-An emphasis of the Freedombone project is the protection of private communications from indiscriminate mass surveillance, otherwise known as "/bulk intercept/" or "/warrantless wiretapping/". With only a few exceptions data entering and leaving the system is encrypted using settings recommended by [[https://bettercrypto.org][bettercrypto.org]]. Stored emails are encrypted such that only someone knowing your GPG password can read them and a GPG key is created automatically if you don't already have one. The system is firewalled with only the necessary ports being opened. Exclusively [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software][free software]] is used so that all of it can potentially be security audited and proprietary repositaries are disabled by default. There are still numerous security problems with the internet in general and software always contains bugs, but a best attempt has been made to ensure that the Freedombone is at least more secure than average.
+An emphasis of the Freedombone project is the protection of private communications from indiscriminate mass surveillance, otherwise known as "/bulk intercept/" or "/warrantless wiretapping/". With only a few exceptions data entering and leaving the system is encrypted using settings recommended by [[https://bettercrypto.org][bettercrypto.org]]. Stored emails are encrypted such that only someone knowing your GPG password can read them and a GPG key is created automatically if you don't already have one. The system is firewalled with only the necessary ports being opened. Exclusively [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software][free software]] is used so that all of it can potentially be security audited and proprietary repositaries are disabled by default. There are still numerous security problems with the internet in general and software always contains bugs, but a best attempt has been made to ensure that the Freedombone is at least more secure than average. A limitation is that this system will not protect you from metadata analysis, although it is hoped that new types of email system may be able to do that in future.