var sites_url = "" var sites = {} var domain_regexp = /:\/\/(www\.)?([^\/]+)\// // Retrieve the list of mirrors function getSitesAndMirrors() { $.getJSON(sites_url).done(function(data) {{"sites": data}) }) } // Get the URL on the current tab function getCurrentTabUrl(callback) { var queryInfo = { active: true, currentWindow: true }; chrome.tabs.query(queryInfo, function(tabs) { var tab = tabs[0]; var url = tab.url; console.assert(typeof url == 'string', 'tab.url should be a string'); callback(url); }); } // Check if the URL on the current tab is bound to a list of mirrors. If so, // indicate it to the user by turning the icon red. function updateTab() { getCurrentTabUrl(function(url) {"sites", function(sites){ sites = sites.sites if(url.match(domain_regexp)) { // Skipping detection for about:* pages let domain = url.match(domain_regexp).slice(-1)[0] if(domain in sites) { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: 'rsc/icon-red.png'}) } else { chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: 'rsc/icon.png'}) } } }) }) } // Run the updateTab() function on tab switch (Ctrl+Tab), creation or target // update chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(updateTab) chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(updateTab) // Fetch the list of mirrors on startup getSitesAndMirrors()