSB-compliant code.
  2896. #
  2897. function start() {
  2898. start-stop-daemon --start -v -b -x /bin/su -p /tmp/irssi.screen.session -m --chdir /home/$user -- - $user -c "screen -D -m -S irssi -- irssi" 1>>/log.irssi
  2899. }
  2900. #
  2901. # Stops the daemon.
  2902. #
  2903. # Return: LSB-compliant code.
  2904. #
  2905. function stop() {
  2906. start-stop-daemon --stop -x /bin/su -p /tmp/irssi.screen.session -q
  2907. }
  2908. checkEnvironment
  2909. checkConfig
  2910. configure
  2911. case "$1" in
  2912. start)
  2913. log_daemon_msg "Starting daemon" "irssid"
  2914. start && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg $?
  2915. ;;
  2916. stop)
  2917. log_daemon_msg "Stopping daemon" "irssid"
  2918. stop && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg $?
  2919. ;;
  2920. restart)
  2921. log_daemon_msg "Restarting daemon" "irssid"
  2922. stop
  2923. start && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg $?
  2924. ;;
  2925. force-reload)
  2926. log_daemon_msg "Restarting daemon" "irssid"
  2927. stop
  2928. start && log_end_msg 0 || log_end_msg $?
  2929. ;;
  2930. status)
  2931. status_of_proc -p "$pidFile" "$daemonExec" screen && exit 0 || exit $?
  2932. ;;
  2933. *)
  2934. echo "irssid (start|stop|restart|force-reload|status|help)"
  2935. ;;
  2936. esac
  2937. #+END_SRC
  2938. Save and exit.
  2939. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2940. chmod +x /etc/init.d/irssid
  2941. #+END_SRC
  2942. Create a configuration file, replacing /myusername/ with your username.
  2943. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2944. editor /etc/irssid.conf
  2945. #+END_SRC
  2946. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2947. #
  2948. # Configuration file for irssid init script
  2949. #
  2950. # Mandatory options:
  2951. #
  2952. # user - Specify user for running irssi.
  2953. # group - Specify group for running irssi.
  2954. # session - Specify screen session name to be used for irssi.
  2955. #
  2956. # Non-mandatory options:
  2957. #
  2958. # args - Pass additional arguments to irssi.
  2959. #
  2960. user='myusername'
  2961. group='irssi'
  2962. session='irssi'
  2963. args='--config /home/myusername/.irssi/config'
  2964. #+END_SRC
  2965. Save and exit. Then add your user to the irssi group and start the daemon.
  2966. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2967. groupadd irssi
  2968. usermod -aG irssi myusername
  2969. update-rc.d irssid defaults
  2970. chown -R myusername:irssi /home/myusername/.irssi
  2971. service irssid start
  2972. #+END_SRC
  2973. Create a script to make running IRC on the server easier.
  2974. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2975. editor /usr/bin/irc
  2976. #+END_SRC
  2977. Add the following:
  2978. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2979. #!/bin/bash
  2980. screen -r irssi
  2981. #+END_SRC
  2982. Save and exit.
  2983. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2984. chmod +x /usr/bin/irc
  2985. chown myusername:myusername /usr/bin/irc
  2986. #+END_SRC
  2987. Then to subsequently access irssi log into the BBB using ssh and type:
  2988. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2989. irc
  2990. #+END_SRC
  2991. To set UK time within Irssi:
  2992. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  2993. /script exec $ENV{'TZ'}='Europe/London';
  2994. /save
  2995. #+END_SRC
  2996. ** Install a Jabber/XMPP server
  2997. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  2998. /Well heck, it isn’t that hard to write an instant messaging system./
  2999. --Jeremie Miller
  3000. #+END_VERSE
  3001. *** The Server
  3002. Generate a SSL certificate.
  3003. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3004. makecert xmpp
  3005. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/private/xmpp.key
  3006. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.*
  3007. #+END_SRC
  3008. Install Prosody.
  3009. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3010. apt-get install prosody
  3011. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/private/xmpp.key
  3012. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.crt
  3013. cp -a /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ /etc/prosody/conf.avail/xmpp.cfg.lua
  3014. editor /etc/prosody/conf.avail/xmpp.cfg.lua
  3015. #+END_SRC
  3016. Change the *VirtualHost* name to your domain name and remove the line below it.
  3017. Set the ssl section to:
  3018. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3019. ssl = {
  3020. key = "/etc/ssl/private/xmpp.key";
  3021. certificate = "/etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.crt";
  3022. dhparam = "/etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.dhparam";
  3023. }
  3024. #+END_SRC
  3025. And also append the following:
  3026. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3027. modules_enabled = {
  3028. "bosh"; -- Enable mod_bosh
  3029. "tls"; -- Enable mod_tls
  3030. }
  3031. c2s_require_encryption = true
  3032. s2s_require_encryption = true
  3033. #+END_SRC
  3034. Save and exit. Create a symbolic link.
  3035. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3036. ln -sf /etc/prosody/conf.avail/xmpp.cfg.lua /etc/prosody/conf.d/xmpp.cfg.lua
  3037. editor /etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua
  3038. #+END_SRC
  3039. Within the *ssl* section set:
  3040. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3041. ssl = {
  3042. key = "/etc/ssl/private/xmpp.key";
  3043. certificate = "/etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.crt";
  3044. dhparam = "/etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.dhparam";
  3045. }
  3046. #+END_SRC
  3047. Uncomment and set the following to *true*
  3048. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3049. c2s_require_encryption = true
  3050. s2s_require_encryption = true
  3051. #+END_SRC
  3052. Within the *modules_enabled* section uncomment *bosh*, then save and exit.
  3053. Add a user. You will be prompted to specify a password. You can repeat the process for as many users as needed. This will also be your Jabber ID (JID).
  3054. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3055. prosodyctl adduser
  3056. #+END_SRC
  3057. Restart the server
  3058. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3059. service prosody restart
  3060. #+END_SRC
  3061. On your internet router/firewall open ports 5222, 5223, 5269, 5280 and 5281 and forward them to the BBB.
  3062. It's possible to test that your XMPP server is working at It may take several minutes and you'll get a low score because of the self-signed certificate, but it will at least verify that your server is capable of communicating.
  3063. *** Managing users
  3064. To add a user:
  3065. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3066. prosodyctl adduser
  3067. #+END_SRC
  3068. To change a user password:
  3069. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3070. prosodyctl passwd
  3071. #+END_SRC
  3072. To remove a user:
  3073. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3074. prosodyctl deluser
  3075. #+END_SRC
  3076. Report the status of the XMPP server:
  3077. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3078. prosodyctl status
  3079. #+END_SRC
  3080. *** Using with Jitsi
  3081. Jitsi is the recommended communications client for desktop or laptop systems, since it includes the /off the record/ (OTR) feature which provides some additional security beyond the usual SSL certificates.
  3082. Jitsi can be downloaded from
  3083. On your desktop/laptop open Jitsi and select *Options* from the *Tools* menu.
  3084. Click *Add* to add a new user, then enter the Jabber ID which you previously specified with /prosodyctl/ when setting up the XMPP server. Close and then you should notice that your status is "Online" (or if not then you should be able to set it to online).
  3085. From the *File* menu you can add contacts, then select the chat icon to begin a chat. Click on the lock icon on the right hand side and this will initiate an authentication procedure in which you can specify a question and answer to verify the identity of the person you're communicating with. Once authentication is complete then you'll be chating using OTR, which provides an additional layer of security.
  3086. When opening Jitsi initially you will get a certificate warning for your domain name (assuming that you're using a self-signed certificate). If this happens then select *View Certificate* and enable the checkbox to trust the certificate, then select *Continue Anyway*. Once you've done this then the certificate warning will not appear again unless you reinstall Jitsi or use a different computer.
  3087. You can also [[][see this video]] as an example of using OTR.
  3088. *** Using with Ubuntu
  3089. The default XMPP client in Ubuntu is Empathy. Using Empathy isn't as secure as using Jitsi, since it doesn't include the /off the record/ feature, but since it's the default it's what many users will have easy access to.
  3090. Open *System Settings* and select *Online Accounts*, *Add account* and then *Jabber*.
  3091. Enter your username ( and password.
  3092. Click on *Advanced* and make sure that *Encryption required* and *Ignore SSL certificate errors* are checked. Ignoring the certificate errors will allow you to use the self-signed certificate created earlier. Then click *Done* and set your Jabber account and Empathy to *On*.
  3093. *** Using with Android
  3094. There are a few XMPP clients available on Android. Ideally choose ones which support off-the-record messaging. Here are some examples.
  3095. **** Xabber
  3096. Install [[][F-Droid]]
  3097. Search for and install Xabber.
  3098. Add an account and enter your Jabber/XMPP ID and password.
  3099. From the menu select *Settings* then *Security* then *OTR mode*. Set the mode to *Required*.
  3100. Make sure that *Check server certificate* is not checked.
  3101. Go back to the initial screen and then using the menu you can add contacts and begin chatting. Both parties will need to go through the off-the-record question and answer verification before the chat can begin, but that only needs to be done once for each person you're chatting with.
  3102. **** Gibberbot
  3103. Install [[][F-Droid]]
  3104. Search for and install Gibberbot, otherwise known as ChatSecure.
  3105. From the menu open *Accounts*
  3106. Select *Add account*
  3107. Change the server port from 0 to 5222
  3108. Done
  3109. Accept unknown certificate? Select *Always*
  3110. Go back to the initial screen and then using the menu you can add contacts and begin chatting.
  3111. ** Social Networking
  3112. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  3113. /Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine./
  3114. -- Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation
  3115. #+END_VERSE
  3116. *** Friendica
  3117. **** Installation
  3118. See [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to update a web server configuration for your Friendica site. You should have a separate domain name specifically to run Friendica on. It can't be installed in a subdirectory on a domain used for something else.
  3119. Edit your web server configuration:
  3120. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3121. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  3122. #+END_SRC
  3123. Replace the section which begins with "listen 80" with the following:
  3124. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3125. server {
  3126. listen 80;
  3127. rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
  3128. }
  3129. #+END_SRC
  3130. Save and exit, then restart the web server.
  3131. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3132. service nginx restart
  3133. #+END_SRC
  3134. Now install some dependencies.
  3135. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3136. apt-get install mysql-server php5-common php5-cli php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-fpm php5-cgi php-apc
  3137. #+END_SRC
  3138. If you are installing /mysql-server/ for the first time then enter an admin password.
  3139. Reduce the memory use of mysql by using the "small" configuration.
  3140. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3141. cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.5/examples/my-small.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  3142. #+END_SRC
  3143. Create a mysql database, replacing /myfriendicapassword/ with a password used to administer the friendica database.
  3144. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3145. mysql -u root -p
  3146. create database friendica;
  3147. CREATE USER 'friendicaadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'myfriendicapassword';
  3148. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON friendica.* TO 'friendicaadmin'@'localhost';
  3149. quit
  3150. #+END_SRC
  3151. You may need to fix Git SSL problems.
  3152. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3153. git config --global http.sslVerify true
  3154. apt-get install ca-certificates
  3155. cd ~/
  3156. editor .gitconfig
  3157. #+END_SRC
  3158. The .gitconfig file should look something like this:
  3159. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3160. [user]
  3161. name = yourname
  3162. email =
  3163. [http]
  3164. sslVerify = true
  3165. sslCAinfo = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  3166. #+END_SRC
  3167. Get the source code.
  3168. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3169. export
  3170. cd /var/www/$HOSTNAME
  3171. rm -rf htdocs
  3172. git clone htdocs
  3173. chmod -R 755 htdocs
  3174. chown -R www-data:www-data htdocs
  3175. chown -R www-data:www-data htdocs/view/smarty3
  3176. git clone htdocs/addon
  3177. #+END_SRC
  3178. Now visit the URL of your site and you should be taken through the rest of the installation procedure.
  3179. | Database Server Name | localhost |
  3180. | Database login name | friendicaadmin |
  3181. | Database Login Password | myfriendicapassword |
  3182. | Database Name | friendica |
  3183. When installation is complete if you already have an exported account which you wish to import then visit, rather than registering a new user.
  3184. Install the poller.
  3185. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3186. editor /etc/crontab
  3187. #+END_SRC
  3188. and append the following, changing / to whatever your Friendica domain is.
  3189. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3190. */10 * * * * root cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/php include/poller.php
  3191. #+END_SRC
  3192. Save and exit, then restart cron.
  3193. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3194. service cron restart
  3195. #+END_SRC
  3196. You can improve the speed of Friendica database searches by adding the following indexes:
  3197. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3198. mysql -u root -p
  3199. use friendica;
  3200. CREATE INDEX `uri_received` ON item(`uri`, `received`);
  3201. CREATE INDEX `received_uri` ON item(`received`, `uri`);
  3202. CREATE INDEX `contact-id_created` ON item(`contact-id`, created);
  3203. CREATE INDEX `uid_network_received` ON item(`uid`, `network`, `received`);
  3204. CREATE INDEX `uid_parent` ON item(`uid`, `parent`);
  3205. CREATE INDEX `uid_received` ON item(`uid`, `received`);
  3206. CREATE INDEX `uid_network_commented` ON item(`uid`, `network`, `commented`);
  3207. CREATE INDEX `uid_title` ON item(uid, `title`);
  3208. CREATE INDEX `created_contact-id` ON item(`created`, `contact-id`);
  3209. quit
  3210. #+END_SRC
  3211. Make sure that Friendica doesn't use too much memory.
  3212. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3213. editor /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/.htaccess
  3214. #+END_SRC
  3215. Append the following:
  3216. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3217. php_value memory_limit 32M
  3218. #+END_SRC
  3219. The save ane exit.
  3220. **** Backups
  3221. Make sure that the database gets backed up. By using cron if anything goes wrong then you should be able to recover the database either from the previous day or the previous week.
  3222. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3223. editor /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3224. #+END_SRC
  3225. Enter the following, replacing / with your email address and the mysql root password as appropriate.
  3226. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3227. #!/bin/sh
  3229. MYSQL_PASSWORD=<mysql root password>
  3230. umask 0077
  3231. # stop the web server to avoid any changes to the databases during backup
  3232. service nginx stop
  3233. # Save to a temporary file first so that it can be checked for non-zero size
  3234. TEMPFILE=/tmp/friendicared.sql
  3235. # Backup the Friendica database
  3236. DAILYFILE=/var/backups/friendica_daily.sql
  3237. mysqldump --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD friendica > $TEMPFILE
  3238. FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s $TEMPFILE)
  3239. if [ "$FILESIZE" -eq "0" ]; then
  3240. if [ -f $DAILYFILE ]; then
  3242. # try to restore yesterday's database
  3243. mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD friendica -o < $DAILYFILE
  3244. # Send a warning email
  3245. echo "Unable to create a backup of the Friendica database. Attempted to restore from yesterday's backup." | mail -s "Friendica backup" $EMAIL
  3246. else
  3247. # Send a warning email
  3248. echo "Unable to create a backup of the Friendica database." | mail -s "Friendica backup" $EMAIL
  3249. fi
  3250. else
  3251. chmod 600 $TEMPFILE
  3253. # Make the backup readable only by root
  3254. chmod 600 $DAILYFILE
  3255. fi
  3256. # Backup the Roundcube database
  3257. DAILYFILE=/var/backups/roundcubemail_daily.sql
  3258. mysqldump --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD roundcubemail > $TEMPFILE
  3259. FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s $TEMPFILE)
  3260. if [ "$FILESIZE" -eq "0" ]; then
  3261. if [ -f $DAILYFILE ]; then
  3263. # try to restore yesterday's database
  3264. mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD roundcubemail -o < $DAILYFILE
  3265. # Send a warning email
  3266. echo "Unable to create a backup of the Roundcube database. Attempted to restore from yesterday's backup" | mail -s "Roundcube backup" $EMAIL
  3267. else
  3268. # Send a warning email
  3269. echo "Unable to create a backup of the Roundcube database." | mail -s "Roundcube backup" $EMAIL
  3270. fi
  3271. else
  3272. chmod 600 $TEMPFILE
  3274. # Make the backup readable only by root
  3275. chmod 600 $DAILYFILE
  3276. fi
  3277. # Backup the Red Matrix database
  3278. DAILYFILE=/var/backups/redmatrix_daily.sql
  3279. #mysqldump --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD redmatrix > $TEMPFILE
  3280. #FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s $TEMPFILE)
  3281. #if [ "$FILESIZE" -eq "0" ]; then
  3282. # if [ -f $DAILYFILE ]; then
  3284. # # try to restore yesterday's database
  3285. # mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD redmatrix -o < $DAILYFILE
  3286. # # Send a warning email
  3287. # echo "Unable to create a backup of the Red Matrix database. Attempted to restore from yesterday's backup" | mail -s "Red Matrix backup" $EMAIL
  3288. # else
  3289. # # Send a warning email
  3290. # echo "Unable to create a backup of the Red Matrix database." | mail -s "Red Matrix backup" $EMAIL
  3291. # fi
  3292. #else
  3293. # chmod 600 $TEMPFILE
  3295. # # Make the backup readable only by root
  3296. # chmod 600 $DAILYFILE
  3297. #fi
  3298. # restart the web server
  3299. service nginx start
  3300. exit 0
  3301. #+END_SRC
  3302. Save and exit.
  3303. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3304. chmod 600 /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3305. chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3306. editor /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3307. #+END_SRC
  3308. Enter the following
  3309. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3310. #!/bin/sh
  3311. umask 0077
  3312. # Friendica
  3313. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql /var/backups/friendica_2weekly.sql
  3314. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_daily.sql /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql
  3315. # Roundcube
  3316. cp -f /var/backups/roundcubemail_weekly.sql /var/backups/roundcubemail_2weekly.sql
  3317. cp -f /var/backups/roundcubemail_daily.sql /var/backups/roundcubemail_weekly.sql
  3318. # Red Matrix
  3319. #cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_2weekly.sql
  3320. #cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_daily.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql
  3321. #+END_SRC
  3322. Save and exit.
  3323. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3324. chmod 600 /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3325. chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3326. editor /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3327. #+END_SRC
  3328. Enter the following
  3329. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3330. #!/bin/sh
  3331. # Friendica
  3332. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_monthly.sql /var/backups/friendica_2monthly.sql
  3333. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql /var/backups/friendica_monthly.sql
  3334. # Roundcube
  3335. cp -f /var/backups/roundcubemail_monthly.sql /var/backups/roundcubemail_2monthly.sql
  3336. cp -f /var/backups/roundcubemail_weekly.sql /var/backups/roundcubemail_monthly.sql
  3337. # Red Matrix
  3338. #cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_monthly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_2monthly.sql
  3339. #cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_monthly.sql
  3340. #+END_SRC
  3341. Save and exit.
  3342. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3343. chmod 600 /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3344. chmod +x /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3345. #+END_SRC
  3346. **** Recommended configuration
  3347. ***** Admin
  3348. To get to the admin settings you will need to be logged in with the admin email address which you specified at the beginning of the installation procedure. Depending upon the theme which you're using "/admin/" will be available either as an icon or on a drop down menu.
  3349. Under the *plugins* section the main one which you may wish to enable is the NSFW plugin. With that enabled if a post contans the #NSFW tag then it will appear minimised by default and you will need to click a button to open it.
  3350. Under the *themes* section select a few themes, including mobile themes which are suitable for phones or tablets.
  3351. Under the *site* section give your Friendica node a name other than "/my friend network/", you can change the icon and banner text and set the default mobile theme typically to /frost-mobile/. If you don't want your node to host a lot of accounts for people you don't know then you may want to set the register policy to "/requires approval/". For security it's probably a good idea only to host accounts for people who you actually know, rather than random strangers. Also be aware that the Beaglebone does not have a great deal of computational power or bandwidth and will not function well if there are hundreds of users using your node. If you're not federating with Diaspora or other sites then you may wish to select "/only allow Friendica contacts/". That improves the security of the system, since communication between Friendica nodes is always encrypted separately and in addition to the usual SSL encryption layer - which makes life interesting for the Surveillance State and at least keeps those cryptanalysts employed.
  3352. If you also wish to publish your public posts to a Diaspora node then within the *site* settings select *enable Diaspora support*.
  3353. It's probably a good idea to enable "/private posts by default for new users/" and also "/don't include post content in email notifications/". Since traditional email isn't a secure system and is easily vulnerable to attack by systems such as [[][Xkeyscore]].
  3354. ***** Settings
  3355. Each user has their own customisable settings, typically available either via an icon or by an entry on a drop down menu.
  3356. Under *additional features* enable "/richtext editor/", "/post preview/", "/group filter/", "/network filter/", "/edit sent posts/" and "/dislike posts/".
  3357. Under *display settings* select your desktop and mobile themes.
  3358. Once you have connected to enough friends it's also a good idea to use the "/export personal data/" option from here. This will save a file to your local system, which you can import into another friendica node if necessary.
  3359. **** To access from an Android device
  3360. ***** App
  3361. Open a browser on your device and go to then download and install the F-Droid apk. If you then open F-Droid you can search for and install the Friendica app.
  3362. If you are using a self-signed certificate then at the login screen scroll down to the bottom, select the SSL settings then scroll down and disable SSL certificate checks. You will then be able to log in using https, which at least gives you some protection via the encryption.
  3363. More information about the Friendica app can be found on
  3364. ***** Mobile Theme
  3365. Another way to access Friendica from a mobile device is to just use the web browser. If you have selected a mobile theme within your settings then when viewing from an Android system the mobile theme will be displayed.
  3366. *** Movim
  3367. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  3368. /The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives/
  3369. -- Anthony Robbins
  3370. #+END_VERSE
  3371. Movim is another social networking system based around the XMPP protocol.
  3372. You will need to have previously [[Install a Jabber/XMPP server][installed the Jabber/XMPP server]].
  3373. Edit your Apache configuration and disable the port 80 (HTTP) version of the site. We only want to log into Movim via HTTPS, so to prevent anyone from accidentally logging in insecurely:
  3374. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3375. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  3376. #+END_SRC
  3377. Within the section which begins with *<VirtualHost *:80>* add the following:
  3378. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3379. <Directory /var/www/>
  3380. deny from all
  3381. </Directory>
  3382. #+END_SRC
  3383. Within the section which begins with *<VirtualHost *:443>* add the following:
  3384. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3385. <Directory /var/www/>
  3386. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  3387. AllowOverride All
  3388. Order allow,deny
  3389. allow from all
  3390. </Directory>
  3391. #+END_SRC
  3392. Save and exit, then restart the apache server.
  3393. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3394. service apache2 restart
  3395. #+END_SRC
  3396. Download the source.
  3397. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3398. mkdir ~/build
  3399. cd ~/build
  3400. wget
  3401. #+END_SRC
  3402. Verify it.
  3403. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3404. sha256sum movim.tar.gz
  3405. 2740ddbedf6cefcc2934759374376643b6cdea4fb7f944ec25098a6868cb499e movim.tar.gz
  3406. #+END_SRC
  3407. Install it.
  3408. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3409. tar -xzvf movim.tar.gz
  3410. export
  3411. cp -r movim-* /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/movim
  3412. chmod 755 /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/movim
  3413. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/movim
  3414. #+END_SRC
  3415. Install some MySql prerequisites.
  3416. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3417. apt-get install mysql-server php5-common php5-cli php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql php5-mcrypt
  3418. #+END_SRC
  3419. If necessary, enter an admin password for MySQL.
  3420. Reduce the memory use of mysql by using the "small" configuration.
  3421. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3422. cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.5/examples/my-small.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  3423. #+END_SRC
  3424. Create a mysql database.
  3425. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3426. mysql -u root -p
  3427. create database movim;
  3428. CREATE USER 'movimadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'movimadminpassword';
  3429. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON movim.* TO 'movimadmin'@'localhost';
  3430. quit
  3431. #+END_SRC
  3432. With a web browser navigate to:
  3434. Enter /admin/ as the username and /password/ as the password.
  3435. Click on /General Settings/ and alter the administrator username to /movimadmin/ and password to some long random string (using a password manager such as KeepassX).
  3436. Change the /Environment/ from /Development/ to /Production/.
  3437. The /BOSH URL/ should be http://localhost:5280/http-bind (TODO: should this be https://localhost:5281/http-bind and if so do certificate warnings need to be disabled?)
  3438. Click /Submit/ followed by /Resend/.
  3439. Click on /Database Settings/ and alter the MySql movim database username to /movimadmin/ and password to the password you specified in the previous step.
  3440. Click /Submit/ followed by /Resend/. If you get a lot of orange warnings about database fields being created then hit /Submit/ again until you see "Movim database is up to date".
  3441. If everything on all three tabs looks green then you are ready to go. Click on the Movim logo at the top left and then log in with your Jabber ID (JID).
  3442. *** Red Matrix
  3443. **** Introduction
  3444. Red Matrix is the current version of the Friendica social networking system. It's more general than Friendica in that it's designed as a generic communication system based around a protocol called "zot". At the time of writing in early 2014 Red Matrix remains at an alpha stage of development and so it's not advised that you install it unless you're willing to put up with bugs and frustrations. In the large majority of cases it's better to stick with Friendica for now.
  3445. **** Prerequisites
  3446. The main problem with Red Matrix is that in order to install it you will need to have purchased a domain name (i.e. not a FreeDNS subdomain) and a SSL certificate for it.
  3447. You could join some other Red Matrix server, but this suffers from "/The Levison Problem/" in which some goons show up with a gagging order demanding coppies of the SSL private key. In that scenario unless the owner of the server is exceptionally brave users may never be informed that the site has been compromised or that there is interception hardware attached to the server. Joining another server defeats the object of being digitally self-sufficient and raises legal question marks about the ownership of data which you might upload to a server which doesn't belong to you.
  3448. **** Installation
  3449. See [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to update the Apache configuration for your Red Matrix site. You should have a separate domain name specifically to run Red Matrix on. It can't be installed in a subdirectory on a domain used for something else.
  3450. Edit your Apache configuration and disable the port 80 (HTTP) version of the site. We only want to log into Red Matrix via HTTPS, so to prevent anyone from accidentally logging in insecurely:
  3451. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3452. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  3453. #+END_SRC
  3454. Replace the section which begins with *<VirtualHost *:80>* with the following:
  3455. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3456. <VirtualHost *:80>
  3457. ServerAdmin
  3458. ServerName
  3459. RewriteEngine On
  3460. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
  3461. RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
  3462. </VirtualHost>
  3463. #+END_SRC
  3464. Save and exit, then restart the apache server.
  3465. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3466. service apache2 restart
  3467. #+END_SRC
  3468. Now install some dependencies.
  3469. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3470. apt-get install mysql-server php5-common php5-cli php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql php5-mcrypt
  3471. #+END_SRC
  3472. Enter an admin password for MySQL.
  3473. Reduce the memory use of mysql by using the "small" configuration.
  3474. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3475. cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.5/examples/my-small.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  3476. #+END_SRC
  3477. Create a mysql database.
  3478. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3479. mysql -u root -p
  3480. create database redmatrix;
  3481. CREATE USER 'redmatrixadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  3482. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmatrix.* TO 'redmatrixadmin'@'localhost';
  3483. quit
  3484. #+END_SRC
  3485. You may need to fix Git SSL problems.
  3486. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3487. git config --global http.sslVerify true
  3488. apt-get install ca-certificates
  3489. cd ~/
  3490. editor .gitconfig
  3491. #+END_SRC
  3492. The .gitconfig file should look something like this:
  3493. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3494. [http]
  3495. sslVerify = true
  3496. sslCAinfo = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  3497. [user]
  3498. email =
  3499. name = yourname
  3500. #+END_SRC
  3501. Get the source code.
  3502. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3503. export
  3504. mkdir /var/www/$HOSTNAME
  3505. cd /var/www/$HOSTNAME
  3506. rm -rf htdocs
  3507. git clone htdocs
  3508. chmod -R 755 htdocs
  3509. chown -R www-data:www-data htdocs
  3510. mkdir htdocs/view/tpl/smarty3
  3511. mkdir htdocs/store/[data]
  3512. mkdir htdocs/store/[data]/smarty3
  3513. chmod 777 htdocs/view/tpl
  3514. chmod 777 htdocs/view/tpl/smarty3
  3515. chmod 777 htdocs/store/[data]/smarty3
  3516. git clone htdocs/addon
  3517. #+END_SRC
  3518. Now visit the URL of your site and you should be taken through the rest of the installation procedure. Note that this may take a few minutes so don't be concerned if it looks as if it has crashed - just leave it running. If you have trouble with "allow override" ensure that "AllowOverride" is set to "all" in your Apache settings for the site (within /etc/apache2/sites-available) and then restart the apache2 service.
  3519. Install the poller.
  3520. #+BEGIN_SRC
  3521. editor /etc/crontab
  3522. #+END_SRC
  3523. and append the following, changing / to whatever your domain is.
  3524. #+BEGIN_SRC
  3525. 12,22,32,42,52 * * * * root cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/timeout 240 /usr/bin/php include/poller.php
  3526. #+END_SRC
  3527. Save and exit, then restart cron.
  3528. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3529. service cron restart
  3530. #+END_SRC
  3531. **** Backups
  3532. Make sure that the database gets backed up. By using cron if anything goes wrong then you should be able to recover the database either from the previous day or the previous week.
  3533. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3534. editor /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3535. #+END_SRC
  3536. Uncomment the lines for Red Matrix, then save and exit. If you didn't install Friendica earlier then see the backup section within the Friendica install instructions.
  3537. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3538. chmod 600 /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3539. chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3540. editor /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3541. #+END_SRC
  3542. If you already have a backup script created for Friendica then just uncomment the lines for Red Matrix. The backup script should look something like the following:
  3543. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3544. #!/bin/sh
  3545. umask 0077
  3546. # Friendica
  3547. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql /var/backups/friendica_2weekly.sql
  3548. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_daily.sql /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql
  3549. # Red Matrix
  3550. cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_2weekly.sql
  3551. cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_daily.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql
  3552. #+END_SRC
  3553. Save and exit.
  3554. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3555. chmod 600 /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3556. chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3557. editor /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3558. #+END_SRC
  3559. If you already have a backup script created for Friendica then just uncomment the lines for Red Matrix. The backup script should look something like the following:
  3560. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3561. #!/bin/sh
  3562. # Friendica
  3563. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_monthly.sql /var/backups/friendica_2monthly.sql
  3564. cp -f /var/backups/friendica_weekly.sql /var/backups/friendica_monthly.sql
  3565. # Red Matrix
  3566. cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_monthly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_2monthly.sql
  3567. cp -f /var/backups/redmatrix_weekly.sql /var/backups/redmatrix_monthly.sql
  3568. #+END_SRC
  3569. Save and exit.
  3570. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3571. chmod 600 /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3572. chmod +x /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3573. #+END_SRC
  3574. **** To access from an Android device
  3575. ***** App
  3576. Open a browser on your device and go to then download and install the F-Droid apk. If you then open F-Droid you can search for and install the Friendica app.
  3577. If you are using a self-signed certificate then at the login screen scroll down to the bottom, select the SSL settings then scroll down and disable SSL certificate checks. You will then be able to log in using https, which at least gives you some protection via the encryption.
  3578. More information about the Friendica app can be found on
  3579. ***
  3580. :PROPERTIES:
  3581. :ORDERED: t
  3582. :END:
  3583. is the successor to StatusNet (which later became [[GNU Social]]) and is a communications system which can do things other than just microblogging. It takes fewer system resources to run and so is better suited to low power servers such as the BBB, but is more complicated to install. doesn't work well with self-signed SSL certificates so this may be something which you can only use if you have your own domain and an "authority" issued certificate. Using a self-signed certificate you can only use as a /data silo/ which won't federate with other servers.
  3584. For a site you will need a separate domain/subdomain, so see [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to create an Apache configuration for your site. If you're using freedns then you will need to create a new subdomain.
  3585. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3586. apt-get update
  3587. apt-get install build-essential openssl libssl-dev redis-server imagemagick graphicsmagick git-core screen
  3588. #+END_SRC
  3589. Download nodejs
  3590. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3591. mkdir ~/build
  3592. cd ~/build
  3593. wget
  3594. #+END_SRC
  3595. Verify it.
  3596. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3597. sha256sum node_0.10.28-1_armhf.deb
  3598. 42000a475d3397f295fe76998e79af999eebb8324ac9bb4981e931fabd9297aa
  3599. #+END_SRC
  3600. Install it.
  3601. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3602. dpkg -i node_0.10.28-1_armhf.deb
  3603. #+END_SRC
  3604. Install
  3605. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3606. cd /opt
  3607. git clone
  3608. cd /opt/
  3609. npm install
  3610. npm install databank-redis
  3611. echo "vm.overcommit_memory=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  3612. sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1
  3613. #+END_SRC
  3614. Now edit the configuration file.
  3615. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3616. editor /etc/
  3617. #+END_SRC
  3618. Add the following, replacing / with your domain name.
  3619. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3620. {
  3621. "driver": "redis",
  3622. "params": {"host":"localhost","port":6379},
  3623. "secret": "A long random string",
  3624. "noweb": false,
  3625. "site": "Name of my site",
  3626. "owner": "My name or organisation",
  3627. "ownerURL": "",
  3628. "port": 7270,
  3629. "urlPort": 443,
  3630. "hostname": "",
  3631. "address": "localhost",
  3632. "nologger": true,
  3633. "serverUser": "pumpio",
  3634. "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  3635. "key": "/var/local/",
  3636. "cert": "/var/local/",
  3637. "uploaddir": "/var/local/",
  3638. "debugClient": false,
  3639. "firehose": "ofirehose.example",
  3640. "logfile": "/var/local/",
  3641. "disableRegistration": false
  3642. }
  3643. #+END_SRC
  3644. Save and exit.
  3645. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3646. export
  3647. mkdir /var/local/
  3648. mkdir /var/local/
  3649. mkdir /var/local/
  3650. cp /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key /var/local/
  3651. cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt /var/local/
  3652. cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.bundle.crt /var/local/
  3653. useradd -s /bin/bash -d /var/local/ pumpio
  3654. chown -R pumpio:pumpio /var/local/
  3655. chmod 400 /var/local/*
  3656. chmod -R 777 /opt
  3657. #+END_SRC
  3658. Edit your web server configuration.
  3659. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3660. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  3661. #+END_SRC
  3662. Delete all existing contents then add the following:
  3663. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3664. upstream pumpbackend {
  3665. server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
  3666. server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=60s;
  3667. server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=90s;
  3668. }
  3669. server {
  3670. listen 80;
  3671. server_name;
  3672. rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
  3673. }
  3674. map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
  3675. default upgrade;
  3676. '' close;
  3677. }
  3678. server {
  3679. listen 443 ssl;
  3680. server_name;
  3681. error_log /var/www/ debug;
  3682. ssl on;
  3683. ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
  3684. ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/;
  3685. ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/;
  3686. ssl_session_timeout 5m;
  3687. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  3688. ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # not possible to do exclusive
  3690. add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
  3691. add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
  3692. add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;
  3693. # if you want to be able to access the site via HTTP
  3694. # then replace the above with the following:
  3695. # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=0;";
  3696. client_max_body_size 6m;
  3697. keepalive_timeout 75 75;
  3698. gzip_vary off;
  3699. location / {
  3700. proxy_pass https://pumpbackend;
  3701. proxy_http_version 1.1;
  3702. proxy_redirect off;
  3703. proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  3704. proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
  3705. proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  3706. proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  3707. proxy_buffers 16 32k;
  3708. }
  3709. }
  3710. #+END_SRC
  3711. Save and exit.
  3712. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3713. sed "s/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME > /tmp/website
  3714. cp -f /tmp/website /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  3715. service nginx restart
  3716. npm install forever -g
  3717. #+END_SRC
  3718. Now create the daemon.
  3719. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3720. editor /etc/init.d/pumpio
  3721. #+END_SRC
  3722. Add the following text:
  3723. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3724. #!/bin/bash
  3725. # /etc/init.d/pumpio
  3726. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  3727. # Provides:
  3728. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  3729. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  3730. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  3731. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  3732. # Short-Description: starts as a background daemon
  3733. # Description: Starts on boot
  3734. ### END INIT INFO
  3735. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  3736. #Settings
  3737. SERVICE='pumpio'
  3738. COMMAND="forever /opt/ > /var/local/"
  3739. USERNAME='pumpio'
  3740. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system OAresources
  3741. HISTORY=1024
  3742. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  3743. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/var/local/'
  3744. pumpio_start() {
  3745. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  3746. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  3747. }
  3748. pumpio_stop() {
  3749. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  3750. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  3751. }
  3752. #Start-Stop here
  3753. case "$1" in
  3754. start)
  3755. pumpio_start
  3756. ;;
  3757. stop)
  3758. pumpio_stop
  3759. ;;
  3760. restart)
  3761. pumpio_stop
  3762. sleep 10s
  3763. pumpio_start
  3764. ;;
  3765. *)
  3766. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  3767. exit 1
  3768. ;;
  3769. esac
  3770. exit 0
  3771. #+END_SRC
  3772. Save and exit. Then enable the daemon and run it.
  3773. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3774. chmod +x /etc/init.d/pumpio
  3775. update-rc.d pumpio defaults
  3776. service pumpio start
  3777. #+END_SRC
  3778. Now visit your site by navigating to:
  3780. and add a new user. If you wish this to be a single user node not open to the general public (including spammers and sockpuppets) then edit */etc/* and set *disableRegistration* to *true*. After making that change restart with the command *service pumpio restart*.
