printf '\n######################\n\nSTIG-ID:RHEL-06-000281\n\nVulnerability Discussion: The hash on important files like audit system executables should match the information given by the packages. Audit executables with erroneous hashes could be a sign of nefarious activity on the system.\n\nFix text: In Debian there is directly way to get the package\047s hash and change it.\n\nThere\047s one way to use :\n\n#aptitude download auditd\n\nTo dowanload the package\047s file and use dpkg -c <package.deb> to extract it and use sha512sum to get the origin hash and compare with the current hash and change it manually\n\n' >> $LOG
printf '\n######################\n\nSTIG-ID:RHEL-06-000281\n\nVulnerability Discussion: The hash on important files like audit system executables should match the information given by the packages. Audit executables with erroneous hashes could be a sign of nefarious activity on the system.\n\nFix text: In Debian there is directly way to get the package\047s hash and change it.\n\nThere\047s one way to use :\n\n#aptitude download auditd\n\nTo dowanload the package\047s file and use dpkg -c <package.deb> to extract it and use sha512sum to get the origin hash and compare with the current hash and change it manually\n\n' >> $LOG