FREEDNS_MESSAGE=$"Please enter the FreeDNS code for this domain.\n\nThe code can be found by going to https://freedns.afraid.org, selecting 'Dynamic DNS' and then opening 'Wget example'. The code will consist of letters and numbers and be between the ? and = characters."
FREEDNS_MESSAGE=$"Please enter the FreeDNS code for this domain.\n\nThe code can be found by going to https://freedns.afraid.org, selecting 'Dynamic DNS' and then opening 'Wget example'. The code will consist of letters and numbers and be between the ? and = characters."
dialog --title $"Freedombone" --msgbox $"Welcome to the Freedombone interactive installer. Communications freedom is only a short time away.\n\nEnsure that you have your domain and dynamic DNS settings ready.\n\nFor more information please visit $FREEDOMBONE_WEBSITE or send a Bitmessage to $FREEDOMBONE_BITMESSAGE" 15 50
dialog --title $"Freedombone" --msgbox $"Welcome to the Freedombone interactive installer. Communications freedom is only a short time away.\n\nEnsure that you have your domain and dynamic DNS settings ready.\n\nFor more information please visit $FREEDOMBONE_WEBSITE or send a Bitmessage to $FREEDOMBONE_BITMESSAGE" 15 50