  3781. Once you've set up your user account it's recommended that you don't use the web based user interface and instead use a native client such as [[][Dianara]] or Pumpa. On Ubuntu you can install these via the Software Center. On mobile devices you can install AndStatus via F-Droid.
  3782. A list of sites can be found at At the time of writing there isn't any public directory and so finding people to follow is really a question of navigating through lists of /following/ or /followers/ (rather like the web before search engines were invented).
  3783. Ensure that data data gets backed up with:
  3784. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3785. printf "\n\n# Redis backup" >> /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3786. printf "\ntar -czvf /var/backups/redis_daily.tar.gz /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb" >> /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3787. printf "\n\n# Redis backup" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3788. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/redis_weekly.tar.gz /var/backups/redis_weekly2.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3789. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/redis_daily.tar.gz /var/backups/redis_weekly.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3790. printf "\n\n# Redis backup" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3791. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/redis_monthly.tar.gz /var/backups/redis_monthly2.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3792. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/redis_weekly.tar.gz /var/backups/redis_monthly.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3793. printf "\n\n# backup" >> /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3794. printf "\ntar -czvf /var/backups/pumpio_daily.tar.gz /var/local/ --exclude /var/local/" >> /etc/cron.daily/backup
  3795. printf "\n\n# backup" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3796. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/pumpio_weekly.tar.gz /var/backups/pumpio_weekly2.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3797. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/pumpio_daily.tar.gz /var/backups/pumpio_weekly.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.weekly/backup
  3798. printf "\n\n# backup" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3799. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/pumpio_monthly.tar.gz /var/backups/pumpio_monthly2.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3800. printf "\ncp -f /var/backups/pumpio_weekly.tar.gz /var/backups/pumpio_monthly.tar.gz" >> /etc/cron.monthly/backup
  3801. #+END_SRC
  3802. At the time of writing creating backups of the database is critically important, because regenerating the database or moving to a different databank type causes you to be /permanently banned/ from the network unless you change your domain name (which may not always be an available option).
  3803. ** Install Gopher
  3804. *** Server setup
  3805. Gopher is an old internet protocol which originated a few years before the web and is purely text based. It can be quite fun to build a gopher site and browse the gopherverse. One thing to keep in mind is that there is no security with gopher, so any text transmitted is trivially interceptable by systems such as [[][Xkeyscore]] or deep packet inspection.
  3806. To set up a gopher server:
  3807. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3808. apt-get install build-essential
  3809. mkdir ~/build
  3810. cd ~/build
  3811. wget
  3812. #+END_SRC
  3813. Verify the download:
  3814. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3815. sha256sum geomyidae-current.tgz
  3816. 162f55ab059ab0a9be8e840497795293bbd51c34b1f4564dcdf3f0ddd5c0db31 geomyidae-current.tgz
  3817. #+END_SRC
  3818. Then extract and install it.
  3819. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3820. tar -xzvf geomyidae-current.tgz
  3821. cd geomyidae-*
  3822. make
  3823. make install
  3824. mkdir -p /var/gopher
  3825. #+END_SRC
  3826. Your content should be placed within /var/gopher with the index page being named index.gph. The Gopher format is very simple - simpler than HTML - so creating pages is not much more difficult than editing a text file.
  3827. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3828. editor /etc/init.d/gopher
  3829. #+END_SRC
  3830. Enter the following:
  3831. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3832. #! /bin/sh
  3833. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  3834. # Provides: gopher
  3835. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  3836. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  3837. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  3838. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  3839. # Short-Description: Gopher daemon
  3840. # Description: Gopher daemon
  3841. ### END INIT INFO
  3842. # Do NOT "set -e"
  3843. # PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
  3844. PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
  3845. DESC="Gopher daemon"
  3846. NAME=geomyidae
  3847. DAEMON=/usr/bin/$NAME
  3848. DAEMON_ARGS="-l /var/log/geomyidae.log -b /var/gopher -p 70"
  3849. PIDFILE=/var/run/$
  3850. SCRIPTNAME=/etc/init.d/$NAME
  3851. # Exit if the package is not installed
  3852. [ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
  3853. # Read configuration variable file if it is present
  3854. [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME
  3855. # Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
  3856. . /lib/init/
  3857. # Define LSB log_* functions.
  3858. # Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14) to ensure that this file is present
  3859. # and status_of_proc is working.
  3860. . /lib/lsb/init-functions
  3861. #
  3862. # Function that starts the daemon/service
  3863. #
  3864. do_start()
  3865. {
  3866. # Return
  3867. # 0 if daemon has been started
  3868. # 1 if daemon was already running
  3869. # 2 if daemon could not be started
  3870. start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
  3871. || return 1
  3872. start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- \
  3873. $DAEMON_ARGS \
  3874. || return 2
  3875. # Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
  3876. # to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
  3877. # on this one. As a last resort, sleep for some time.
  3878. }
  3879. #
  3880. # Function that stops the daemon/service
  3881. #
  3882. do_stop()
  3883. {
  3884. # Return
  3885. # 0 if daemon has been stopped
  3886. # 1 if daemon was already stopped
  3887. # 2 if daemon could not be stopped
  3888. # other if a failure occurred
  3889. start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
  3890. RETVAL="$?"
  3891. [ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
  3892. # Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
  3893. # and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
  3894. # If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
  3895. # that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
  3896. # needed by services started subsequently. A last resort is to
  3897. # sleep for some time.
  3898. start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
  3899. [ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
  3900. # Many daemons don't delete their pidfiles when they exit.
  3901. rm -f $PIDFILE
  3902. return "$RETVAL"
  3903. }
  3904. #
  3905. # Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
  3906. #
  3907. do_reload() {
  3908. #
  3909. # If the daemon can reload its configuration without
  3910. # restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
  3911. # then implement that here.
  3912. #
  3913. start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
  3914. return 0
  3915. }
  3916. case "$1" in
  3917. start)
  3918. [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
  3919. do_start
  3920. case "$?" in
  3921. 0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
  3922. 2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
  3923. esac
  3924. ;;
  3925. stop)
  3926. [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
  3927. do_stop
  3928. case "$?" in
  3929. 0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
  3930. 2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
  3931. esac
  3932. ;;
  3933. status)
  3934. status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
  3935. ;;
  3936. #reload|force-reload)
  3937. #
  3938. # If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
  3939. # and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
  3940. #
  3941. #log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
  3942. #do_reload
  3943. #log_end_msg $?
  3944. #;;
  3945. restart|force-reload)
  3946. #
  3947. # If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
  3948. # 'force-reload' alias
  3949. #
  3950. log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
  3951. do_stop
  3952. case "$?" in
  3953. 0|1)
  3954. do_start
  3955. case "$?" in
  3956. 0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
  3957. 1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
  3958. *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
  3959. esac
  3960. ;;
  3961. *)
  3962. # Failed to stop
  3963. log_end_msg 1
  3964. ;;
  3965. esac
  3966. ;;
  3967. *)
  3968. #echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
  3969. echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
  3970. exit 3
  3971. ;;
  3972. esac
  3973. :
  3974. #+END_SRC
  3975. Save and exit. Then start the gopher service.
  3976. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3977. chmod +x /etc/init.d/gopher
  3978. update-rc.d gopher defaults
  3979. service gopher start
  3980. #+END_SRC
  3981. On your internet router change the firewall settings to route port 70 to the BBB, then provided that you have a gopher plugin installed within your browser then you should be able to navigate to your gopher site with:
  3982. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3983. gopher://
  3984. #+END_SRC
  3985. There is a browser addon for Gopher called "overbite". Installing that should enable you to view your site.
  3986. *** A phlogging script
  3987. A phlog is the gopher equivalent of a blog on the web. You can create a script which makes phlogging easy.
  3988. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3989. editor /usr/bin/mkphlog
  3990. #+END_SRC
  3991. Add the following:
  3992. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  3993. #!/bin/sh
  3994. # mkphlog - a utility to ease the creation of phlogs.
  3995. # Organizes phlog posts in separate directories.
  3996. # Created by octotep; anyone can distribute, modify, and
  3997. # share this file however they please.
  3998. #
  3999. # Version 0.3
  4000. #
  4001. # Modified by Bob Mottram
  4002. #
  4003. # Please note, all date strings are in the form of mm/dd/yy(yy)
  4004. # The base of the entire gopher site.
  4005. gopherRoot="/var/gopher"
  4006. # The name of the phlog directory (contained in $gopherHome)
  4007. phlogDirName="phlog"
  4008. # Default editor, unless the user has one specified in env
  4009. editor=${EDITOR:-emacs}
  4010. # Default timezone, unless the user has one specified in env
  4011. TZ=${TZ:-UTC}
  4012. # Tells the script how many lines the title of the main page spans.
  4013. # Used to insert the newest post at the top.
  4014. # Titles created by mkphlog are 3 lines.
  4015. # Isn't used if $addTitleToMain is false
  4016. titleLineCount=3
  4017. entryDate=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
  4018. # Creates the phlog directory if it dosen't already exist.
  4019. CreatePhlogDir() {
  4020. mkdir $phlogDirName
  4021. chmod 755 $phlogDirName
  4022. cd $phlogDirName
  4023. echo "Phlog directory created."
  4024. }
  4025. # Updates the main phlog listing
  4026. UpdatePhlogListing() {
  4027. # Just in case the user didn't specify a title
  4028. if [ "$postTitleAns" = "" ] ; then
  4029. echo -n "Do you want to create a blank post? (y/n) "
  4030. read blankPostAns
  4031. case $blankPostAns in
  4032. y* | Y* ) $postTitleAns="New Post" ;;
  4033. n* | N* ) echo "Goodbye, then." ; exit 1 ;;
  4034. * ) exit 1 ;;
  4035. esac
  4036. fi
  4037. cd $gopherRoot/$phlogDirName/
  4038. title2=$(echo "${postTitleAns}" | tr " " _)
  4039. postfilename="${entryDate}_${title2}.txt"
  4040. touch ${postfilename}
  4041. echo $postTitleAns >> ${postfilename}
  4042. date "+%A %b %e %l:%M:%S %Y" >> ${postfilename}
  4043. echo "------------------------------" >> ${postfilename}
  4044. echo >> ${postfilename}
  4045. }
  4046. if [ -d $gopherRoot ] ; then
  4047. cd $gopherRoot
  4048. else
  4049. echo "You don't have a gopherspace set-up. Please run the gopher server setup instructions."
  4050. exit 1
  4051. fi
  4052. if [ -d $phlogDirName ] ; then
  4053. cd $phlogDirName
  4054. else
  4055. echo -n "Do you want to create a phlog directory? (y/n) "
  4056. read phlogDirAns
  4057. case $phlogDirAns in
  4058. y* | Y* ) CreatePhlogDir ;;
  4059. n* | N* ) exit 1 ;;
  4060. * ) exit 1 ;;
  4061. esac
  4062. fi
  4063. echo -n "Would you like to create a phlog entry for today? (y/n) "
  4064. read phlogAns
  4065. case $phlogAns in
  4066. y* | Y* ) echo "Creating today's phlog entry..." ;;
  4067. n* | N* ) exit 0 ;;
  4068. * ) exit 1 ;;
  4069. esac
  4070. # Make sure there isn't a post for that day, lest we overwrite it.
  4071. if [ ! -d $entryDate ]; then
  4072. echo -n "Title: "
  4073. read postTitleAns
  4074. title2=$(echo "${postTitleAns}" | tr " " _)
  4075. postfilename="${entryDate}_${title2}.txt"
  4076. touch ${postfilename}
  4077. chmod 644 ${postfilename}
  4078. UpdatePhlogListing
  4079. echo -n "Would you like to edit the post with $editor? (y/n) "
  4080. read editorAns
  4081. case $editorAns in
  4082. y* | Y* ) $editor $gopherRoot/$phlogDirName/${postfilename} ;;
  4083. n* | N* ) exit 0 ;;
  4084. * ) exit 0 ;;
  4085. esac
  4086. rm $gopherRoot/$phlogDirName/${postfilename}~
  4087. else
  4088. echo "There is already a post for today."
  4089. echo -n "Would you like to edit the post with $editor? (y/n) "
  4090. read editorAns
  4091. case $editorAns in
  4092. y* | Y* ) $editor $gopherRoot/$phlogDirName/$entryDate*.txt ;;
  4093. n* | N* ) exit 0 ;;
  4094. * ) exit 1 ;;
  4095. esac
  4096. rm $gopherRoot/$phlogDirName/${postfilename}.txt~
  4097. fi
  4098. exit 0
  4099. #+END_SRC
  4100. Save and exit.
  4101. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4102. chmod +x /usr/bin/mkphlog
  4103. #+END_SRC
  4104. Now entering the command /mkphlog/ will allow you to create a phlog entry.
  4105. ** Install Owncloud
  4106. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4107. /It's not water vapour/
  4108. -- Larry Ellison
  4109. #+END_VERSE
  4110. Owncloud will allow you to upload and download files, share photos, collaboratively edit documents, have a calendar and more. You should be warned that Owncloud runs quite slowly via an ordinary web browser, but it can be a convenient way to access and share your data from any location in a reasonably secure manner.
  4111. *** Server Installation
  4112. Install some dependencies:
  4113. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4114. apt-get install php5 php5-gd php-xml-parser php5-intl
  4115. apt-get install php5-sqlite php5-mysql smbclient curl libcurl3 php5-curl
  4116. #+END_SRC
  4117. You will need to create a new subdomain, so see [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to do that.
  4118. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4119. export
  4120. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  4121. #+END_SRC
  4122. Delete all existing contents, then add the following:
  4123. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4124. server {
  4125. listen 80;
  4126. server_name;
  4127. rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
  4128. }
  4129. server {
  4130. listen 443 ssl;
  4131. root /var/www/;
  4132. server_name;
  4133. ssl on;
  4134. ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
  4135. ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/;
  4136. ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/;
  4137. ssl_session_timeout 5m;
  4138. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  4139. ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # not possible to do exclusive
  4141. add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
  4142. add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
  4143. add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;
  4144. # if you want to be able to access the site via HTTP
  4145. # then replace the above with the following:
  4146. # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=0;";
  4147. # make sure webfinger and other well known services aren't blocked
  4148. # by denying dot files and rewrite request to the front controller
  4149. location ^~ /.well-known/ {
  4150. allow all;
  4151. rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?q=$uri&$args last;
  4152. }
  4153. client_max_body_size 10G; # set max upload size
  4154. client_body_buffer_size 128k;
  4155. fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;
  4156. rewrite ^/caldav(.*)$ /remote.php/caldav$1 redirect;
  4157. rewrite ^/carddav(.*)$ /remote.php/carddav$1 redirect;
  4158. rewrite ^/webdav(.*)$ /remote.php/webdav$1 redirect;
  4159. index index.php;
  4160. error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;
  4161. error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;
  4162. location = /robots.txt {
  4163. allow all;
  4164. log_not_found off;
  4165. access_log off;
  4166. }
  4167. location ~ ^/(data|config|\.ht|db_structure\.xml|README) {
  4168. deny all;
  4169. }
  4170. location / {
  4171. # The following 2 rules are only needed with webfinger
  4172. rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta last;
  4173. rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json last;
  4174. rewrite ^/.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav/ redirect;
  4175. rewrite ^/.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav/ redirect;
  4176. rewrite ^(/core/doc/[^\/]+/)$ $1/index.html;
  4177. try_files $uri $uri/ index.php;
  4178. }
  4179. location ~ ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)?$ {
  4180. try_files $1 =404;
  4181. fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
  4182. fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
  4183. fastcgi_index index.php;
  4184. include fastcgi_params;
  4185. fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$1;
  4186. fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $2;
  4187. fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
  4188. }
  4189. # Optional: set long EXPIRES header on static assets
  4190. location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|ico|png|css|js|swf)$ {
  4191. expires 30d;
  4192. # Optional: Don't log access to assets
  4193. access_log off;
  4194. }
  4195. }
  4196. #+END_SRC
  4197. Save and exit. Then change the domain name.
  4198. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4199. sed "s/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME > /tmp/website
  4200. cp -f /tmp/website /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  4201. #+END_SRC
  4202. Download owncloud.
  4203. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4204. mkdir ~/build
  4205. cd ~/build
  4206. wget
  4207. #+END_SRC
  4208. Verify the download:
  4209. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4210. sha256sum owncloud.tar.bz2
  4211. 9aca2aa0a0cd7b052e881c30ad6de25d135ec3f88a3920274f1be223b4cabedf
  4212. #+END_SRC
  4213. Extract the archive. This may take a couple of minutes, so don't be alarmed that the system has crashed.
  4214. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4215. tar -xjf owncloud.tar.bz2
  4216. #+END_SRC
  4217. The extraction will take a few minutes. Move the extracted files to your site and set file permissions.
  4218. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4219. cp -r owncloud/* /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4220. #+END_SRC
  4221. The copying also takes a few minutes. Then change the file permissions.
  4222. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4223. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/apps
  4224. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/config
  4225. chown www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4226. #+END_SRC
  4227. Increase the maximum upload size:
  4228. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4229. editor /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
  4230. #+END_SRC
  4231. Set the following:
  4232. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4233. upload_max_filesize = 50M
  4234. post_max_size = 50M
  4235. #+END_SRC
  4236. Save and exit.
  4237. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4238. service php5-fpm restart
  4239. service nginx restart
  4240. #+END_SRC
  4241. With a web browser visit your domain ( and enter an administrator username and password.
  4242. For extra security you may also wish to create an ordinary owncloud user with limited privileges. To do that click on the *settings* dropdown menu (top right) then *users* then enter a *Login Name* and *password* and click on *create*. Under *quota* select a size which is suitable for the remaining space on your microSD card, then select the settings menu from the top right and select *log out*. You can now log back in as your new user.
