SMAM (short for Send Me A Mail) is a free (as in freedom) contact form embedding software.
Brendan Abolivier 70e6db6248
Commented custom fields
8 年 前
front Commented custom fields 8 年 前
init/linux-systemd Fixed systemd service 8 年 前
locales Added translations 8 年 前
.gitignore Moved template as example 8 年 前
LICENSE Set licens to GPLv3 8 年 前 Adding the labels setting 8 年 前
package.json Bump to 2.0.0 8 年 前
server.js Commented custom fields 8 年 前
settings.example.json Adding the labels setting 8 年 前
template.example.pug Moved template as example 8 年 前

SMAM (Send Me A Mail)

Always wanted to implement a contact form in your website and/or portfolio, but don't want to busy yourself with something too complex (mail sending in PHP, for example, is a complete mess)? Here's a miracle solution for ya! Just run the nodemailer-based app, include a JavaScript file in your HTML page, and you're all set :wink:

Install and run

Just clone this repository, edit the settings.json file (described below) and run the server:

git clone
cd smam
npm install
npm start

The default port will be set to 1970, but you can set the one you want by using an environment variable:

PORT=8080 npm start

Same goes with the host. Without further instructions, the server will listen on, which means it will accept every connection, whatever the source. You can override this by using the HOST environment variable:

HOST= npm start

So, if we want our server to only listen to requests from its host, on the 8080 port, we'll start the server like this:

HOST= PORT=8080 npm start

Obviously, you'll need Node.js and NPM (or any Node.js package manager) to run the app. As we're launching a webserver (which will serve the necessary files and process the mail sending requests), this app will run continuously. One good practice would be to run it as a daemon (in a systemd service, for example).


First, include the script in your HTML page's header:

    <script src="http://www.example.tld:1970/form.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Then, add an empty <form> tag to your page's body. It must have an ID. Now, pass this ID to the generateForm() function in a <script> block, as such:

    <form id="smam"></form>
    <script type="text/javascript">


First, you must rename the settings.example.conf into settings.conf, and edit it. You'll find yourself in front of a file with this structure:

    "mailserver": {
        "pool": true,
        "host": "mail.example.tld",
        "port": 465,
        "secure": true,
        "auth": {
            "user": "noreply@noreply.tld",
            "pass": "hackme"
    "recipients": [
    "formOrigin": "https://example.tld",
    "language": "en",
    "labels": true

The mailserver section is the set of parameters which will be passed to nodemailer's transporter initialisation, describing the output mail server and following the same structure as the option object in nodemailer's SMTP configuration section. Please head there to have the full list of parameters.

The recipients section is an array containing the e-mail addresses any message sent via the form will be sent to. Just write down the form's recipient(s)'s addresse(s).

The formOrigin part is a string containing the origin of the page you'll include the contact form into. This allows SMAM to work with the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) security most browser use. For more info on how to fill this field, and what is an origin, please give a look at the MDN's definition.

The language string tells SMAM in which language you want your form served. Possible values are all the files in locales/'s names (without the .json). To create your own translation, please read the section below.

Finally, the labels setting is a boolean to set whether or not labels will be displayed in the <form></form> block. If set to false, the form will still display the front-end strings ("Your name", "Your e-mail address"...), but only as placeholders in the text fields. If set to true, the said strings will appear as text fields' placeholders but also as labels outside of the fields. If not set, defaults to true.


Each e-mail sent by the form follows a template described in template.pug (it's Pug). If you want to change the way the e-mails you receive are displayed in your mailbox, just edit it! You don't even need to restart the server aftewards :smile:


As you might have already seen, the contact form is generated without any form of style except your browser's default one. But that doesn't meen that you have to add an ugly form to your site to receive contact e-mails, as every element has a specific id (beginning with the form_ prefix), allowing you to use your own style on your contact form.

The generated form will look like this:

<p id="form_status"></p>
<div id="form_name">
    <label for="form_name_input">Your name</label>
    <input required="required" placeholder="Your name" id="form_name_input" type="text">
<div id="form_addr">
    <label for="form_addr_input">Your e-mail address</label>
    <input required="required" placeholder="Your e-mail address" id="form_addr_input" type="email">
<div id="form_subj">
    <label for="form_subj_input">Your message's subject</label>
    <input required="required" placeholder="Your message's subject" id="form_subj_input" type="text">
<div id="form_text">
    <label for="form_text_textarea">Your message</label>
    <textarea required="required" placeholder="Your message" id="form_text_textarea"></textarea>
<div id="form_subm">
    <button type="submit" id="form_subm_btn">Send the mail</button>

Now it's all yours to make good use of all these identifiers and have a magnificient contact form :wink:

I think that the code in itself is clear enough, if not please tell me so I can detail everything here!


Right now, SMAM is only available in French and English. If you want to implement your own language, you can do so by creating a new file in the locales/ directory, named following your language's identifier with the .json extension (en.json for exemple). You can then have a look at the strings in en.json, copy them and translate them in your language. To use this translation, just set the language field (in your settings file) to your language's identifier.

As I don't speak all languages, pull requests with new languages are more than welcome! You'd be sharing your knowledge with the whole community and help more people using SMAM around the world :smile:


If you like this project and want to help, there's many way to do it.

  • Suggest new features in an issue
  • Report every bug or inconvenience you encountered during this software in the issues
  • Pick up an issue and fix it by submitting a pull request
  • Implement a new database driver
  • Start implementing a new feature you'd like to use in the software*

* Before you start implementing anything, please make sure to create an issue about it if one hasn't been created yet. If I don't want to see your idea in SMAM (even if it's quite unlikely), it can be frustrating to you to have been working hard on someting for nothing.

Get in touch

If you want to talk with me in person about SMAM, you can contact me in different ways: