At present Github is useful just because of the sheer number of eyeballs and the easy discoverability of projects via search.
At present Github is useful just because of the sheer number of eyeballs and the easy discoverability of projects via search.
The source code for this project is experimentally independently hosted, and it is expected that in future the main development will shift over to an independent site, maybe with mirrors on Github if it still exists in a viable form.
The source code for this project is experimentally independently hosted, and it is expected that in future the main development will shift over to an independent site, maybe with mirrors on Github if it still exists in a viable form.
+Currently many of the repositories used for applications which are not yet packaged for Debian are on Github, and to provide some degree of resilliance against depending too much upon that it's possible to use [[./mirrors.html][mirrors stored on another server]].
* Why can't I access my .onion site with a Tor browser?
* Why can't I access my .onion site with a Tor browser?
By default the Tor browser has [[https://www.eff.org/HTTPS-everywhere][https everywhere]] enabled and this can clash with onion addresses. Really this is a browser bug, which ought to be fixed. If you notice that "https" has been automatically prepended to your onion address then go to the https everywhere settings and disable it. https isn't needed for ontion sites since onion services already have their own public key encryption (the onion address is the public key).
By default the Tor browser has [[https://www.eff.org/HTTPS-everywhere][https everywhere]] enabled and this can clash with onion addresses. Really this is a browser bug, which ought to be fixed. If you notice that "https" has been automatically prepended to your onion address then go to the https everywhere settings and disable it. https isn't needed for ontion sites since onion services already have their own public key encryption (the onion address is the public key).
* What is the best hardware to run this system on?
* What is the best hardware to run this system on?