  4243. *** Owncloud on Android
  4244. First install [[][F-Droid]] and then search for the current Owncloud app. Once it's installed you'll then be able to log into the BBB with the URL, supplying your username and password.
  4245. ** Install a Wiki
  4246. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4247. /I believe that technology can liberate, but you need to be a master rather than a user. You need to pull technology apart and master it rather than letting it control you./
  4248. -- Tom Barbalet
  4249. #+END_VERSE
  4250. Dokuwiki is based upon flat files, and so is easy to move from one server to another without a lot of database complications.
  4251. Download the wiki.
  4252. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4253. mkdir ~/build
  4254. cd ~/build
  4255. wget
  4256. #+END_SRC
  4257. Verify it.
  4258. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4259. sha256sum dokuwiki.tgz
  4260. 6b126f90979463d9ddaa74acc6f96aa230cfdc789946f241c3646086d9574be8 dokuwiki.tgz
  4261. #+END_SRC
  4262. Then extract and install it.
  4263. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4264. export
  4265. tar -xzvf dokuwiki.tgz
  4266. rm -rf /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4267. mv dokuwiki /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4268. #+END_SRC
  4269. and alter permissions:
  4270. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4271. chmod -R 755 /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4272. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4273. #+END_SRC
  4274. Open a browser and visit http://$HOSTNAME/install.php, then fill out the details. Once everything has been accepted without errors:
  4275. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4276. rm /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/install.php
  4277. #+END_SRC
  4278. Add a few extra mime types:
  4279. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4280. editor /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/conf/mime.conf
  4281. #+END_SRC
  4282. Append the following:
  4283. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4284. ogv video/ogg
  4285. mp4 video/mp4
  4286. webm video/webm
  4287. #+END_SRC
  4288. Save and exit.
  4289. If you need to be able to upload large files to the wiki then edit */etc/php5/fpm/php.ini* and set *upload_max_filesize* accordingly.
  4290. Now you can visit your wiki and begin editing.
  4291. ** Install Bitmessage
  4292. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4293. /The weakness of mass surveillance is that it can very easily be made much more expensive through changes in technical standards: pervasive, end-to-end encryption can quickly make indiscriminate surveillance impossible on a cost-effective basis/
  4294. -- Edward J. Snowden, testimony to the EU parliament
  4295. #+END_VERSE
  4296. *** A new kind of Email
  4297. [[][Bitmessage]] is a new type of messaging system intended to fulfill the same role as email, but without the security problems. In particular, Bitmessage attempts to not just encrypt the content but also the metadata. It's message broadcasting system makes it exceedingly difficult for an attacker to know which computer a message is destined for. The only way you know whether a message has been sent to you is whether you are able to decrypt it from the passing stream of messages.
  4298. Although similar to Bitcoin in some regards, such as "/proof of work/", Bitmessage has no block chain and messages are only buffered for approximately three days after which they are deleted from any given node.
  4299. Installing Bitmessage as a daemon will increase the size of the network, and therefore the level of security for all users.
  4300. *** The Daemon
  4301. Install from the current source code.
  4302. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4303. apt-get install python screen
  4304. mkdir ~/build
  4305. cd ~/build
  4306. git clone
  4307. cd PyBitmessage
  4308. make install
  4309. #+END_SRC
  4310. Now create the daemon.
  4311. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4312. editor /etc/init.d/pybitmessage
  4313. #+END_SRC
  4314. Add the following text:
  4315. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4316. #!/bin/bash
  4317. # /etc/init.d/bitmessage
  4318. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  4319. # Provides: pybitmessage
  4320. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  4321. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  4322. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  4323. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  4324. # Short-Description: starts bitmessage as a background daemon, suitable for servers
  4325. # Description: This file should be used to construct scripts to be
  4326. # placed in /etc/init.d.
  4327. ### END INIT INFO
  4328. # Author: Super-Nathan <BM-Gu2k3Wy2hpTMYBxSoM2937SPcuU6xzEj>
  4329. #Settings
  4330. SERVICE='pybitmessage'
  4331. LOGFILE='/dev/null' # this disables logging
  4332. # LOGFILE='/var/log/bitmessage.log' # comment out the above line and un-comment this line to save a log
  4333. COMMAND="python > $LOGFILE"
  4334. USERNAME='bitmsg'
  4335. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
  4336. HISTORY=1024
  4337. PBM_LOCATION="/usr/local/share/pybitmessage"
  4338. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  4339. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/core_perl:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/share/pybitmessage'
  4340. bm_start() {
  4341. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  4342. cd ${PBM_LOCATION}
  4343. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  4344. }
  4345. bm_stop() {
  4346. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  4347. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  4348. }
  4349. #Start-Stop here
  4350. case "$1" in
  4351. start)
  4352. bm_start
  4353. ;;
  4354. stop)
  4355. bm_stop
  4356. ;;
  4357. restart)
  4358. bm_stop
  4359. sleep 60s
  4360. bm_start
  4361. ;;
  4362. *)
  4363. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  4364. exit 1
  4365. ;;
  4366. esac
  4367. exit 0
  4368. #+END_SRC
  4369. Save and exit.
  4370. Add a user which will be specifically for Bitmessage. Since bitmessage is still a relatively young and experimental project, this adds further compartmentalisation such that if there are any bugs within PyBitmessage then an attacker can't neccessarily gain control of root or any other user account. Here we create a user called /bitmsg/ and give it a long random password.
  4371. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4372. adduser bitmsg
  4373. #+END_SRC
  4374. Create a /keys.dat/ file which is used to configure Bitmessage.
  4375. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4376. mkdir /home/bitmsg/.config
  4377. mkdir /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage
  4378. editor /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage/keys.dat
  4379. #+END_SRC
  4380. Add the following, changing /apipassword/ to some long random string:
  4381. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4382. [bitmessagesettings]
  4383. settingsversion = 8
  4384. port = 8444
  4385. timeformat = %%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%I:%%M %%p
  4386. blackwhitelist = black
  4387. startonlogon = False
  4388. minimizetotray = False
  4389. showtraynotifications = True
  4390. startintray = False
  4391. socksproxytype = none
  4392. sockshostname = localhost
  4393. socksport = 9050
  4394. socksauthentication = False
  4395. sockslisten = False
  4396. socksusername =
  4397. sockspassword =
  4398. keysencrypted = false
  4399. messagesencrypted = false
  4400. defaultnoncetrialsperbyte = 640
  4401. defaultpayloadlengthextrabytes = 14000
  4402. minimizeonclose = false
  4403. maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte = 0
  4404. maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes = 0
  4405. userlocale = system
  4406. useidenticons = True
  4407. identiconsuffix = re9E9UtSEaWD
  4408. replybelow = False
  4409. stopresendingafterxdays = 4
  4410. stopresendingafterxmonths =
  4411. namecoinrpctype = namecoind
  4412. namecoinrpchost = localhost
  4413. namecoinrpcuser =
  4414. namecoinrpcpassword =
  4415. namecoinrpcport = 8336
  4416. sendoutgoingconnections = True
  4417. willinglysendtomobile = False
  4418. maxpayloadlengthkb = 256
  4419. daemon = true
  4420. apienabled = true
  4421. apiport = 8442
  4422. apiinterface =
  4423. apiusername = bitmsg
  4424. maxpayloadlengthkb = 256
  4425. apipassword = change_this_password
  4426. #+END_SRC
  4427. Save and exit. Then enable the daemon and run it.
  4428. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4429. rm -f /tmp/-usr-local-share-pybitmessage-*.lock
  4430. chown -R bitmsg:bitmsg /home/bitmsg
  4431. chmod +x /etc/init.d/pybitmessage
  4432. update-rc.d pybitmessage defaults
  4433. service pybitmessage start
  4434. #+END_SRC
  4435. Now open port 8444 on your internet router or firewall and direct it to the BBB.
  4436. *** Using Bitmessage
  4437. Although in principle it would be possible to send Bitmessages directly from the BBB, in practice the /proof of work/ requirement would mean that it would take an infeasibly long time to send messages, and the computational workload would likely greatly impair the performance of other services also running on the system. So to send and receive Bitmessages it's better to just install the client on a laptop or desktop machine.
  4438. The easiest way to install the client is either to download it from [[][]] or to get the latest build from Github as follows:
  4439. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4440. mkdir ~/build
  4441. cd ~/build
  4442. git clone
  4443. cd PyBitmessage
  4444. make install
  4445. pybitmessage
  4446. #+END_SRC
  4447. *** Connect Bitmessage to Email
  4448. It may be convenient to have any Bitmessages addressed to you which arrive at the BBB to be transfered to your email, so that you can check for messages on mobile devices or on computers where installing a Bitmessage client isn't an available option. This transference will take place on the BBB itself, so will not involve transmitting any plaintext over the local network or internet. To do this first you'll need to set up a receiving Bitmessage address by editing:
  4449. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4450. /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage/keys.dat
  4451. #+END_SRC
  4452. and adding the details for your address, which could be coppied from another machine (such as a laptop running a Bitmessage client).
  4453. It will look something like:
  4454. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4455. [BM-address]
  4456. label =
  4457. enabled = true
  4458. decoy = false
  4459. noncetrialsperbyte = 640
  4460. payloadlengthextrabytes = 14000
  4461. privsigningkey = ...
  4462. privencryptionkey = ...
  4463. lastpubkeysendtime = ...
  4464. #+END_SRC
  4465. Note that it's particularly important that /label/ be set to your email address. This is how the system will know that when a bitmessage arrives which account to transfer it to.
  4466. You should also make sure that /apipassword/ is set to some long random string.
  4467. Save and close /keys.dat/, then restart the Bitmessage daemon.
  4468. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4469. service pybitmessage restart
  4470. #+END_SRC
  4471. The restart will take 30 seconds or so. Next install the Bitmessage to email gateway.
  4472. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4473. cd /usr/share
  4474. git clone
  4475. chown -R bitmsg:bitmsg bitmessage-email-gateway
  4476. cd bitmessage-email-gateway
  4477. mkdir /home/bitmsg/Maildir
  4478. mkdir /home/bitmsg/Maildir/new
  4479. chown -R bitmsg:bitmsg /home/bitmsg
  4480. #+END_SRC
  4481. Substitute /your_domain_name/ for your domain name (the main one used for email).
  4482. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4483. sed 's/' >
  4484. #+END_SRC
  4485. Find out what the API password is:
  4486. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4487. grep "apipassword" /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage/keys.dat | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}'
  4488. #+END_SRC
  4489. Then change it with:
  4490. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4491. sed "s/'password' : ''/'password' : 'bitmessage_api_password'/g" >
  4492. #+END_SRC
  4493. Now create the daemon.
  4494. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4495. editor /etc/init.d/bitmessage-gateway
  4496. #+END_SRC
  4497. Add the following text:
  4498. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4499. #!/bin/bash
  4500. # /etc/init.d/bitmessage-gateway
  4501. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  4502. # Provides: bitmessage-gateway
  4503. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  4504. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  4505. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  4506. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  4507. # Short-Description: starts a gateway between bitmessage and email
  4508. # Description:
  4509. ### END INIT INFO
  4510. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  4511. #Settings
  4512. SERVICE='bitmessage-gateway'
  4513. LOGFILE='/dev/null'
  4514. COMMAND="python > $LOGFILE"
  4515. USERNAME='bitmsg'
  4516. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
  4517. HISTORY=1024
  4518. BMG_LOCATION="/usr/share/bitmessage-email-gateway"
  4519. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  4520. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/bitmessage-email-gateway'
  4521. bmg_start() {
  4522. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  4523. cd ${BMG_LOCATION}
  4524. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  4525. }
  4526. bmg_stop() {
  4527. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  4528. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  4529. }
  4530. #Start-Stop here
  4531. case "$1" in
  4532. start)
  4533. bmg_start
  4534. ;;
  4535. stop)
  4536. bmg_stop
  4537. ;;
  4538. restart)
  4539. bmg_stop
  4540. sleep 5s
  4541. bmg_start
  4542. ;;
  4543. *)
  4544. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  4545. exit 1
  4546. ;;
  4547. esac
  4548. exit 0
  4549. #+END_SRC
  4550. Save and exit.
  4551. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4552. chmod +x /etc/init.d/bitmessage-gateway
  4553. update-rc.d bitmessage-gateway defaults
  4554. service bitmessage-gateway start
  4555. #+END_SRC
  4556. From a Bitmessage client you should now be able to send a message to your Bitmessage address and have it eventually appear as an email in your inbox.
  4557. ** Overcome restrictive environments
  4558. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4559. /Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime./
  4560. -- Potter Stewart
  4561. #+END_VERSE
  4562. In some environments, such as behind corporate firewalls or under regimes hostile towards the idea of open access to knowledge and information you may find that you're not able to use tools such as /ssh/ to get access to the BBB. In the worst case all ports other than 80 and 443 may be blocked.
  4563. In that scenario you can use a tool called [[][shellinabox]] to log into your BBB via your web site rather than via a terminal. This means that you can administrate your system from any device which has a web browser and keyboard.
  4564. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4565. apt-get install shellinabox libapache
  4566. 2-mod-proxy-html
  4567. #+END_SRC
  4568. Update your Apache configuration.
  4569. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4570. export
  4571. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  4572. #+END_SRC
  4573. Within the section which begins with *<VirtualHost *:443>* add the following, replacing / with your domain name and /myusername/ with your username.
  4574. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4575. <Location /shell>
  4576. ProxyPass http://localhost:4200/
  4577. Order allow,deny
  4578. Allow from all
  4579. AuthName "Authentication for shellinabox"
  4580. AuthUserFile /home/
  4581. AuthGroupFile /home/
  4582. AuthType Basic
  4583. Require group shellinabox
  4584. Require user myusername
  4585. </Location>
  4586. #+END_SRC
  4587. Save and exit, then create a login password. It's recommended that the password be a long random string and that you then access it using a password manager such as KeepassX.
  4588. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4589. mkdir /home/$HOSTNAME
  4590. mkdir /home/$HOSTNAME/public_html
  4591. htpasswd -c /home/$HOSTNAME/public_html/.htpasswd myusername
  4592. #+END_SRC
  4593. Create a user group.
  4594. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4595. editor /home/$HOSTNAME/public_html/.htgroup
  4596. #+END_SRC
  4597. Add the following:
  4598. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4599. shellinabox: myusername
  4600. #+END_SRC
  4601. Save and exit, then restart Apache.
  4602. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4603. a2enmod proxy_http
  4604. service apache2 restart
  4605. #+END_SRC
  4606. Now with a web browser navigate to and log in.
  4607. If you're in a very locked down environment where access to web sites is severely restricted then as a last resort you may be able to use a command line browser, such as [[][lynx]] from within /shellinabox/.
  4608. ** Set up a mailing list
  4609. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4610. /All over the world there are many people who are united in creating software, content, and culture that is freely available for others to share, enjoy and enrich their lives. Together we believe that freedom is good. We believe it helps people do good things, make better choices, and lead safer and more secure lives. Together we are a community united by this belief./
  4611. -- Jono Bacon
  4612. #+END_VERSE
  4613. *** Public mailing list
  4614. Email mailing lists are old skool but still remain as a common and easy way of communicating on the internet. If you're running a public organisation such as an open source project or community group then you may want to set one up.
