bdd = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db", $user, $pass); $this->bdd->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } /* Exemple de $options : $options = array( "where" => array( array("foo", "=", "bar"), array("blbl", ">", 5) ), "order by" => array("foo", "desc"), "limit" => array(0, 10) // Ou array(10) ); */ function Select($fields, $tables, $options = array()) { $request = "SELECT $fields FROM $tables "; $arrayVerif = array(); foreach($options as $name=>$value) { if(($upName = strtoupper($name)) == "WHERE") { $whereClause = " $upName "; foreach($value as $array) { if(sizeof($array) != 3) { throw new Exception('wrong_arg_nmbr_where'); } $whereClause .= $array[0]." ".$array[1]." :".$array[0]." AND "; $arrayVerif[":".$array[0]] = $array[2]; } $request .= substr($whereClause, 0, -5); } else if(($upName = strtoupper($name)) == "ORDER BY") { if(sizeof($value) != 2 && substr($value[0], -2) != "()") { throw new Exception('wrong_arg_nmbr_order_by'); } $request .= " ".$upName." ".implode(' ', $value); } else if(($upName = strtoupper($name)) == "LIMIT") { if(sizeof($value) == 1) { // La colonne "limit" ne contient qu'un nombre de champs $request .= " $upName ".$value[0]; } else if(sizeof($value) == 2) { // La colonne "limit" contient un index de départ et un nombre de champs $request .= " $upName ".$value[0].",".$value[1]; } else { throw new Exception('wrong_arg_numbr_limit'); } } else { throw new Exception('unknown_arg'); } } $stmt = $this->bdd->prepare($request); if($stmt->execute($arrayVerif)) { return $stmt->fetchAll(); } else { return null; } } function Insert($table, $values) { $request = "INSERT INTO $table("; $valeurs = "VALUES("; $arrayVerif = array(); foreach($values as $name=>$value) { $request .= $name.","; $valeurs .= "?,"; array_push($arrayVerif, $value); } $request = substr($request, 0, -1).") ".substr($valeurs, 0, -1).")"; $stmt = $this->bdd->prepare($request); $stmt->execute($arrayVerif); } function Update($table, $update) { $request = "UPDATE $table SET "; $arrayVerif = array(); foreach($update['set'] as $name=>$value) { $request .= $name."=?,"; array_push($arrayVerif, $value); } $request = substr($request, 0, -1)." WHERE "; foreach($update['where'] as $value) { $request .= $value[0].$value[1]."? AND "; array_push($arrayVerif, $value[2]); } $request = substr($request, 0, -5); $stmt = $this->bdd->prepare($request); $stmt->execute($arrayVerif); } function beginTransaction() { $this->bdd->beginTransaction(); } function commit() { $this->bdd->commit(); } }