-With the right technology the internet can be a space for free expression, exploration, cooperation, learning and fun. A place to connect with others are share experiences. It doesn't have to be a gloomy surveillance prison owned and run by a diabolical synthesis of money-grabbing megacorporations and prurient government spooks. Freedombone is designed to help you escape from the walled gardens and to increase your online autonomy. It's a self-hosted home server configuration which can be installed onto any computer capable of running Debian, so if you have an old laptop or netbook which you can leave turned on then you can use Freedombone to provide your own internet services, such as blogging, wiki, email, chat and social networking and have independence from the well known internet companies.
+With the right technology the internet can be a space for free expression, exploration, cooperation, learning and fun. A place to connect with others are share experiences. It doesn't have to be a gloomy surveillance prison owned and run by a diabolical synthesis of money-grabbing megacorporations and prurient government spooks. Freedombone is designed to help you surmount the contemporary digital privacy conundrums and to increase your online autonomy. It's a self-hosted home server configuration which can be installed onto any computer capable of running Debian, so if you have an old laptop or netbook which you can leave turned on then you can use Freedombone to provide your own internet services, such as blogging, wiki, email, chat and social networking and have independence from the well known internet companies.
-This is personal or family scale computing, but with the ability to federate and create a global /community controlled/ communications infrastructure.
+This is personal or family scale computing, but with the ability to federate and help to collectively construct a global /community controlled infrastructure/.
#+ATTR_HTML: :border -1
#+ATTR_HTML: :border -1
| [[./variants.html][Variants]] | [[./installation.html][Installation]] | [[./usage.html][How to use it]] | [[file:backups.html][Backups]] | [[./code.html][Code]] | [[./related.html][Related Projects]] | [[file:faq.html][FAQ]] | [[file:support.html][Contact/Support]] | [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html][License]] |
| [[./variants.html][Variants]] | [[./installation.html][Installation]] | [[./usage.html][How to use it]] | [[file:backups.html][Backups]] | [[./code.html][Code]] | [[./related.html][Related Projects]] | [[file:faq.html][FAQ]] | [[file:support.html][Contact/Support]] | [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html][License]] |
"With the increasing move of our computing to cloud infrastructures, we give up the control of our computing to the managers of those infrastructures. Our terminals (laptops, desktops) might now be running entirely on Free Software, but this is increasingly irrelevant given that most of what actually matters gets executed on a remote closed system that we don’t control. The Free Software community needs to work to help users keep the control of all their computing, by developing suitable alternatives and facilitating their deployment." -- Lucas Nussbaum
"With the increasing move of our computing to cloud infrastructures, we give up the control of our computing to the managers of those infrastructures. Our terminals (laptops, desktops) might now be running entirely on Free Software, but this is increasingly irrelevant given that most of what actually matters gets executed on a remote closed system that we don’t control. The Free Software community needs to work to help users keep the control of all their computing, by developing suitable alternatives and facilitating their deployment." -- Lucas Nussbaum
-Today everyone is concerned about privacy on the internet. Wanting privacy doesn't necessarily mean you have "something to hide". It just means having the ability to choose /what information to share, with whom and under what conditions/ and therefore being able to shape your own life story. The loss of ability to choose via the "involuntary sharing" which many people experience when using communications systems built by the well known internet companies, means that you're no longer really running your own affairs and that others may begin to exert an improper amount of influence over you.
+Today everyone is concerned about privacy on the internet. Wanting privacy doesn't necessarily mean you have "something to hide". It just means having the ability to choose /what information to share, with whom and under what conditions/ and therefore being able to shape your own life story. The loss of ability to choose via the "involuntary sharing" which many people experience when using communications systems built by the well known internet companies, means that you're no longer really running your own affairs and that others may begin to exert an improper amount of influence over you. Mass surveillance is perhaps the ultimate in involuntary sharing and it's only through the use of freedom respecting software together with a solid determination to overcome this kind of abuse of technology that we can hope to get to the kind of internet which we want.