  4615. **** Installation
  4616. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4617. export
  4618. apt-get install mailman
  4619. newlist mailman
  4620. #+END_SRC
  4621. Enter an email address for the list administrator and a password.
  4622. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4623. editor /etc/mailman/
  4624. #+END_SRC
  4625. Set *MTA=None* and change *http:* to *https:*, then save and exit.
  4626. Add some settings.
  4627. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4628. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/04_mailman_options
  4629. #+END_SRC
  4630. Add the following, replacing / with your domain name.
  4631. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4632. # Mailman macro definitions
  4633. # Home dir for the Mailman installation
  4634. MM_HOME=/var/lib/mailman
  4635. # User and group for Mailman
  4636. MM_UID=list
  4637. MM_GID=list
  4638. #
  4639. # Domains that your lists are in - colon separated list
  4640. # you may wish to add these into local_domains as well
  4641. domainlist
  4642. # The path of the Mailman mail wrapper script
  4643. MM_WRAP=MM_HOME/mail/mailman
  4644. #
  4645. # The path of the list config file (used as a required file when
  4646. # verifying list addresses)
  4647. MM_LISTCHK=MM_HOME/lists/${lc::$local_part}/config.pck
  4648. #+END_SRC
  4649. Save and exit.
  4650. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4651. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localmacros
  4652. #+END_SRC
  4653. Append the following:
  4654. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4655. SYSTEM_ALIASES_PIPE_TRANSPORT = address_pipe
  4656. SYSTEM_ALIASES_USER = list
  4658. #+END_SRC
  4659. Save and exit.
  4660. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4661. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/30_exim4-config_check_rcpt
  4662. #+END_SRC
  4663. Append the following, before the final /accept/:
  4664. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4665. # Do callback verification unless Mailman incoming bounce
  4666. deny !local_parts = *-bounces : *-bounces+*
  4667. !verify = sender/callout=30s,defer_ok
  4668. #+END_SRC
  4669. Save and exit.
  4670. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4671. editor
  4672. /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/450_exim4-config_mailman_aliases
  4673. #+END_SRC
  4674. Add the following:
  4675. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4676. mailman:
  4677. driver = accept
  4678. domains = +mm_domains
  4679. require_files = MM_LISTCHK
  4680. local_part_suffix_optional
  4681. local_part_suffix = -admin : \
  4682. -bounces : -bounces+* : \
  4683. -confirm : -confirm+* : \
  4684. -join : -leave : \
  4685. -owner : -request : \
  4686. -subscribe : -unsubscribe
  4687. transport = mailman_transport
  4688. #+END_SRC
  4689. Save and exit.
  4690. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4691. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/40_exim4-config_mailman_pipe
  4692. #+END_SRC
  4693. Add the following:
  4694. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4695. mailman_transport:
  4696. driver = pipe
  4697. command = MM_WRAP \
  4698. '${if def:local_part_suffix \
  4699. {${sg{$local_part_suffix}{-(\\w+)(\\+.*)?}{\$1}}} \
  4700. {post}}' \
  4701. $local_part
  4702. current_directory = MM_HOME
  4703. home_directory = MM_HOME
  4704. user = MM_UID
  4705. group = MM_GID
  4706. #+END_SRC
  4707. Save and exit.
  4708. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4709. chown root:list /var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman
  4710. update-exim4.conf.template -r
  4711. update-exim4.conf
  4712. service exim4 restart
  4713. editor /etc/apache2/conf.d/mailman
  4714. #+END_SRC
  4715. Add the following:
  4716. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4717. Alias /pipermail /var/lib/mailman/archives/public
  4718. Alias /images/mailman /usr/share/images/mailman
  4719. <directory /var/lib/mailman/archives/public>
  4720. DirectoryIndex index.html
  4721. </directory>
  4722. #+END_SRC
  4723. Save and exit.
  4724. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4725. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  4726. #+END_SRC
  4727. Add the following to the 443 section.
  4728. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4729. <Location /mailman>
  4730. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  4731. Order allow,deny
  4732. Allow from all
  4733. RedirectMatch ^/$ /cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
  4734. </Location>
  4735. #+END_SRC
  4736. Save and exit.
  4737. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4738. service apache2 restart
  4739. #+END_SRC
  4740. Now add your mailing list. The list name should not include any spaces.
  4741. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4742. newlist mymailinglistname
  4743. #+END_SRC
  4744. With a browser visit https://$HOSTNAME/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mymailinglistname to configure the mailing list.
  4745. Under *General Options* add an email address for a moderator (could be the same as the administrator) and click *Submit your changes*.
  4746. Under *Privacy Options* set steps required for subscription to *Confirm and approve* and click *Submit your changes*.
  4747. Also change these settings for the account within https://$HOSTNAME/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman
  4748. Then to test that the mailing list works:
  4749. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4750. exim -d+route -bt mymailinglistname@$HOSTNAME
  4751. #+END_SRC
  4752. If everything is working then this shouldn't show any problems.
  4753. **** Using the mailing list
  4754. Direct subscribers towards:
  4755. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4757. #+END_SRC
  4758. To administrate the list visit:
  4759. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4761. #+END_SRC
  4762. To add another mailing list:
  4763. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4764. newlist mymailinglistname
  4765. #+END_SRC
  4766. To delete a mailing list:
  4767. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4768. rmlist -a mymailinglistname
  4769. #+END_SRC
  4770. *** Private (encrypted) mailing list
  4771. In addition to conventional public email lists it's also possible to set up a private mailing list which is only readable by members. A private email list uses [[][GPG]] and a public/private key pair for the server which can then be used to send emails to the list in an encrypted form. The email addresses and public GPG keys of members may be added to the list so that any new messages can be distributed to them in a secure manner.
  4772. Private mailing lists are likely to be able to keep the contents of the discussion out of the clutches of warrantless mass surveillance but, as with all conventional email, it won't prevent such systems from generating social graphs of who is communicating with the list since the /from/ and /to/ attributes are always transmitted in the clear.
  4773. **** Installation
  4774. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4775. apt-get install schleuder
  4776. #+END_SRC
  4777. Edit the configuration:
  4778. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4779. editor /etc/schleuder/schleuder.conf
  4780. #+END_SRC
  4781. Set the following parameters, replacing / with your domain name:
  4782. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4783. smtp_port: 465
  4784. superadminaddr:
  4785. #+END_SRC
  4786. Save and exit.
  4787. Get your GPG public key, replacing /myGPGkeyID/ with your GPG key ID:
  4788. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4789. export MYKEYID=myGPGkeyID
  4790. gpg --search-keys $MYKEYID
  4791. gpg --output /tmp/mypublickey.txt --armor --export $MYKEYID
  4792. #+END_SRC
  4793. Then to create a mailing list, replacing / with your domain name, /myusername/ with your username and /mailinglistname/ with the name of the mailing list. /mailinglistname/ should be all one word, with no spaces.
  4794. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4795. export MAILINGLISTNAME=mailinglistname
  4796. export MYUSERNAME=myusername
  4797. export
  4799. schleuder-newlist $MAILINGLISTNAME@$HOSTNAME -realname "mailing list name" -adminaddress $EMAILADDRESS -initmember $EMAILADDRESS -initmemberkey /tmp/mypublickey.txt -nointeractive
  4800. #+END_SRC
  4801. Now add a mailing list rule:
  4802. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4804. #+END_SRC
  4805. Edit your Mutt configuration.
  4806. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4807. editor /home/$MYUSERNAME/.muttrc
  4808. #+END_SRC
  4809. Search for the /mailboxes/ parameter and add "=mailinglistname". For example:
  4810. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4811. mailboxes = =Sent =Drafts =mailinglistname
  4812. #+END_SRC
  4813. Save and exit.
  4814. Update Exim routing.
  4815. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4816. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/550_exim4-config_schleuder
  4817. #+END_SRC
  4818. Add the following:
  4819. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4820. schleuder:
  4821. debug_print = "R: schleuder for $local_part@$domain"
  4822. driver = accept
  4823. local_part_suffix_optional
  4824. local_part_suffix = +* : -bounce : -sendkey
  4825. domains = +local_domains
  4826. user = schleuder
  4827. group = schleuder
  4828. require_files = schleuder:+/var/lib/schleuder/$domain/${local_part}
  4829. transport = schleuder_transport
  4830. #+END_SRC
  4831. Save and exit.
  4832. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4833. editor /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/30_exim4-config_schleuder
  4834. #+END_SRC
  4835. Add the following.
  4836. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4837. schleuder_transport:
  4838. debug_print = "T: schleuder_transport for $local_part@$domain"
  4839. driver = pipe
  4840. home_directory = "/var/lib/schleuder/$domain/$local_part"
  4841. command = "/usr/bin/schleuder $local_part@$domain"
  4842. #+END_SRC
  4843. Save and exit.
  4844. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4845. chown -R schleuder:schleuder /var/lib/schleuder
  4846. update-exim4.conf.template -r
  4847. update-exim4.conf
  4848. service exim4 restart
  4849. useradd -d /var/schleuderlists -s /bin/false schleuder
  4850. adduser Debian-exim schleuder
  4851. usermod -a -G mail schleuder
  4852. #+END_SRC
  4853. Test the routing.
  4854. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4855. exim -d -bt
  4856. #+END_SRC
  4857. **** Importing the public key of the mailing list
  4858. Before you can use the mailing list you will first need to import its public key. How you do this depends upon which email client you're using.
  4859. ***** Using Mutt
  4860. Send an email to / to have the list public key emailed to you.
  4861. When you receive the email open it and press *CTRL-k* to import it.
  4862. ***** Using Thunderbird
  4863. Send an email to / to have the list public key emailed to you.
  4864. When you receive the email open it, select all the text with *CTRL-a* then *CTRL-c*.
  4865. On the menu select *OpenPGP* followed by *Key Management*.
  4866. You will now see a new menu bar. Select *Edit* followed by *Import keys from clipboard*.
  4867. Click on *Import* followed by *Ok*.
  4868. **** Using the list
  4869. To obtain the public keys of list members send an email to / containing *X-LIST-KEYS* in the message body.
  4870. To add a member: *X-ADD-MEMBER:*
  4871. An example of adding a public key to the list:
  4872. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4873. X-ADD-KEY:
  4874. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
  4875. Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
  4876. mQGiBEjVO7oRBADQvT6wtD2IzzIiK0NbrcilCKCp4MWb8cYXTXguwPQI6y0Nerz4
  4877. dsK6J0X1Vgeo02tqA4xd3EDK8rdqL2yZfl/2egH8+85R3gDk+kqkfEp4pwCgp6VO
  4878. [...]
  4879. pNlF/qkaWwRb048h+iMrW21EkouLKTDPFkdFbapV2X5KJZIcfhO1zEbwc1ZKF3Ju
  4880. Q9X5GRmY62hz9SCZnsC0jeYAni8OUQV9NXfXlS/vePBUnOL08NQB
  4881. =xTv3
  4882. -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
  4883. #+END_SRC
  4884. To get details for a member: *X-GET-MEMBER:*
  4885. To delete a member: *X-DELETE-MEMBER:*
  4886. To delete a public key: *X-DELETE-KEY: keyID*
  4887. You can unsubscribe from the list with *X-UNSUBSCRIBE* in the message body.
  4888. *** Decentralised mailing list
  4889. A disadvantage with encrypted mailing lists which use the conventional email system is that there is a single server on which the list resides, and this creates a single point of failure and a bandwidth bottleneck for more heavily subscribed lists. If the mailing list server goes down for whatever reason then that may cause a lot of disruption to its users.
  4890. An alternative is to use a decentralised mailing list, implemented using Bitmessage. On your local machine (not the BBB) you can make a private mailing list which is difficult to censor and where there is no single point of failure. This type of mailing list is known as a "/chan/".
  4891. With Bitmessage if any one computer goes offline then the conversation can still keep going since there is no central mailing list server. Bitmessages are also encrypted with public/private key pairs and the manner in which the system operates makes it very difficult for the surveillance apparatus to exfiltrate the social graph of list users.
  4892. On a Debian based system:
  4893. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4894. sudo apt-get install makepasswd
  4895. #+END_SRC
  4896. or on an RPM based system:
  4897. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4898. sudo yum install makepasswd
  4899. #+END_SRC
  4900. Create a name for your mailing list. This will be a random string.
  4901. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4902. makepasswd -c 40
  4903. #+END_SRC
  4904. Keep a note of this.
  4905. Run the Bitmessage client and on the menu select *File/Join-Create Chan/Create new chan*
  4906. Enter the random string which you created as the name of the mailing list. Also take a note of the BM address which is created.
  4907. You can hand out the random string used to generate the mailing list and its corresponding BM address to fellow members, either within a bitmessage or on paper or via [[][sneakernet]] or in a GPG/PGP encrypted email or via an XMPP+OTR or Friendica private message. Once others have those two pieces of data then they will be able to join.
  4908. To make the list easier to identify, rather than just appearing as a random string, then under the *Your Identities* tab right click on it and select *Set Avatar* and assign a suitable icon.
  4909. The disadvantage of this type of mailing list is that it's not possible for any one participant to act as a list moderator, or in other words each participant must do their own moderation. That's ok if the size of the group is small, but if it's larger then anyone spamming or trolling the list can make things miserable for the others.
  4910. ** Install a microblog
  4911. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  4912. /If you want to have more control over how you interact on the web, and regain your freedom, privacy and autonomy from outside interference, you need to start moving towards using programs like GNU Social/
  4913. -- Jason Self
  4914. #+END_VERSE
  4915. For a microblog you will need a separate domain/subdomain, so see [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to create an Apache configuration for your microblog. If you're using freedns then you will need to create a new subdomain.
  4916. Install some dependencies:
  4917. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4918. apt-get install php5-xcache php-gettext php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql
  4919. #+END_SRC
  4920. Download GNU Social
  4921. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4922. mkdir ~/build
  4923. cd ~/build
  4924. wget
  4925. #+END_SRC
  4926. Verify it.
  4927. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4928. sha256sum gnu-social.tar.gz
  4929. 1f886241c7f1a175e7be3cccbcb944ab6c03617fb75aefa4d62d37abed87d2b4
  4930. #+END_SRC
  4931. Extract the files and set permissions on them, where / is your domain name.
  4932. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4933. export
  4934. tar zxf gnu-social.tar.gz
  4935. rm -rf /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4936. mv statusnet-gnu-social /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4937. chmod a+w /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4938. chown www-data:www-data /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
  4939. chmod a+w /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/avatar
  4940. chmod a+w /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/background
  4941. chmod a+w /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/file
  4942. chmod +x /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/scripts/maildaemon.php
  4943. #+END_SRC
  4944. Edit the Apache access settings.
  4945. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4946. editor /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/.htaccess
  4947. #+END_SRC
  4948. Add the following:
  4949. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4950. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  4951. RewriteEngine On
  4952. RewriteBase /
  4953. ## Uncomment these if having trouble with API authentication
  4954. ## when PHP is running in CGI or FastCGI mode.
  4955. #
  4956. #RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
  4957. #RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
  4958. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  4959. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  4960. RewriteRule (.*) index.php?p=$1 [L,QSA]
  4961. </IfModule>
  4962. <FilesMatch "\.(ini)">
  4963. Order allow,deny
  4964. </FilesMatch>
  4965. #+END_SRC
  4966. Save and exit, then create a database.
  4967. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4968. mysql -u root -p
  4969. create database gnusocial;
  4970. CREATE USER 'gnusocialadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'gnusocialpassword';
  4971. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gnusocial.* TO 'gnusocialadmin'@'localhost';
  4972. quit
  4973. #+END_SRC
  4974. Add the mailer script to the aliases file:
  4975. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4976. editor /etc/aliases
  4977. #+END_SRC
  4978. Add the following, replacing / with your domain name.
  4979. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4980. www-data: root
  4981. *: /var/www/
  4982. #+END_SRC
  4983. Save and exit. Update the aliases by typing:
  4984. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  4985. newaliases
  4986. #+END_SRC
  4987. Then with a web browser navigate to:
  4988. https://$HOSTNAME/install.php
  4989. Set a name for the site.
  4990. Server SSL: enable
  4991. Hostname: localhost
  4992. Type: MySql
  4993. Name: gnusocial
  4994. DB username: gnusocialadmin
  4995. DB Password; your gnu social admin password goes here
  4996. Administrator nickname: myusername
  4997. Administrator password: mylongrandompassword
  4998. Subscribe to announcements: ticked
  4999. Site profile: Community
  5000. Press the *Submit* button. It may take a few minutes, so don't be concerned that it has crashed. When the process completes you will see a lot of "Strict standards" warnings which you can ignore.
  5001. Navigate to http://$HOSTNAME/gnusocial and you can then complete the configuration via the *Admin* section on the header bar. Some recommended admin settings are:
  5002. Under the *Site* settings:
  5003. Text limit: 140
  5004. Dupe Limit: 60000
  5005. Under the *User* settings:
  5006. Bio limit: 1000
  5007. Under the *Access* settings:
  5008. /Invite only/ ticked
  5009. Under the License section select a license if you wish. Details for Creative Commons licenses [[][can be found here]]. If you only intend to do private microblogging then just leave these settings as they are.
  5010. If you want to invite more users then click on the big button *Invite more colleagues*, then enter their email addresses and hit the *send* button. The invite only configuration which you've just installed is useful because it prevents spammers, or other [[]["bad actors"]], from clogging your system with nonsense.
  5011. Edit the config file.
  5012. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5013. editor /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs/config.php
  5014. #+END_SRC
  5015. Change the ssl setting from *always* to *sometimes*, hten save and exit.
  5016. So, you're now microblogging on the open web, with no companies in the middle. Congratulations! To find some other people to connect to you can try searching other nodes listed at
  5017. When following other GNU Social users enter the URL of your profile. For example, https://mygnusocialdomain/myusername
  5018. ** Install Mediagoblin
  5019. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  5020. /The silos that are the main current points of media sharing are not only vulnerable to attacks on free speech, but also hamper important grassroots economic activity by privileging the interests of a tiny minority over those of most of the world./
  5021. #+END_VERSE
  5022. Mediagoblin allows you to have a YouTube/Soundcloud/Flickr/Picasa type of site to share your pictures, videos or audio files. An advantage of not having any company in the middle is that you can't be arbitrarily censored without any explanation, as seems to frequently occur on YouTube. It is recommended that you use media formats which are not encumbered by patents, such as /ogg/ or /ogv/.
  5023. For a mediagoblin site it is recommended to use a separate domain/subdomain, so see [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to create an Apache configuration for your microblog. If you're using freedns then you will need to create a new subdomain.
