Преглед на файлове

Improve setup description

Bob Mottram преди 8 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 18 реда и са изтрити 6 реда
  1. 18

+ 18
- 6
doc/EN/homeserver.org Целия файл

@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ password: freedombone
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 If you're installing from a microSD card on a single board computer without a screen and keyboard attached then you can ssh into it with:
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 #+begin_src bash
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 ssh fbone@freedombone.local -p 2222
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@@ -95,27 +94,40 @@ Using the initial password "/freedombone/".
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 You will then be shown a new randomly generated password. It's *very important* that you write this down somewhere before going further, because you'll need this to log in later.
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-You'll be asked to set a username and a "real" name (or nickname), then the rest of the installation will be automatic. Again, it takes a while, so go and do something less boring instead.
+You'll be asked to set a username and a "real" name (or nickname), then the rest of the installation will be automatic. Again, it takes a while, so go and do something less boring instead. At the end of the base install you can also choose to install specific apps, but if you want to do that later then just press Enter.
+When it's installed on your local system open a terminal and verify the ssh server key hash with:
+#+begin_src bash
+freedombone-client --verify
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-When it's installed on your local system open a terminal and run:
+This will show the hash code for the public ssh key of the Freedombone system. Open another terminal window then run:
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 #+begin_src bash
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 ssh myusername@freedombone.local -p 2222
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-Use the password you wrote down earlier to log in.
+Use the password you wrote down earlier to log in. Select the *administrator control panel* with up and down cursor keys, space bar and enter key. You should see something like this, and you might need to re-enter your password.
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-Select the *administrator control panel* with up and down cursor keys, space bar and enter key. You might need to re-enter your password. Then select *About*. You'll see a list of sites and their onion addresses.
+Then select *About*. You'll see a list of sites and their onion addresses.
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-On your local system open a *Tor compatible browser* and enter your blog's onion address. If it's all working then you should see your new blog.
+The About screen contains the ssh server public key hashes and you can compare the relevant one with the previous terminal window to verify that they're the same. If they're not then you might have a /machine-in-the-middle/ snooping on you.
+You have now confirmed a secure connection. Probably. If you're still sceptical then you can power off the system, remove the microSD card and manually check the public keys within the /etc/ssh directory on the drive.
+Press any key to exit from the About screen. You can then select *Add/Remove apps* and add whatever applications you wish to run. Note that some apps will only run on x86 systems, but most will install and run on ARM single board computers.
+Once your apps have installed you can go back to the About screen, pick an onion address and try it within a Tor compatible browser.
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 *Congratulations! You have now become a citizen of the free internet.*
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