freedombone-utils-selector.json 838B

  1. {
  2. "${a}": "${a}",
  3. "Removing application: ${a}": "Removing application: ${a}",
  4. "${a} was removed": "${a} was removed",
  5. "Upgrading application from interactive: ${a}": "Upgrading application from interactive: ${a}",
  6. "${a} was upgraded from interactive": "${a} was upgraded from interactive",
  7. "Installing application from interactive: ${a}": "Installing application from interactive: ${a}",
  8. "${a} was installed from interactive": "${a} was installed from interactive",
  9. "Upgrading application: ${a}": "Upgrading application: ${a}",
  10. "${a} was upgraded": "${a} was upgraded",
  11. "Installing application: ${a}": "Installing application: ${a}",
  12. "${a} was installed": "${a} was installed",
  13. "${a} has been removed and so will not be reinstalled": "${a} has been removed and so will not be reinstalled"
  14. }