  5024. Install some dependencies.
  5025. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5026. aptitude install git-core python python-dev python-lxml python-imaging python-virtualenv python-gst0.10 libjpeg8-dev sqlite3 libapache2-mod-fcgid gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg python-numpy python-scipy libsndfile1-dev
  5027. #+END_SRC
  5028. Create a user, replacing /mymediagoblindomain/ with the domain name for your mediagoblin site.
  5029. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5030. export HOSTNAME=mymediagoblindomain
  5031. adduser mediagoblin
  5032. #+END_SRC
  5033. Give the user a long random password.
  5034. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5035. mkdir -p /srv/$HOSTNAME
  5036. chown -hR mediagoblin:mediagoblin /srv/$HOSTNAME
  5037. su - mediagoblin
  5038. export HOSTNAME=mymediagoblindomain
  5039. cd /srv/$HOSTNAME
  5040. git clone git://
  5041. cd mediagoblin
  5042. git submodule init
  5043. git submodule update
  5044. virtualenv --system-site-packages .
  5045. ./bin/python develop
  5046. ./bin/easy_install flup
  5047. cp mediagoblin.ini mediagoblin_local.ini
  5048. cp paste.ini paste_local.ini
  5049. editor mediagoblin_local.ini
  5050. #+END_SRC
  5051. Change *email_sender_address* to your email address and set *email_debug_mode* to false. Also append the following to the bottom of the file, under the *plugins* section.
  5052. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5053. [[]]
  5054. [[]]
  5055. [[mediagoblin.media_types.stl]]
  5056. #+END_SRC
  5057. Then save and exit.
  5058. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5059. ./bin/pip install scikits.audiolab
  5060. ./bin/gmg dbupdate
  5061. exit # to go back to the root user
  5062. editor /etc/init.d/mediagoblin
  5063. #+END_SRC
  5064. Add the following, replacing /mymediagoblindomain/ with the domain name for your mediagoblin site.
  5065. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5066. #!/bin/bash
  5067. # /etc/init.d/mediagoblin
  5068. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  5069. # Provides: mediagoblin
  5070. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  5071. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  5072. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  5073. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  5074. # Short-Description: starts mediagoblin
  5075. # Description: Other methods may work, but I found this the easiest
  5076. ### END INIT INFO
  5077. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  5078. #Settings
  5079. SERVICE='mediagoblin'
  5080. LOGFILE='/srv/mymediagoblindomain/mediagoblin.log'
  5081. COMMAND="./ > $LOGFILE"
  5082. USERNAME='mediagoblin'
  5083. NICELEVEL=15 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
  5084. HISTORY=1024
  5085. MG_LOCATION="/srv/mymediagoblindomain/mediagoblin"
  5086. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  5087. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/core_perl:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  5088. mg_start() {
  5089. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  5090. cd ${MG_LOCATION}
  5091. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  5092. }
  5093. mg_stop() {
  5094. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  5095. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  5096. }
  5097. #Start-Stop here
  5098. case "$1" in
  5099. start)
  5100. mg_start
  5101. ;;
  5102. stop)
  5103. mg_stop
  5104. ;;
  5105. restart)
  5106. mg_stop
  5107. sleep 10s
  5108. mg_start
  5109. ;;
  5110. *)
  5111. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  5112. exit 1
  5113. ;;
  5114. esac
  5115. exit 0
  5116. #+END_SRC
  5117. Save and exit.
  5118. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5119. chmod +x /etc/init.d/mediagoblin
  5120. update-rc.d mediagoblin defaults
  5121. service mediagoblin start
  5122. #+END_SRC
  5123. Edit the Apache configuration for your mediagoblin site.
  5124. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5125. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/mymediagoblindomain
  5126. #+END_SRC
  5127. Delete the existing configuration (in Emacs it's CTRL-x h then CTRL-w) and paste the following, replacing /mymediagoblindomain/ with your mediagoblin domain name and / with your email address.
  5128. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5129. <VirtualHost *:80>
  5130. ServerAdmin
  5131. DocumentRoot /srv/mymediagoblindomain/mediagoblin
  5132. ServerName mymediagoblindomain
  5133. <Directory />
  5134. Options FollowSymLinks
  5135. AllowOverride None
  5136. </Directory>
  5137. <Directory /srv/mymediagoblindomain/mediagoblin/>
  5138. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  5139. AllowOverride All
  5140. Order allow,deny
  5141. allow from all
  5142. LimitRequestBody 536870912
  5143. </Directory>
  5144. LogLevel warn
  5145. ProxyVia On
  5146. ProxyRequests off
  5147. ProxyPreserveHost on
  5148. ProxyPass / http://localhost:6543/
  5149. ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/error.log"
  5150. CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/access.log" combined
  5151. RewriteEngine On
  5152. RewriteOptions Inherit
  5153. </VirtualHost>
  5154. #+END_SRC
  5155. Save and exit.
  5156. Now in a browser visit http://mymediagoblindomain and create a user. If you wish this to be a single user installation to prevent a lot of spammers signing up.
  5157. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5158. editor /srv/mymediagoblindomain/mediagoblin/mediagoblin_local.ini
  5159. #+END_SRC
  5160. Then set:
  5161. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5162. allow_registration = false
  5163. #+END_SRC
  5164. Save and exit.
  5165. ** Run a pastebin service
  5166. If you need to be able to share short text files or other kinds of files on a temporary basis (doing technical support or reporting a bug, for example) then it's useful to have a pastebin system running on your server.
  5167. For this you will need to set up a new subdomain and create a new Apache configuration. For details on how to do that see [[Getting onto the web]] and [[Setting up a web site]].
  5168. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5169. adduser --disabled-login zerobin
  5170. mkdir ~/build
  5171. cd ~/build
  5172. git clone
  5173. cd 0bin
  5174. python install
  5175. chown -R zerobin:zerobin /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zerobin-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/zerobin/static
  5176. #+END_SRC
  5177. For the /chown/ command you may need to change the directory name within /dist-packages/, depending upon the version number of [[][0bin]].
  5178. Now create the daemon.
  5179. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5180. editor /etc/init.d/zerobin
  5181. #+END_SRC
  5182. Add the following text:
  5183. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5184. #!/bin/bash
  5185. # /etc/init.d/zerobin
  5186. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  5187. # Provides: zerobin
  5188. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  5189. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  5190. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  5191. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  5192. # Short-Description: starts zerobin as a background daemon
  5193. # Description: starts zerobin as a background daemon
  5194. ### END INIT INFO
  5195. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  5196. #Settings
  5197. SERVICE='zerobin'
  5198. LOGFILE='/home/zerobin/zerobin.log'
  5199. COMMAND="zerobin > $LOGFILE"
  5200. USERNAME='zerobin'
  5201. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
  5202. HISTORY=1024
  5203. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  5204. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  5205. zerobin_start() {
  5206. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  5207. su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  5208. }
  5209. zerobin_stop() {
  5210. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  5211. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  5212. }
  5213. #Start-Stop here
  5214. case "$1" in
  5215. start)
  5216. zerobin_start
  5217. ;;
  5218. stop)
  5219. zerobin_stop
  5220. ;;
  5221. restart)
  5222. zerobin_stop
  5223. sleep 2s
  5224. zerobin_start
  5225. ;;
  5226. *)
  5227. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  5228. exit 1
  5229. ;;
  5230. esac
  5231. exit 0
  5232. #+END_SRC
  5233. Save and exit.
  5234. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5235. chmod +x /etc/init.d/zerobin
  5236. update-rc.d zerobin defaults
  5237. service zerobin start
  5238. #+END_SRC
  5239. Now edit the Apache configuration, delete anything which already exists and add the following, changing / to your pastebin subdomain and / to your email address:
  5240. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5241. <VirtualHost *:80>
  5242. ServerAdmin
  5243. ServerName
  5244. <Location />
  5245. ProxyPass http://localhost:8000/
  5246. Order allow,deny
  5247. Allow from all
  5248. LimitRequestBody 256000
  5249. </Location>
  5250. ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/paste_error.log
  5251. # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
  5252. # alert, emerg.
  5253. LogLevel error
  5254. CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/paste.log combined
  5255. </VirtualHost>
  5256. #+END_SRC
  5257. Save and exit.
  5258. The encryption used here is really just intended to provide you with plausible deniability for content which other users may post to your server. Pastes aren't really intended to be totally private, so if your intention is to send private messages then Bitmessage, an XMPP chat session with OTR or a GPG encrypted email is a far better solution.
  5259. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5260. service apache2 restart
  5261. #+END_SRC
  5262. You can now visit your new site and paste things for others to see, and vice versa. Uploads are limited to 256K in size to prevent your storage space from being used up. You can further limit the maximum amount of storage space by doing the following:
  5263. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5264. editor /usr/bin/zerobinupdate
  5265. #+END_SRC
  5266. Add the following:
  5267. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5268. #!/bin/bash
  5269. CONTENT=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zerobin-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/zerobin/static/content
  5270. # Exit if there is no content directory
  5271. if [[ ! -d $CONTENT ]]; then
  5272. exit
  5273. fi
  5274. LOG=/home/zerobin/zerobin.log
  5275. CHECK=`du -hs $CONTENT`
  5276. regex="([0-9]+)G"
  5277. if [[ $CHECK =~ $regex && ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -gt 1 ]]; then
  5278. echo "Directory size limit exceeded - removing zerobin content" >> $LOG
  5279. rm -rf $CONTENT/*
  5280. fi
  5281. #+END_SRC
  5282. Save and exit.
  5283. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5284. chmod +x /usr/bin/zerobinupdate
  5285. echo "*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/zerobinupdate" >> /etc/crontab
  5286. #+END_SRC
  5287. Additionally to ensure that the service is being used as intended and not as a permanent data store:
  5288. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5289. editor /usr/bin/zerobinclear
  5290. #+END_SRC
  5291. Add the following:
  5292. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5293. #!/bin/bash
  5294. CONTENT=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zerobin-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/zerobin/static/content
  5295. # Exit if there is no content directory
  5296. if [[ ! -d $CONTENT ]]; then
  5297. exit
  5298. fi
  5299. rm -rf $CONTENT
  5300. #+END_SRC
  5301. Save and exit.
  5302. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5303. chmod +x /usr/bin/zerobinclear
  5304. echo "35 3 * * * root /usr/bin/zerobinclear" >> /etc/crontab
  5305. service cron restart
  5306. #+END_SRC
  5307. This will delete all pasted content once per day.
  5308. ** Subsonic music server
  5309. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  5310. /Where words fail, music speaks./
  5311. -- Hans Christian Andersen
  5312. #+END_VERSE
  5313. *** Introduction
  5314. Owncloud is probably the easiest way to handle your media, but Subsonic is another alternative and has a mobile app which can be used to conveniently play your music. Unless you particularly prefer Subsonic it's probably better to stick with Owncloud and skip this section. Another limitation of Subsonic is that it requires Java, which uses a lot of RAM, so it may be better to only install it on systems with 1GB or more of memory and also increases the [[]["attack surface"]].
  5315. The method of installing Subsonic described here is not ideal, but works. The main issue is that the Debian package supplied from sourceforge contains a licensing [[][antifeature]], which needs to be removed in order to achieve a fully free system.
  5316. *** Installing the Server
  5317. For this you will need a new subdomain (or your own domain), so see [[Setting up a web site]] for details of how to do that.
  5318. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5319. apt-get install openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jdk lintian maven libav-tools
  5320. adduser subsonic
  5321. mkdir ~/build
  5322. cd ~/build
  5323. wget
  5324. sha256sum subsonic-4.9.deb
  5325. 064c2a7e69d47715ce230f3dfcacdc627c18f6466e0fe48952f133ce06be698d
  5326. dpkg -i subsonic-4.9.deb
  5327. #+END_SRC
  5328. Now we remove the antifeature by compiling from source and then overwriting the relevant files.
  5329. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5330. git clone
  5331. cd subsonic
  5332. git checkout release
  5333. mvn package
  5334. mvn -P full -pl subsonic-booter -am install
  5335. mvn -P full -pl subsonic-installer-debian/ -am install
  5336. cp ~/build/subsonic/subsonic-booter/target/subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar /usr/share/subsonic/
  5337. cp ~/build/subsonic/subsonic-main/target/subsonic.war /usr/share/subsonic/subsonic.war
  5338. cp ~/build/subsonic/subsonic-booter/src/main/script/ /usr/share/subsonic/
  5339. editor /etc/default/subsonic
  5340. #+END_SRC
  5341. Settings should look like the following.
  5342. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5343. SUBSONIC_ARGS="--max-memory=100"
  5344. SUBSONIC_USER=subsonic
  5345. #+END_SRC
  5346. Save and exit.
  5347. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5348. chown -R subsonic:subsonic /var/subsonic
  5349. mkdir /var/music
  5350. chown -R subsonic:subsonic /var/music
  5351. service subsonic restart
  5352. #+END_SRC
  5353. Edit your web server configuration.
  5354. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5355. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  5356. #+END_SRC
  5357. Delete all existing contents then add the following:
  5358. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5359. server {
  5360. listen 80;
  5361. server_name;
  5362. rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
  5363. }
  5364. server {
  5365. listen 443;
  5366. server_name;
  5367. index index.html index.htm;
  5368. error_log /var/www/ debug;
  5369. ssl on;
  5370. ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
  5371. ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/;
  5372. ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/;
  5373. ssl_session_timeout 5m;
  5374. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  5375. ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m;
  5376. ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # not possible to do exclusive
  5378. add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=0;";
  5379. client_max_body_size 20M;
  5380. location / {
  5381. proxy_pass http://localhost:4040/;
  5382. proxy_redirect http:// https://;
  5383. proxy_set_header Host $host;
  5384. proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  5385. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  5386. }
  5387. }
  5388. #+END_SRC
  5389. Save and exit.
  5390. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5391. export
  5392. sed "s/$HOSTNAME/g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME > /tmp/website
  5393. cp -f /tmp/website /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  5394. /etc/init.d/nginx reload
  5395. #+END_SRC
  5396. *** Configuration
  5397. Open a browser and go to your subsonic domain name. Log in with username /admin/ and password /admin/, then change your administrator password.
  5398. Still logged in as the administrator, click /settings/ and select /transcoding/. Change the transcoding settings to the following:
  5399. | Name | Convert from | Convert to | Step 1 |
  5400. |----------------+---------------------------------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  5401. | mp3 audio | ogg oga aac m4a flac wav wma aif aiff ape mpc shn | mp3 | avconv -i %s -b %bk -q 0 -loglevel error -f mp3 - |
  5402. | flv/h264 video | avi mpg mpeg mp4 m4v mkv mov wmv ogv divx m2ts | flv | avconv -ss %o -i %s -async 1 -b %bk -s %wx%h -c:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 2 -v debug -f flv -c:v libx264 -preset superfast -threads 0 - |
  5403. | Downsample command | avconv -i %s -b %bk -v 0 -f mp3 - |
  5404. | HTTP Live Streaming command | avconv -ss %0 -t %d -i %s -async 1 -b %bk -s %wx%h -ar 44100 -ac 2 -v 0 -f mpegts -vcodec libx264 -preset superfast -acodec libmp3lame -threads 0 - |
  5405. Then save.
  5406. Within the settings click on /users/ and add a user. Give your user access to everything by ticking all the checkboxes. You can then log out and log back in as the user.
  5407. Open port 4040 on your internet router and forward it to the BBB.
  5408. *** Adding your music
  5409. The easiest way to add your music is to obtain a large capacity USB stick, copy your music onto it, plug it into the front of the BBB and then mount it as a drive.
  5410. So with the USB stick plugged in and logged into the BBB as root via ssh:
  5411. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5412. editor /usr/bin/attach-music
  5413. #+END_SRC
  5414. Add the following:
  5415. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5416. #!/bin/bash
  5417. if [ ! -d /var/music ]; then
  5418. mkdir /var/music
  5419. fi
  5420. mount /dev/sda1 /var/music
  5421. chown root:root /var/music
  5422. chown -R subsonic:subsonic /var/music/*
  5423. #+END_SRC
  5424. Save and exit
  5425. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5426. chmod +x /usr/bin/attach-music
  5427. #+END_SRC
  5428. Then just typing "attach-music" on the command line will mount the USB drive.
  5429. Then within a browser go to your Subsonic domain name, log in as the administrator, select *settings*, then *Media folders* then *Scan media folders now*. Depending upon how much music you have this could take a while, so don't be too impatient. WHen It's complete you can log out and log back in as a user.
  5430. *** Android App
  5431. Within [[][F-Droid]] search for *Dsub* and install it.
  5432. Open the app, then press on the Dsub icon (top left) and select *settings*, followed by *servers*. Select one of the unused servers then set the name to your domain name, the server address to (the domain name you used for subsonic) and your username and password for the Subsonic user which you created earlier. Press on *test server* to check the internet connection to the BBB.
  5433. Remove any other servers (including the demo) by pressing on them then selecting *remove server*.
  5434. You can then press *back* a few times to return to the main Dsub menu and press *recently added*. If your media library has been scanned (as in the earlier "adding your music" step) then you should see tracks appear. Press on one, then press the play button.
  5435. Other proprietary Subsonic mobile apps are available, but are not recommended. Anything proprietary could contain backdoors, malware or other nasties which merely assist the surveillance apparatus.
  5436. ** Database maintenance
  5437. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  5438. /To be ready to fail is to be prepared for success./
  5439. -- Jose Bergamin
  5440. #+END_VERSE
  5441. Ideally the system should be as close to "/install and forget/" as possible, but sometimes mysql databases can become corrupted. To handle that situation we can set up a script to monitor the databases and automatically try to repair them, and if the repair fails then to roll back to the previous day's backup, so that at most you may have lost one day of social media updates, rather than losing everything.
  5442. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5443. editor /usr/bin/repairdatabase
  5444. #+END_SRC
  5445. Add the following, using your mysql root password and entering your email address.
  5446. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5447. #!/bin/bash
  5448. DATABASE=$1
  5450. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysqlrootpassword
  5451. TEMPFILE=/tmp/repairdatabase_$DATABASE
  5452. umask 0077
  5453. # check the database
  5454. mysqlcheck -c -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE > $TEMPFILE
  5455. # Attempt to repair the database if it contains errors
  5456. if grep -q "Error" "$TEMPFILE"; then
  5457. mysqlcheck -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --auto-repair $DATABASE
  5458. else
  5459. # No errors were found, so exit
  5460. rm -f $TEMPFILE
  5461. exit 0
  5462. fi
  5463. rm -f $TEMPFILE
  5464. # Check the database again
  5465. mysqlcheck -c -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE > $TEMPFILE
  5466. # If it still contains errors then restore from backup
  5467. if grep -q "Error" "$TEMPFILE"; then
  5468. mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE -o < /var/backups/${DATABASE}_daily.sql
  5469. # Send a warning email
  5470. echo "$DATABASE database corruption could not be repaired. Restored from backup." | mail -s "Freedombone database maintenance" $EMAIL
  5471. rm -f $TEMPFILE
  5472. exit 1
  5473. fi
  5474. rm -f $TEMPFILE
  5475. exit 0
  5476. #+END_SRC
  5477. Save and exit.
  5478. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5479. chmod 600 /usr/bin/repairdatabase
  5480. editor /etc/cron.hourly/repair
  5481. #+END_SRC
  5482. Add the following. If you're using Red Matrix then uncomment that line.
  5483. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5484. #!/bin/bash
  5485. repairdatabase friendica
  5486. #repairdatabase redmatrix
  5487. repairdatabase roundcubemail
  5488. #+END_SRC
  5489. Save and exit.
  5490. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5491. chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/repair
  5492. #+END_SRC
  5493. Also to keep maintenance to the minimum we need to automatically repair the databases when the system initially boots after a power cycle. So if there's an electrical power outage and the session table gets corrupted then you don't need to be concerned with repairing it manually.
  5494. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5495. editor /usr/bin/runinitialrepair
  5496. #+END_SRC
  5497. Add the following:
  5498. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5499. #!/bin/bash
  5500. sleep 180
  5501. /etc/cron.hourly/repair > /var/log/initialrepair.log
  5502. exit 0
  5503. #+END_SRC
  5504. Save and exit.
  5505. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5506. chmod +x /usr/bin/runinitialrepair
  5507. editor /etc/init.d/initialrepair
  5508. #+END_SRC
  5509. Add the following:
  5510. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5511. #!/bin/bash
  5512. # /etc/init.d/initialrepair
  5513. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  5514. # Provides: initialrepair
  5515. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  5516. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  5517. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  5518. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  5519. # Short-Description: mysql database repair on boot
  5520. # Description: Repairs mysql databases at startup
  5521. ### END INIT INFO
  5522. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  5523. #Settings
  5524. SERVICE='initialrepair'
  5525. INVOCATION='/usr/bin/runinitialrepair'
  5526. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  5527. initialrepair_start() {
  5528. echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
  5529. su --command "screen -h 2048 -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" root
  5530. }
  5531. initialrepair_stop() {
  5532. echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
  5533. su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" root
  5534. }
  5535. #Start-Stop here
  5536. case "$1" in
  5537. start)
  5538. initialrepair_start
  5539. ;;
  5540. stop)
  5541. initialrepair_stop
  5542. ;;
  5543. restart)
  5544. initialrepair_stop
  5545. initialrepair_start
  5546. ;;
  5547. *)
  5548. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  5549. exit 1
  5550. ;;
  5551. esac
  5552. exit 0
  5553. #+END_SRC
  5554. Save and exit.
  5555. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5556. chmod +x /etc/init.d/initialrepair
  5557. update-rc.d initialrepair defaults
  5558. service initialrepair start
  5559. #+END_SRC
  5560. ** Install Tripwire
  5561. #+BEGIN_VERSE
  5562. / the time you get done with all of that, we have a freedom box/
  5563. -- Eben Moglen
  5564. #+END_VERSE
  5565. Tripwire will try to detect any intrusions into your system. It's a good idea to install it after you have installed all of the other programs which you intend to use.
  5566. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5567. apt-get install tripwire
  5568. export
  5569. cd /etc/tripwire
  5570. cp arm-local.key $HOSTNAME-local.key
  5571. cp site.key $HOSTNAME-site.key
  5572. tripwire --init
  5573. tripwire --update-policy --secure-mode low /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
  5574. tripwire --check --interactive
  5575. #+END_SRC
  5576. you will be asked for two passphrases ("site" and "local"). Make a note of these.
  5577. Turn off reporting of changes to system logs.
  5578. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5579. editor /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt
  5580. #+END_SRC
  5581. Set *SYSLOGREPORTING* to false and comment out the line, then save and exit.
  5582. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5583. editor /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
  5584. #+END_SRC
  5585. Edit the "Root config files" section so that it looks like this:
  5586. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5587. # These files change the behavior of the root account
  5588. (
  5589. rulename = "Root config files",
  5590. severity = 100
  5591. )
  5592. {
  5593. /root -> $(SEC_CRIT) ; # Catch all additions to /root
  5594. /root/.bashrc -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
  5595. /root/.bash_history -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
  5596. }
  5597. #+END_SRC
  5598. Then save and exit.
  5599. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5600. editor /usr/bin/reset-tripwire
  5601. #+END_SRC
  5602. Add the following:
  5603. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5604. #!/bin/sh
  5605. tripwire --update-policy --secure-mode low /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
  5606. #+END_SRC
  5607. Save and exit.
  5608. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5609. chmod +x /usr/bin/reset-tripwire
  5610. #+END_SRC
  5611. If you subsequently install any more packages or make configuration changes then update the policy again with:
  5612. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5613. reset-tripwire
  5614. #+END_SRC
  5615. Also, to look for any rootkits.
  5616. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5617. apt-get install rkhunter
  5618. #+END_SRC
  5619. * Router/Firewall ports
  5620. The following ports on your internet router/firewall should be forwarded to the BBB.
  5621. | Protocol | Port/s |
  5622. |---------------+------------|
  5623. | Gopher | 70 |
  5624. | HTTP | 80 |
  5625. | HTTPS | 443 |
  5626. | IMAP | 143 |
  5627. | IRC | 6665..6669 |
  5628. | IRC SSL | 6697 |
  5629. | SIP | 5060..5061 |
  5630. | SMTP | 25,587 |
  5631. | SMTPS | 465 |
  5632. | SSH | 22 |
  5633. | XMPP | 5222..5223 |
  5634. | XMPP (server) | 5269 |
  5635. | XMPP (BOSH) | 5280..5281 |
  5636. | Bitmessage | 8444 |
  5637. | Subsonic | 4040 |
  5638. * Hints and Tips
  5639. ** Example configurations
  5640. *** Software sources
  5641. If you get errors when running *apt-get update* then you may need to check your repositories list. Here are examples of repositories within */etc/apt/sources.list*
  5642. **** Beaglebone Black
  5643. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5644. deb jessie main contrib
  5645. deb-src jessie main contrib
  5646. deb jessie-updates main contrib
  5647. deb-src jessie-updates main contrib
  5648. #Kernel source:
  5649. deb [arch=armhf] jessie main
  5650. deb jessie-backports main
  5651. #+END_SRC
  5652. **** Cubieboard
  5653. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5654. deb wheezy main contrib
  5655. deb-src wheezy main contrib
  5656. deb wheezy-updates main contrib
  5657. deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib
  5658. deb wheezy/updates main contrib
  5659. deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib
  5660. deb wheezy-backports main contrib
  5661. deb wheezy main contrib
  5662. deb-src wheezy main contrib
  5663. deb wheezy main
  5664. deb main main debian
  5665. #+END_SRC
  5666. *** Emacs setup
  5667. An example Emacs configuration file. This should be saved to */home/myusername/.emacs* and */root/.emacs*
  5668. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5669. (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/")
  5670. ;; ===== Remove trailing whitepace ======================================
  5671. (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)
  5672. ;; ===== Press CTRL-L to go to a line number ============================
  5673. (global-set-key "\C-l" 'goto-line)
  5674. ;; ===== Show line numbers ==============================================
  5675. (add-hook 'find-file-hook (lambda () (linum-mode 1)))
  5676. ;; ===== Enable line wrapping in org-mode ===============================
  5677. (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
  5678. '(lambda ()
  5679. (visual-line-mode 1)))
  5680. ;; ===== Enable shift select in org mode ================================
  5681. (setq org-support-shift-select t)
  5682. ;; ===== Set standard indent to 4 spaces ================================
  5683. (setq standard-indent 4)
  5684. (setq-default tab-width 4)
  5685. (setq c-basic-offset 4)
  5686. ;; ===== Support Wheel Mouse Scrolling =================================
  5687. (mouse-wheel-mode t)
  5688. ;; ===== Place Backup Files in Specific Directory ======================
  5689. (setq make-backup-files t)
  5690. (setq version-control t)
  5691. (setq backup-directory-alist (quote ((".*" . "~/.emacs_backups/"))))
  5692. ;; ===== Make Text mode the default mode for new buffers ===============
  5693. (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
  5694. ;; ===== Line length ===================================================
  5695. (setq-default fill-column 72)
  5696. ;; ===== Enable Line and Column Numbering ==============================
  5697. (line-number-mode 1)
  5698. (column-number-mode 1)
  5699. ;; ===== Turn on Auto Fill mode automatically in all modes =============
  5700. ;; Auto-fill-mode the the automatic wrapping of lines and insertion of
  5701. ;; newlines when the cursor goes over the column limit.
  5702. ;; This should actually turn on auto-fill-mode by default in all major
  5703. ;; modes. The other way to do this is to turn on the fill for specific
  5704. ;; modes via hooks.
  5705. (setq auto-fill-mode 1)
  5706. ;; ===== Enable GPG encryption ========================================
  5707. (require 'epa)
  5708. (epa-file-enable)
  5709. #+END_SRC
  5710. *** Boot (uEnv.txt)
  5711. An example of the uEnv.txt file within the BOOT partition on the microSD card of the BBB.
  5712. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5713. ##These are needed to be compliant with Debian 2014-05-14 u-boot.
  5714. loadximage=load mmc 0:2 ${loadaddr} /boot/vmlinuz-${uname_r}
  5715. loadxfdt=load mmc 0:2 ${fdtaddr} /boot/dtbs/${uname_r}/${fdtfile}
  5716. loadxrd=load mmc 0:2 ${rdaddr} /boot/initrd.img-${uname_r}; setenv rdsize ${filesize}
  5717. loaduEnvtxt=load mmc 0:2 ${loadaddr} /boot/uEnv.txt ; env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize};
  5718. loadall=run loaduEnvtxt; run loadximage; run loadxrd; run loadxfdt;
  5719. mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=tty0 console=${console} ${optargs} ${cape_disable} ${cape_enable} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} ${cmdline}
  5720. uenvcmd=run loadall; run mmcargs; bootz ${loadaddr} ${rdaddr}:${rdsize} ${fdtaddr};
  5721. #+END_SRC
  5722. ** Messaging security
  5723. If you're connected to other friends via Friendica then the preferred way to send private messages is via Friendica's built-in messaging system. This is a lot more convenient than using GPG with ordinary email and yet still provides a similar level of protection from unwarranted interception.
  5724. ** Moving Domains
  5725. If you're moving servers and using a different domain name or path then you can search and replace URLs within files in the following way:
  5726. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5727. find /var/www/mynewdomain/htdocs -type f -exec sed -i 's@myolddomain@mynewdomain@g' {} \;
  5728. #+END_SRC
  5729. If you're moving the blog to a new domain then you will need to delete the lock file:
  5730. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5731. rm /var/www/
  5732. #+END_SRC
  5733. Then visit your blog and reinstall it. Your existing content will be unaffected but you will need to delete the welcome post which gets added and also re-select your chosen theme.
  5734. If you need to import blog posts from another blog then copy the *fp-content/content* directory from the old blog to the new blog, then within the admin panel select *maintain* and *rebuild index*.
  5735. ** MySql foo
  5736. *** Reset the root password
  5737. To reset the root password, or if mysql forgets its root password.
  5738. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5739. /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  5740. mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
  5741. mysql -u root
  5742. use mysql;
  5743. update user set password=PASSWORD("mynewpassword") where User='root';
  5744. flush privileges;
  5745. quit
  5746. /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  5747. /etc/init.d/mysql start
  5748. #+END_SRC
  5749. *** Repair and optimize databases
  5750. To check, repair and optimize the databases.
  5751. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5752. mysqlcheck -c -u root -p --all-databases
  5753. mysqlcheck -u root -p --auto-repair --all-databases
  5754. mysqlcheck -u root -p -o --all-databases
  5755. #+END_SRC
  5756. *** Backup all databases
  5757. To back up all mysql databases:
  5758. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5759. mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --events > /var/backups/databasebackup.sql
  5760. #+END_SRC
  5761. *** Restoring a particular mysql database
  5762. To restore yesterday's friendica backup:
  5763. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5764. mysql -u root -p friendica -o < /var/backups/friendica_daily.sql
  5765. #+END_SRC
  5766. To restore the webmail database:
  5767. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5768. mysql -u root -p roundcubemail -o < /var/backups/roundcubemail_daily.sql
  5769. #+END_SRC
  5770. To restore yesterday's Red Matrix backup:
  5771. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5772. mysql -u root -p redmatrix -o < /var/backups/redmatrix_daily.sql
  5773. #+END_SRC
  5774. *** Removing and reinstalling mysql server
  5775. Sometimes the mysql database may get completely messed up, and running /service mysql start/ may always fail with nothing reported in the logs. So if you manage to get into that unfortinate situation then you can fully remove mysql and reinstall it as follows:
  5776. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5777. ps aux | grep mysql
  5778. #+END_SRC
  5779. and use /kill -9 <pid>/ to kill all mysql processes.
  5780. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5781. apt-get remove --purge mysql\*
  5782. rm -rf /etc/mysql
  5783. rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
  5784. apt-get clean
  5785. updatedb
  5786. #+END_SRC
  5787. Reinstall mysql:
  5788. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5789. apt-get install mysql-server php5-common php5-cli php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-fpm php5-cgi php-apc
  5790. #+END_SRC
  5791. Then to recreate the Friendica and webmail databases:
  5792. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5793. mysql -p
  5794. create database friendica;
  5795. CREATE USER 'friendicaadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'myfriendicapassword';
  5796. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON friendica.* TO 'friendicaadmin'@'localhost';
  5797. create database roundcubemail;
  5798. CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'roundcubepassword';
  5799. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
  5800. quit
  5801. mysql -u root -p friendica -o < /var/backups/friendica_daily.sql
  5802. mysql -u root -p roundcubemail -o < /var/backups/roundcubemail_daily.sql
  5803. #+END_SRC
  5804. And if you previously had Red Matrix installed:
  5805. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5806. mysql -p
  5807. create database redmatrix;
  5808. CREATE USER 'redmatrixadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'myredmatrixpassword';
  5809. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmatrix.* TO 'redmatrixadmin'@'localhost';
  5810. quit
  5811. mysql -u root -p redmatrix -o < /var/backups/redmatrix_daily.sql
  5812. #+END_SRC
  5813. Since IMAP seems entangled with mysql it may also be necessary to reinstall Exim and Dovecot.
  5814. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5815. apt-get remove --purge exim4\*
  5816. #+END_SRC
  5817. Then follow the instructions in [[Install Email]], [[Spam filtering]] and [[Install Dovecot]].
  5818. ** Regenerating SSL certificates
  5819. If a security vulnerability arrises which requires you to regenerate your SSL certificates, such as [[]["heartbleed"]], then this can be done as follows:
  5820. Obtain the latest updates:
  5821. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5822. apt-get update
  5823. apt-get upgrade
  5824. #+END_SRC
  5825. Run *makecert <domain>* for each of your sites.
  5826. Recreate the XMPP certificate:
  5827. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5828. makecert xmpp
  5829. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/private/xmpp.key
  5830. chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.*
  5831. #+END_SRC
  5832. And regenerate the IRC server keys:
  5833. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5834. makecert ircd
  5835. mv /etc/ssl/private/ircd.key /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/
  5836. mv /etc/ssl/certs/ircd.crt /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/ircd.pem
  5837. mv /etc/ssl/certs/ircd.dhparam /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/dhparam.pem
  5838. chmod 640 /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl/*
  5839. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/ircd
  5840. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/services
  5841. chown -R ircserver:ircserver /home/ircserver/ircd/ssl
  5842. #+END_SRC
  5843. Regenerate email certificate.
  5844. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5845. makecert exim
  5846. mv /etc/ssl/private/exim.key /etc/exim4
  5847. mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.crt /etc/exim4
  5848. mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.dhparam /etc/exim4
  5849. chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
  5850. chmod 640 /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
  5851. #+END_SRC
  5852. As an added precaution you may wish to regenerate your ssh host keys:
  5853. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5854. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
  5855. dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
  5856. #+END_SRC
  5857. Then reboot the server with:
  5858. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5859. reboot
  5860. #+END_SRC
  5861. ** Example crontab file
  5862. This is an example of what your crontab file might look like, with the more frequently run tasks at the top. For the two most frequent tasks specific minutes within each hour are given and they're arranged to try to minimise the number of things running simultaneously.
  5863. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5864. # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
  5865. # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
  5866. # command to install the new version when you edit this file
  5867. # and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
  5868. # that none of the other crontabs do.
  5869. SHELL=/bin/sh
  5870. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
  5871. # m h dom mon dow user command
  5872. 10,20,30,40,50 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/dynamicdns && /usr/bin/spamfilter myusername
  5873. 15,35,55 * * * * root cd /var/www/mydomainname/htdocs; /usr/bin/timeout 240 /usr/bin/php include/poller.php
  5874. 17 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
  5875. 25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
  5876. 47 6 * * 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
  5877. 52 6 1 * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )
  5878. #+END_SRC
  5879. ** Using your own domain
  5880. Suppose that you have bought a domain name (rather than using a free subdomain on freedns) and you want to use that instead.
  5881. Remove any existing nameservers for your domain (or select "custom" nameservers), then add:
  5882. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5883. NS1.AFRAID.ORG
  5884. NS2.AFRAID.ORG
  5885. NS3.AFRAID.ORG
  5886. NS4.AFRAID.ORG
  5887. #+END_SRC
  5888. It might take a few minutes for the above change to take effect. Within freedns click on "Domains" and add your domains (this might only be available to paid members). Make sure that they're marked as "private".
  5889. Select "Subdomains" from the menu on the left then select the MX entry for your domain and change the destination to *10:mydomainname* rather than *10:mail.mydomainname*.
  5890. To route email to one of your freedns domains:
  5891. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5892. editor /etc/mailname
  5893. #+END_SRC
  5894. Add any extra domains which you own, then save and exit.
  5895. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5896. editor /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf
  5897. #+END_SRC
  5898. Within dc_other_hostnames add your extra domain names, separated by a colon ':' character.
  5899. Save and exit, then restart exim.
  5900. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5901. update-exim4.conf.template -r
  5902. update-exim4.conf
  5903. service exim4 restart
  5904. #+END_SRC
  5905. You should now be able to send an email from /postmaster@mynewdomainname/ and it should arrive in your inbox.
  5906. ** Obtaining an "official" SSL certificate
  5907. You can obtain a free "official" (as in recognised by default by web browsers) SSL certificate from [[][StartSSL]]. You will first need to have bought a domain name, since it's not possible to obtain one for a freedns subdomain, so see [[Using your own domain]] for details of how to do that. You should also have tested that you can send email to the domain and receive it on the BBB (via Mutt or any other email client).
  5908. When creating a SSL certificate it's important that the private key (the private component of the public/private pair in [[][public key cryptography]]) be generated on the BBB /and remain there/. Don't generate the private key via the StartSSL certificate wizard because this means that potentially they may retain a copy of it which could then be exfiltrated either via [[][Lavabit]] style methodology, "implants", compromised sysadmins or other "side channel" methods. So that the private key isn't broadcast on the internet we can instead generate a certificate request, which is really just a request for authorisation of a public key.
  5909. Firstly you should have a web server site configuration ready to go. See [[Setting up a web site]] for details.
  5910. Within StartSSL under the validations wizard validate your domain, which means sending an email to it and confirming a code.
  5911. Now we can generate the certificate request as follows.
  5912. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5913. export
  5914. openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key 2048
  5915. chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key
  5916. chmod 440 /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key
  5917. mkdir /etc/ssl/requests
  5918. #+END_SRC
  5919. Now make a certificate request as follows. You should copy and paste the whole of this, not just line by line.
  5920. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5921. openssl req -new -sha256 -key /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key -out /etc/ssl/requests/$HOSTNAME.csr
  5922. #+END_SRC
  5923. For the email address it's a good idea to use postmaster@mydomainname.
  5924. Use a random 20 character password, and keep a note of it. We'll remove this later.
  5925. View the request with:
  5926. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5927. cat /etc/ssl/requests/$HOSTNAME.csr
  5928. #+END_SRC
  5929. You can then click on "skip" within the StartSSL certificates wizard and copy and paste the encrypted request into the text entry box. A confirmation will be emailed back to you normally within a few hours.
  5930. Log into your StartSSL account and select *Retrieve Certificate* from the *Tool Box* tab. Copy the text.
  5931. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5932. editor /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt
  5933. #+END_SRC
  5934. Paste the public key, then save and exit. Then on the BBB.
  5935. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5936. mkdir /etc/ssl/roots
  5937. mkdir /etc/ssl/chains
  5938. wget "" --output-document="/etc/ssl/roots/"
  5939. wget "" --output-document="/etc/ssl/chains/"
  5940. wget "" --output-document="/etc/ssl/chains/"
  5941. wget "" --output-document="/etc/ssl/chains/"
  5942. ln -s "/etc/ssl/roots/" "/etc/ssl/roots/$"
  5943. ln -s "/etc/ssl/chains/" "/etc/ssl/chains/$"
  5944. cp "/etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt" "/etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt+chain+root"
  5945. test -e "/etc/ssl/chains/$" && cat "/etc/ssl/chains/$" >> "/etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt+chain+root"
  5946. test -e "/etc/ssl/roots/$" && cat "/etc/ssl/roots/$" >> "/etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt+chain+root"
  5947. #+END_SRC
  5948. To avoid any possibility of the certificates being accidentally overwritten by self-signed ones at a later date you can create backups.
  5949. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5950. mkdir /etc/ssl/backups
  5951. mkdir /etc/ssl/backups/certs
  5952. mkdir /etc/ssl/backups/private
  5953. cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME* /etc/ssl/backups/certs/
  5954. cp /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME* /etc/ssl/backups/private/
  5955. chmod -R 400 /etc/ssl/backups/certs/*
  5956. chmod -R 400 /etc/ssl/backups/private/*
  5957. #+END_SRC
  5958. Remove the certificate password, so if the server is rebooted then it won't wait indefinitely for a non-existant keyboard user to type in a password.
  5959. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5960. openssl rsa -in /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key -out /etc/ssl/private/$
  5961. cp /etc/ssl/private/$ /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key
  5962. shred -zu /etc/ssl/private/$
  5963. #+END_SRC
  5964. Create a bundled certificate which joins the certificate and chain file together.
  5965. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5966. cat /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt /etc/ssl/chains/ > /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.bundle.crt
  5967. #+END_SRC
  5968. And also add it to the overall bundle of certificates for the BBB. This will allow you to easily install the certificates onto other systems.
  5969. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5970. mkdir /etc/ssl/mycerts
  5971. cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.bundle.crt /etc/ssl/mycerts
  5972. cat /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt > /etc/ssl/freedombone-bundle.crt
  5973. tar -czvf /etc/ssl/freedombone-certs.tar.gz /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt
  5974. #+END_SRC
  5975. Edit your configuration file.
  5976. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5977. editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  5978. #+END_SRC
  5979. Add the following to the section which starts with *listen 443*
  5980. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5981. ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
  5982. #+END_SRC
  5983. Save and exit, then restart the web server.
  5984. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5985. service nginx restart
  5986. #+END_SRC
  5987. Now visit your web site at and you should notice that there is no certificate warning displayed. You will now be able to install systems which don't allow the use of self-signed certificates, such as [[][Red Matrix]].
  5988. * Deprecated
  5989. The following items have been deprecated until such time as a successful installation is achieved.
  5990. ** Gitlab
  5991. Install some dependencies:
  5992. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  5993. apt-get update -y
  5994. apt-get upgrade -y
  5995. apt-get install sudo -y
  5996. apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev curl openssh-server redis-server checkinstall libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libicu-dev logrotate git-core
  5997. #+END_SRC
  5998. Install bundler
  5999. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6000. gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
  6001. #+END_SRC
  6002. Create a user for running Gitlab.
  6003. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6004. adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'GitLab' git
  6005. #+END_SRC
  6006. Install mysql (it may already be installed).
  6007. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6008. apt-get install -y mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
  6009. mysql_secure_installation
  6010. mysql -u root -p
  6011. #+END_SRC
  6012. Enter the following commands, substituting /gitlabpassword/ with a password to be used for the Gitlab installation.
  6013. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6014. CREATE USER 'git'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'gitlabpassword';
  6015. SET storage_engine=INNODB;
  6016. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `gitlabhq_production` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci`;
  6017. GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON `gitlabhq_production`.* TO 'git'@'localhost';
  6018. quit
  6019. #+END_SRC
  6020. Obtain the code and install it.
  6021. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6022. cd /home/git
  6023. sudo -u git -H git clone -b 6-8-stable gitlab
  6024. cd /home/git/gitlab
  6025. sudo -u git -H cp /home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml.example /home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
  6026. sudo -u git -H editor /home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml
  6027. #+END_SRC
  6028. Set /host/ to your gitlab domain name, /port/ to 443 and /https/ to true, then save and exit.
  6029. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6030. chown -R git /home/git/gitlab/log/
  6031. chown -R git /home/git/gitlab/tmp/
  6032. chmod -R u+rwX /home/git/gitlab/log/
  6033. chmod -R u+rwX /home/git/gitlab/tmp/
  6034. sudo -u git -H mkdir /home/git/gitlab-satellites
  6035. chmod u+rwx,g+rx,o-rwx /home/git/gitlab-satellites
  6036. chmod -R u+rwX /home/git/gitlab/tmp/pids/
  6037. chmod -R u+rwX /home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/
  6038. chmod -R u+rwX /home/git/gitlab/public/uploads
  6039. sudo -u git -H cp /home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb.example /home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb
  6040. #sudo -u git -H editor /home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb
  6041. sudo -u git -H cp /home/git/gitlab/config/initializers/rack_attack.rb.example /home/git/gitlab/config/initializers/rack_attack.rb
  6042. sudo -u git -H git config --global "GitLab"
  6043. sudo -u git -H git config --global "gitlab@localhost"
  6044. sudo -u git -H git config --global core.autocrlf input
  6045. sudo -u git cp /home/git/gitlab/config/database.yml.mysql /home/git/gitlab/config/database.yml
  6046. sudo -u git -H chmod o-rwx /home/git/gitlab/config/database.yml
  6047. sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres aws
  6048. #+END_SRC
  6049. Fails here with:
  6050. /Could not find libv8- in any of the sources/
  6051. /Run `bundle install` to install missing gems./
  6052. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6053. sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:setup RAILS_ENV=production
  6054. sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:shell:install[v1.9.3] REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379
  6055. sudo -u git -H editor /home/git/gitlab-shell/config.yml
  6056. cp lib/support/init.d/gitlab /etc/init.d/gitlab
  6057. update-rc.d gitlab defaults 21
  6058. cp lib/support/logrotate/gitlab /etc/logrotate.d/gitlab
  6059. sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
  6060. sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
  6061. service gitlab start
  6062. #+END_SRC
  6063. Set up the Apache configuration.
  6064. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6065. cp lib/support/apache/gitlab /etc/apache2/sites-available/mygitlabdomain
  6066. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/mygitlabdomain
  6067. #+END_SRC
  6068. Set your domain name and email accordingly.
  6069. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6070. a2ensite mygitlabdomain
  6071. #+END_SRC
  6072. ** Monkeysphere
  6073. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6074. aptitude install monkeysphere
  6075. aptitude install msva-perl
  6076. aptitude install xul-ext-monkeysphere
  6077. export
  6078. monkeysphere-host import-key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ssh://$HOSTNAME
  6079. monkeysphere-host publish-key
  6080. #+END_SRC
  6081. ** Diaspora
  6082. First install some dependencies:
  6083. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6084. aptitude install build-essential libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev imagemagick git-core redis-server curl libmysqlclient-dev libmagickwand-dev librtmp-dev libgnutls-dev libp11-kit-dev libp11-kit0 curl gawk libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev sqlite3 libgdbm-dev libffi-dev
  6085. #+END_SRC
  6086. If there is trouble with dependencies select 'n' then 'y' to the solution.
  6087. Create a diaspora user.
  6088. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6089. adduser --disabled-login diaspora
  6090. su diaspora
  6091. cd ~/
  6092. curl -L | bash
  6093. echo "[[ -s \"$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\"" >> ~/.bashrc
  6094. . ~/.bashrc
  6095. rvm autolibs read-only
  6096. rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p481
  6097. git clone
  6098. cd diaspora
  6099. #+END_SRC
  6100. Select 'y' to trust /home/diaspora/diaspora/.rvmrc
  6101. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6102. cp config/diaspora.yml.example config/diaspora.yml
  6103. editor config/diaspora.yml
  6104. #+END_SRC
  6105. Set *url* to
  6106. Set *certificate_authorities* to */etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt*
  6107. Set *require_ssl* to *true*
  6108. Set *single_process_mode* to *false*
  6109. Set *port* to 3001
  6110. Set *rails_environment* to 'production'.
  6111. Set *pod_name* to the name of your pod.
  6112. Set *enable_registrations* to *true*.
  6113. Set *autofollow_on_join* to *false*
  6114. Under *captcha* set *enable* to *false*
  6115. Under *invitations* set *open* to *true*
  6116. Set *bitcoin_address* if you wish to accept donations.
  6117. Under *mail* set *enable* to *true*
  6118. Set *sender_address* to
  6119. Set *method* to *sendmail*
  6120. Set *exim_fix* to true.
  6121. Under *admins* set *account* to your username
  6122. Under *admins* set *podmin_email* to your email address
  6123. Save and exit.
  6124. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6125. RAILS_ENV=production bundle install --without test development
  6126. #+END_SRC
  6127. This will take quite a while to install.
  6128. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6129. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load
  6130. bundle exec rake assets:precompile
  6131. #+END_SRC
  6132. Alter the Apache configuration.
  6133. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6134. exit
  6135. export
  6136. editor /etc/apache2/sites-available/$HOSTNAME
  6137. #+END_SRC
  6138. Delete anything which already exists and add the following:
  6139. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6140. <VirtualHost *:80>
  6141. ServerName
  6142. ServerAlias
  6143. RedirectPermanent /
  6144. </VirtualHost>
  6145. <VirtualHost *:443>
  6146. ServerName
  6147. ServerAlias
  6148. DocumentRoot /home/diaspora/diaspora/public
  6149. RewriteEngine On
  6150. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^mydiasporadomainname\.com [NC]
  6151. RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://mydiasporadomainname\.com/$1 [L,R,QSA]
  6152. RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  6153. RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://upstream%{REQUEST_URI} [P,QSA,L]
  6154. <Proxy balancer://upstream>
  6155. BalancerMember
  6156. </Proxy>
  6157. ProxyRequests Off
  6158. ProxyVia On
  6159. ProxyPreserveHost On
  6160. RequestHeader set X_FORWARDED_PROTO https
  6161. <Proxy *>
  6162. # Apache < 2.4
  6163. Order allow,deny
  6164. Allow from all
  6165. # Apache >= 2.4
  6166. #Require all granted
  6167. </Proxy>
  6168. <Directory /home/diaspora/diaspora/public>
  6169. Options -MultiViews
  6170. # Apache < 2.4
  6171. Allow from all
  6172. AllowOverride all
  6173. # Apache >= 2.4
  6174. #Require all granted
  6175. </Directory>
  6176. SSLEngine On
  6177. SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/
  6178. SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/
  6179. # maybe not needed, need for example for startssl to point to a local
  6180. # copy of
  6181. SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/chains/
  6182. # Based on - consider as global configuration
  6183. SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
  6185. SSLHonorCipherOrder on
  6186. SSLCompression off
  6187. </VirtualHost>
  6188. #+END_SRC
  6189. Save and exit.
  6190. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6191. editor /usr/bin/rundiaspora
  6192. #+END_SRC
  6193. Add the following.
  6194. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6195. #!/bin/sh
  6196. USERNAME=diaspora
  6197. COMMAND="cd /home/$USERNAME/diaspora; /bin/sh /home/$USERNAME/diaspora/script/server > /home/$USERNAME/diaspora.log"
  6198. su -l $USERNAME -c '$COMMAND'
  6199. #+END_SRC
  6200. Save and exit.
  6201. Create an init script:
  6202. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6203. chmod +x /usr/bin/rundiaspora
  6204. editor /etc/init.d/diaspora
  6205. #+END_SRC
  6206. Add the following.
  6207. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6208. #!/bin/bash
  6209. # /etc/init.d/diaspora
  6210. ### BEGIN INIT INFO
  6211. # Provides: diaspora
  6212. # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
  6213. # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
  6214. # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
  6215. # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
  6216. # Short-Description: starts diaspora
  6217. # Description: Starts Diaspora.
  6218. ### END INIT INFO
  6219. # Author: Bob Mottram <>
  6220. #Settings
  6221. SERVICE='diaspora'
  6222. HISTORY=1024
  6223. USERNAME='diaspora'
  6224. COMMAND="rundiaspora"
  6225. NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19
  6226. INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}"
  6227. PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin'
  6228. diaspora_start() {
  6229. echo -n $"Starting $SERVICE service"
  6230. screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}
  6231. # su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
  6232. # su -l $USERNAME -c "$COMMAND"
  6233. # RETVAL=$?
  6234. echo
  6235. }
  6236. diaspora_stop() {
  6237. echo -n $"Stopping $SERVICE service"
  6238. screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"
  6239. # su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
  6240. # su -l $USERNAME -c "/home/$USERNAME/diaspora/script/server"
  6241. # RETVAL=$?
  6242. echo
  6243. }
  6244. #Start-Stop here
  6245. case "$1" in
  6246. start)
  6247. diaspora_start
  6248. ;;
  6249. stop)
  6250. diaspora_stop
  6251. ;;
  6252. restart)
  6253. diaspora_stop
  6254. diaspora_start
  6255. ;;
  6256. *)
  6257. echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  6258. exit 1
  6259. ;;
  6260. esac
  6261. exit 0
  6262. #+END_SRC
  6263. Save and exit.
  6264. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6265. chmod +x /etc/init.d/diaspora
  6266. update-rc.d diaspora defaults
  6267. service diaspora start
  6268. #+END_SRC
  6269. Now enable the site:
  6270. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
  6271. a2enmod ssl
  6272. a2enmod rewrite
  6273. a2enmod headers
  6274. a2enmod proxy
  6275. a2enmod proxy_connect
  6276. a2enmod proxy_http
  6277. a2enmod proxy_balancer
  6278. a2ensite $HOSTNAME
  6279. service apache2 restart
  6280. #+END_SRC
  6281. * Related projects
  6282. * [[][ArkOS]]
  6283. * [[][Freedombox]]
  6284. * [[][Mail-in-a-Box]]
  6285. * [[][Sandstorm]]
  6286. * [[][Sovereign]]